Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
I gave up. It breaks my heart but I couldn't continue. It was sold for $100. Now I hope so much the buyer does good with it. At least, I can no longer think about it or what to do with it. I was a bit obsessed. Thanks for all your help. I learned a lot. Bill
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
Hello, A few months have past. I am still sitting while the car is also just sitting. I am wondering whether to hang in hopes my health will improve, try to sell the car, give it away, or have it towed to the junk yard. Any suggestions? Reason for the comment -- Merry Christmas.
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
This website caught my attention at the onset and I decided it would maybe help me. You didn't offend. The members, other than me, seem to be knowledgable and while I consider their advice, suggestions, my deciphering whether to accept or ignore, I seem to fall into the category of being really dense. Thanks for your suggestions, They will be taken seriously.
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
Bear with. You are the 280~Master, I'm not.
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
Not to sound like a complete idiot, but if I said that the fuel kept flowing from the fuel pump side for an unexpected lengthy time, would your comment still hold? Is there another 'valve' in the fuel pump that maybe allows fuel to flow through towards the fuel rail if defective? At this point, my understanding is that the check value forbids fuel to flow 'backwards' into the pump, maintaining the pressure.
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
Steve, Would you please comment on this. I thought I had previously mentioned this on this thread but maybe I didn't. When I was replacing the fuel filter a few months ago the gas continued to slowly run out of the disconnected fuel hose. I had no choice except replace the filter with the gas flowing. I was not expecting that to happen. So, when the check valve gets installed, I suppose the gas will continue to run out of the fuel pump. What are your thoughts on this? Why would the gas keep flowing? I've replaced the fuel filter in the past and do not remember this happening.
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
Steve, Since my physical ability is somewhat limited at this time, eventually I will get a repair man down the street from me who is presently overloaded with projects to install the check valve for me .
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
The AFM is for a 2.4 liter engine.
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
Bob, the question, based on Steve's comment, is: If you still want it let me know. Please include the shipping address.
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
No giving up. At present, I'm replacing power window motors on another car (92 GMC Jimmy SUV). Yes, the check valve was received last week. You should, within a day or two, be hearing from me via mail.
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
If anyone has a need for the rebuilt Air Flow Meter, previously mentioned on this thread, please let me know. I think it is probably as good as new. It is yours. Just tell me where to ship it.
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
I was catching up with the tread myself. I had been thinking about the fuel pump and the check valve. When pricing out a fuel pump, the vendors suggested that many people replace the fuel pressure regulator first because that might likely be the problem. I'll back off these thoughts and ask sblake01, "Do you still have the check valve as discussed earlier?" If so, please send it to: --- Info being sent by private mail--- Thanks, you'll be reimbursed for any charges -- just let me know your mailing address.
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
I am trying to come alive again after the winter, broken hip, recuperating, etc. I want to buy a fuel pressure regulator. Advance auto says it will cost $49, NAPA says it will cost $68, an internet parts place says $65 plus shipping etc. Should I assume the more it costs the better it is or should I go for the $49 one?
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
Until next spring, I'm retiring the car. Unless, just unless, I get an overwhelming urge. It seems to be too much at the time.
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
After re-reading your comment, my mind starting thinking. Under what conditions do I ever re-torque the head bolts? Manuals often contradict themselves?