Lowering a 280z
Yes, i kept the bump stops. Cutting the springs was perfect for this car.
Lowering a 280z
I decided to cut one coil off each of the springs. In combination with the Tokico struts, the car rides great, no bottoming and at the desired ride height. For a bonus, it was easier to install. Less spring to compress and shove into the strut well.
Lowering a 280z
I have two Z's. A 240 (the one in the pic) and a 280. The 240 is the race car with Eibachs and Tokico adjustables. The 280 is the cruiser. Tokico non-adjustable and softer stock springs. Just dont like the car being so high off the ground.
Lowering a 280z
I want to lower my 280z using the original springs. I want a softer ride than the Eibachs but a lower stance. Ill be using Tokico struts. Question is how much will it lower the car if i cut one coil? What about 2 coils? Any one have feed back with this?
Spanish Z car ad.
Thought youd might like this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1pLfowWerc
Mr. Matsuo on MotoMan..
Dont forget, there is a second video on motomantv. Its called, "What do Z's and sharks have in common?". Check that one out too. If you have TiVo, you can get both on "Video on Demand".
Anyone in South San Jose, Ca willing to come by with a 240z I can use for reference?
I might be able to helo you. What part of San Jose are you? Have you tried the "Z Garage" off 1st St?
Dash Lights
One more thing. Inf, i took your advice and ordered from PlanetBulb. Will see how it works for me.
Dash Lights
I have noted that Motorsports customer service has gone downhill. Use to be very friendly on the phone and would make recomendations. Now they sound dry and lifeless. Just take my order and thats it. With just a little more interaction, they could be selling more products.
Dash Lights
How did you change the bulbs in the smaller gauges? Did you go from under the dash or did you remove the tach and go through that hole? Im having a hell of a time reaching the plug. I cant get the new (Motorsport) bulbs pushed into the socket.
72 240 Z door weatherstrips
Sounds like there is no perfect weatherstripping. I just completed installing new weatherstripping around both doors. I got the OEM style from Motorsport. The U-channel and rubber are one piece. Very easy to install, less than 3 min each side. Yes, they are tight. Yes, i had to adjust the door striker. Yes, i have to use a little more force to shut the door. Im sure over a period of time the rubber will seat and the door will close easier.
new guy from san francisco
Im across the bay also.
VW GLI Recaro
You could buy seat adaptors from a Recaro dealer specificaly made for the Z. I didnt go that route. I used the original Z sliders and built my own frame out of aluminium for the Recaros. Took some time but worth it since it retains the stock look and feel.
A little brake system help please...
Are the calipers in the correct position/side? Meaning are the bleeder valves at the top of the caliper. If reversed with the valve on the bottom, no matter how much you bleed them, there is a BIG air pocket at the top. I did that mistake...once.
correct speedo cable?
Yes i had just a little so i filed it down smooth. Fits into the rear of the speedo firmly.