Everything posted by agemeansnothing
shirts anyone?
To much?
Where can i find thease?
Hey this is out of the blue Iv'e been finding pretty good parts on ebay. I look at ebay first before anything else
Body problems with roof
Neither do I I go to a private school and I learned alot in these few minutes thanks for time guys and the patience. I will read and research and ask family members before puting up a post. Can I add you guyes to my buddy list? Ian
Youngest and Oldest
Bored yes but beatiful.
Fuel injector wires
Oh ok thanks for your time man oh yeah I added you to my buddy list.
The bill was passed???
Rule 101 this is why actors with tons of cash should not be a governor because they'll be back if you don't elect them.
240Z for sale in paper
Those are beautiful cars I must say!
Body problems with roof
Hey guys it's me I noticed that there are a bunch of little dents in the roof from something. But my question is how do I beat the dents out?
Fuel injector wires
Really ok thanks alot this is the first time I've heard from you. This info really helps thanks alot.
Fuel injector wires
OK they are the butterfly clips for 280z's that hook on to the fuel injectors and there are six of them.
240Z for sale in paper
I got to ask this question is there really anybody that likes the ZX's no offense to anybody that does.
240Z for sale in paper
Do you think maybe you could get some pics. of it maybe?
Dual-tipped Mufflers
:squareeye Yeah go to VictoriaBritish.com they have a wide variety. Or you can go to Motorsport.com
Fuel injector wires
Yeah that would help too but, the clips on 280z's there are six of them and there called butterfly clips. There pretty long and I think they may go on the fuel injectors.
Your First car.
Yeah I am pretty smart that's the work of private school(school an evil word)!
For Sale: 1925 Model 30 Oldsmobile
That's history in the making that thing looks like a model T fix it up and put in a museum!
Youngest and Oldest
And I'm twelve ahhhhhhhhh the youngest born March 8, 1993!
She's DONE!!!
That is just amazing Ed you deserve for all the hard work you put in it! Hope to see at a car show next year(have fun).
Fuel injector wires
Ok, when I bought my car there had been a rat living in it, the rat chewed on a number of things. The one thing I need help on is replacing the butterfly clips! So I bought a set of them of ebay when they got to my house my brother and I went down to my car. Then my brother cut the old one's off and now I don't know which clip goes where! Is there anybody that can help me please?
What do I do?
Oh ok thanks for the info I wasn't sure about it. How much do framerails go for?
What do I do?
Ok where do I begin I bought my car and one of things I need to do is cut out the floorboard because there is a rust hole as big as a baseball. So when I get my grinder do cut around the framerail or right through it? Because the part of the the rail where the rust hole is barely hanging on there. Please help me!
So blake which is better fuel injected or carborated? Hard question for some really easy for others.
Your First car.
Yeah I know it will get fixed up just the only problem for me is the cash. I earned $500 dollars in three days to get this car(but it is the best thing I have ever bought). My brother is registered on this site too his name is Richard5vgy.
new guy
Since you live in atlanta it's really humid down there so watch closely for rust that may develope