New factory Datsun Z door identifictation
Thanks for the info So the door is a 300zx Z31? thanks Dan
New factory Datsun Z door identifictation
I had this door for several years and it's a new factory never installed door. I belive its for a 2+2 but I am unsure if its for a 280zx or 300zx any help would be appreciated. thanks. The first photo with the meausring tape measures 51"
SU Carb Identificaton Help
Hi Victor Thanks for the info. Here is a picture of both of the carbs and the throat size is 1.5 Thanks Dan
SU Carb Identificaton Help
Hi Bruce thanks for your input. I posted another picture of the pair of them in this forum and they look very similar to an HS4 Thanks Dan
SU Carb Identificaton Help
Hi michael I vistited your page and the AUD52 MGB 62-63 HS4 photo you have looks a lot like the SU's I have the throat on my carbs are 1.5 Here is another picture of both carbs Thanks Dan
Datsun wheel identification help
Hi again Jim Thanks again for the info. I live in Michigan (in the tip of the thumb) Dan
Datsun wheel identification help
Hi Jim Thanks for the information you have given me so far it's been a great help. Dan
Datsun wheel identification help
Hi I have a set of Datsun wheels part number (Nissan 40300R4671) I heard these wheels originally came off a skyline or roadster any info would be greatly appreciated.
SU Carb Identificaton Help
This carb was upside down when I took the photo. The two photos though is the same carburetor and is showing the front and back side view of it. I have two of these carburetors plus the fuel lines to link them together.
SU Carb Identificaton Help
But I doubt they have never been used. Look at the side of the piston. Looks like the usual accumulation from gasoline. The side of the piston is accumulated with dust. These have been setting on a shelf for a long period of time
SU Carb Identificaton Help
I have two (dual) SU carburetors but, I cannot find any part/model number on the SU's to identify what they are for. I posted a few pictures in hope that someone can recognize them for me. These SU's are new and never mounted. Thanks for your help drdufty@midmich.net
Su identification help
Does anybody recognize this SU carburetor or could you tell me where I can find the part/model number. Thanks drdufty@midmich.net
Su identification help
Does anybody recognize this SU carburetor or could you tell me where I can find the part/model number. Thanks drdufty@midmich.net
240K's X 3 plus Prince Gloria at outer Sydney Wreckers
Does anybody know where these Nissan 40300-R4671 wheels were origiinally mounted on? I have a set of them but do not know what they were originally on. I heard maybe a skyline or roadster. Any info woud be greatly appreciated. drdufty@midmich.net