Everything posted by agemeansnothing
I need your Opinon!!
I would keep in original even if a bunch of people have that can't stop Z's from being original.
How fast will it really go?
Yeah radar detectors come in really good hands when your blowing past cars and going in and out of traffic going 140 MPH.
Skyline pics
paint code gallery moved to zhome
I think that site would come in handy even though I didn't know about it and poted a post asking if anybody knew my paint code.
Screen Names - Where Do They Come From?
Mine is agemeansnothing because the owner I bought the Z from didn't think I could do it and that I didn't have enought responsibility to own a car and fix it up. The owner didn't even think I could get it running but look at me all I need is a fuel pump which is $200.
New Owner! Yay!
That's just beatiful have fun with that beatiful car.
How fast will it really go?
I bet you could get cremmenga's car to about 165 mph. if you did a bunch of extra work on it like get flat head pistons, shave your head, cold air intake, new exhaust, strut bars front and back, get a stage three turbo charger and that should do the trick. If your not afraid to go that fast but, you can get radar detectors that pick up cops radar and get a lot less chances of geting a ticket.
Restoration. Where to begin?
Even if a car looks rust free theres nice little tiny spots that are a pain. Check quarterpanels near the lower end of them, check framerails,under the battery tray, floorboars etc. Then the interior is very expensive so be careful.
Need Parts?
Damn, so I could use that oil cap a lot.
240K on Ebay...
Sorry about your car but, even though you loved your car so much your more important to the people around you.
Need Parts?
Well I need a washer bottle, cargo straps, driver side window, fuel pump, fan clutch, fuel line, and a oil cap, center console, let me know what's there. Ian
should i change to fuel injection
Actually sorry, my worst mess up yet he was talking about a transmission switch. Sorry, but search the archives and see what you can find.
should i change to fuel injection
The ian monster asked this same question so if you do a quick search I think you can find it or, you can go to "The Ian Monster's" profile and go to all threads started by him and you'll find it. And yes you should switch but you'll have fun with it.
New lad from Norway
Welcome to the club! Good start just like Ed said keep us updated on pics. and good luck with your z!
Really bad day...
There both great cars and that 62' year old I doubt he survived.
Need help with auto body and paint
Hey if any calls this company ask if he ships to NM. or anywhere. thanks
seat covers
oh ok my bad.
Quarterpanel discovery.
I will post pictures in a little while then.
Quarterpanel discovery.
This where the fun begins my brother and I have discovered a huge hole the some filled in with bondo and didn't want to worry about it. So my qestion is how do I replace a quarter panel? Do I grind of that piece of and replace it with something that I don't know about? :paranoid:
seat covers
It depends what shape are they and what are they made out of?
mmm quarter pans
1978 280Z - Here are some pics of my Z without the front ugly bumper! opinions?
I like it without the bumbers even if it isn't classic but, be careful no bumbers no protection for your whole front. It could be crushed like nothing.
It all started with......
Dude fun in my Z I think your car has more rust than mine by alot.
10th anniversary 280z
But even the letters ZX are nasty even if it's worth a lot of money t tops square bumbers no thanks.