Everything posted by wm_e_smith
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
Also, if I buy a new fuel pump, will the check valve come along with it?
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
I've yet to test the fuel pressure. Also, Stephen, I just read a comment on another thread that you have never experienced a fuel pressure regulator failing. I had thought of replacing mine. Does yours thoughts still remain? I'll check into the check valve situation and let you know what I came up with.
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
Afterthought! The check valve? I'm now assuming it's a part of the fuel pump or am I assuming wrong?
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
You have described a problem I've had, exactly. I became use to starting it by trying, letting it rest, then retrying with no foot pressure on the accelerator. I assumed it was the cold start valve operating when it shouldn't be operating. As an aside, back in 1991, when I had the relay problem, the Nissan Rep told me that I needed a new fuel pump. I asked why? and he told me just because it is old. Because of the cost, I ignored him. The original fuel pump is there today. They are available so I'll get one whenever but soon. I like your thought and once more, it shows I have very little trust in the repair people, especially the "service managers".
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
I haven't noticed lately but in the past, I would switch ignition off and heard a noise from the rear for a few seconds. I assumed it was a normal thing and the fuel pump was only maintaining pressure. BUT I also noticed the noise seem to be there when the fuel tank was low but that might have been my imagination.
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
Speaking of distributors, I recently replaced mine (a long story). Parts store only sold a generic for all 78 810's but I noticed that the part number was for a station wagon, whether manual or automatic transmission. I haven't noticed any downfalls. My thinking was that probably the only difference in the three OEM's was the vacuum retard/advance? What do you think?
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
I did "kick the tire" and then took it to Goodyear last week to patch up a small nail hole. Although, now car ain't as smooth riding because of the higher air pressure, I feel better about it anyway -- And what made me really proud was the fact that the car made it there and back.
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
Not ignoring you. Maybe my foot is not capable but I do have hammer. (joking) Sometimes, I seem to ignore questions. Some are over my head, some are absorbed. But then, all the good suggestions seem to be overwhelming to my mind. I have to settle down and just keep on trying what I think might solve the problems.
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
Today's update: Went to Advance Auto Parts to get a Water Temp Sensor and enquire about Thermotime switches for my car and the early eighties BMW's. Water Temp Sensor was on stock -- No Thermotime switches. But that wasn't all bad because I was really wanting the water temp sensor. Car ran well. No Problems. Maybe, since it was so cold a couple days ago, I had moisture in the gas lines that iced up, although the engine cut-out problem which occurred last week, I'm sure, is still there. I will install the water temp sensor and see what happens after that. Then I'll back off from being so anxious and start testing. Someone asked -- "Do you have a voltmeter?" On instrument panel ? It no longer works due to me pulling panel and when reinstalling it, failed to plug something back on. A hand held thing ? Yes, but bought it a long time ago and haven't used it in years and will have to refresh my memory. But I'll take one thing at a time and hopefully rule out what's not the problems.
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
I don't know how to answer this because I either don't know or don't fully understand the question.
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
<html> <br> <center> <a href="http://wm_e_smith.tripod.com/datsun810/recent-history.html">Recent History of Maintenance Problems with the 810</a>
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
That's encouraging.
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
If it does to come to pulling the gas tank, the Haynes manual indicates it wouldn't be too much of a chore to do for the 810 -- IF I'm reading it right.
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
Mileage ? Fuel filter before replacement -- 12 years. Car itself -- not many for its age -- 163K.
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
This presents a quote of a message posted by me back on PAGE 2. Relays entered my mind because of problems years ago. But I am totally ignorant about "relays'.
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
I thought that I had it fixed except for the cutting out after a few miles but now I'm farther disappointed. The car is consistent with it's quirks - I had to go up to a convenience store a moment ago which is about a half mile away. Weather is cold, in the 30's. It started up immediately, telling me the cold start valve works. It ran great then about 300 yards from home it started running rough. When I went inside the store I left it running. It ran good on the way back but a couple times, in that short distance, it cut out and I had to restart it. I doubt if the water even had a chance to warm up. Seems as if I or anyone else does ANYTHING to the car it runs super good for one day then -- Kaplooie!
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
The fuel filter was replaced approximately 3 weeks ago. After pouring gas out, it looked clean to me. So I am ruling that out. Rather than present anything lengthy here, I'll write up the problems, what was done, and how it reacted after those steps were taken. In other words, a summary of probably what has already been said within this thread. Then I'll make it a "clickable" thing so it doesn't eat up this web site's space. It may seem like I'm slow with this effort but other than my lack of knowledge, money is an issue. A Social Security check doesn't go far, so often I am waiting until I get the money. But I'll eventually get it done. I'm determined. And I thank you all for your suggestions. Also, picture my limitations -- I live in an apartment building for Senior Citizens where they, as most apartments do, frown on repairing cars. So far, they haven't complained. Of course, I haven't had the engine apart all over the parking lot YET. It may take me a couple days before I can write up the summary. So, please bear with.
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
I'm not sure but I think the voltage regulator is a part of the alternator on my car. It was replaced about 16 years ago.
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
What does this mean to a layman?
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
I seem to be back to square one. The original problem has resurfaced - loses all power after about 7 miles after starting, then restarts with no problem, But I can count on this repeating another 2 or 3 times before I can get back home. The connector to the water temperature sensor was replaced but not the water temperature sensor itself. That's next - but is the water temperature sensor which I can obtain from Advance Auto Parts good enough or would the water temperature sensor for the early 80's BMW 6-cylinders be a better choice?
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
<html> <br><br> <center> <h3>1978 Datsun 810 4-dr Sedan</h3> <p><br> <a href="http://wm_e_smith.tripod.com/datsun810/name-plate.jpg">Left Rear Name Plate</a> <p><br> <a href="http://wm_e_smith.tripod.com/datsun810/left-side-back.jpg">Left Side</a> <p><br> <a href="http://wm_e_smith.tripod.com/datsun810/front.jpg">Front</a> <p> </center> </html>
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
Here's somethimg to seriously consider. Buy my car and you won't have to worry about your wife -- she'll leave you. And when she does, please give up all vices, restrain from drinking, from smoking, from food, and all else. But believe me you will have a life -- your life will be the car.
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
Hope you know that I was joking. My 810 is a treasure to me for various reasons. I am dedicated to keep it going and I am sure, being what it is, it will outlive me.
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
Another question: How do you "glue" a gasket, as it originally was, to a value cover so that it stays there and leaves head not-involved. I have tried but it seems that I am always disappointed. What adhesive would you reccommend?
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
Occasionally, I see the 810's. Within the last 5 years, I saw two like mine and another which was a station wagon down in Mississippi. Here in Ohio (within last 3 years), I haven't seen one, even a Datsun, but I have heard many people comment on mine just because it's a Datsun. But I don't get out too much anymore. They are problably out there. Maybe the non-existence of them here is because of the salt poured all over the streets, highways, and interstates. I see cars that a lot younger than mine that look worse, and seem to be falling apart because of rust. The reasons I still have this car are many, it has always been dependable, it's what I chose to hang on after retirement, it was cheaper for me to spend a few dollars to keep it going than car payments, I became more closely involved when I dedicated my own attention to it rather than auto repair shops, and my interest kept growing. And, now I have realized that this web site can help, not only by others solving my problems but by reading the various threads to see how others were helped. Now go out and buy that local fixxer upper. And be patient. It might someday look better than Stephen's. Who knows? And if you do it yourself rather than buy an unfamiliar already 'nice looking' thing, you'll be mighty proud of it and more proud of yourself.