Everything posted by agemeansnothing
Two 240Zs In the Desert Going Cheap!
HAHAHAHAHA went and saw them the other day! No I'm just kidding but thanks for telling me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By the way my brother went and bought a 240z like 4 days ago and it had a crap load of extra parts in it for $500. Like a grill, window regulators, shift nobs, steering wheel, carbeurators, air filters, windows, consoles, sparkplugs.
Which year 280z S30 would you recommend?
75's were the first of fuel injection and their basically a electric nightmare! I would recommend a 76', or 77.
Happy BD Beandip!
:) :) Hey Hey Hey it's also my brothers B-Day Richard5vgy. He is turning the great I guess 20. But, also happy birthday to Beandip!
Ebay item 4612760871 - What were you thinking ?
This is what happens when a classic car gets into the hands of the wrong person.
Hey look what i found!
Help please
Bill Mackay that's no Z it looks like a Lotus Elise!!!!!!!
Stolen Corvette Found 37 Years Later
That is amazing story I heard it on the News. You'd be amazed of who watches the news.
Which job is better???
Me myself and I I like it original, there's nothing that can take the place of original.
Which job is better???
Ok, I've seen all these really nice modified Z's and original Z's. So my question is which one is better? Go modified and you get more tourque and all those other goodies, but go original and you have and sleek, smooth car not as fast but smooth! So tell me what you think. Which one ........ chose wisely!:devious: :devious: :devious:
'73 240, as bought, interior
Aussie Zeds for sale
LOL LOL 34,950 no problem!!!! ! He's got to be joking!
Carb or FI?
All I can say is lucky Dreamscape289 even if it's not original gives you HP, and the nice sound of Carbs.
Datsun vs. Chevy
What happened there?
Datsun vs. Chevy
#1 It's your car.#2It's a Z. #3 If you sold it to someone who just wanted it it would turn into a rustbucket.
Datsun vs. Chevy
#1 It's your car.#2It's a Z. #3 If you sold it to someone who just wanted it it would turn into a rustbucket.
Datsun vs. Chevy
#1 It's your car.#2It's a Z. #3 If you sold it to someone who just wanted it it would turn into a rustbucket.
My 75 280Z
I like the color have fun with it!
How fast does a Z really go?
Why does age have to be a factor to some people? Like come on bpilati if you think 16 is young don't bother looking at my avatar because I'm 12. Well if it makes you feel better bpilati I'm turning 13 in March. It's not like I'm not thankful for having my Z but when your 12 money is hard to get!
how bad is the rust here?
Yeah need more info. But get a screwdriver and tap the surrounding surfaces for hidden rust holes.
who needs some Z parts???
Sorry zman525 I was cought up in school for about a week but, if you could list the parts for the 280z I'll send you a message.
who needs some Z parts???
What do you have for a 280z?
z owner map
I'm the only one in NewMexico.
Anyone seen this engine yet
What a beatiful motor....... but, I can't use it unless I swaped.
Is this the best way to get to kill rust?
I am in the process of paying my mom back for a sander I bought. It is a Snap On 8' inch Random Orbit air sander. So my question is, is there any better way or sander to get rid of rust? Also what color of primer should I use. P.S. If this is a stupid question let me now. ( I'm learning.)