Everything posted by agemeansnothing
sanding and scraping
What should I use??
I went on that web site that you gave me webdawg1 and I summited the info. on my headers, if I do indeed get in done by them I will post some before and after pics. thx Ian
What should I use??
So I bought some headers of ebay that have quite a bit of surface rust, so my question is should I use some sanding discs that are for sanding parts like this or should I take them to a shop to be bead/sand blasted? If I used sanding discs what would the effect be on the metal if any? thx Ian:)
sandblasting concerns??
yeah I don't have a bead blaster and dont know anybody who does so I have to take it to a shop here in NM.
Car not starting after SU swap on 74 260z, Pictures!
Same thing happened to me I got it running on starting fluid, then found out that my fuel rail was plugged, all I need now is Choke cables.
I have a NOS dash, what is it worth?
I bet is worth more than that since it is brand new and still in the box.
sandblasting concerns??
You know I was about to ask the same question because I just bought some headers that have some surface rust on them that needs to be takin off. Does this whole post come in contact and relation with bead blasting too?
Yeah good point not just cover it over again....... any where you know of that has a piece from the molding strip all the way down?
So due to the damage on my quarterpanel and door should I just replace them or what. Ian
Yeah that sounds pretty good I got my original blue color of a different post 510 Blue, so that is what is in store for it. I think my older brother is going orange on his 260Z and canary yellow with black stripes on his 240z.
Fuel Tank Liner...The Home Version
Mine wasnt nearly that bad but I am just going to hot tank mine.
Fuel injection to SU carb swap
Hey I just did that.
Help talk me into this!!
Thanks a lot Zhead240 just found my shade of blue. 510 blue.
That is kinda funny because my replacement fender on the right side has a forest green paint job to it, wonder what the whole car would look like??? But I am already thinking of painting it the original color Blue.
:dead: :dead: :dead: When I first bought the car the guy said is friend hit a bridge, " I fixed all the damage" he said. I start sanding one day thinking it's a normal day then BONDO. I have a eighth of a inch of bondo from my door all the way to my rear hatch, my ridge on my wheel well is flat from the impact. Any of you guys had a surprise like this? And to top it off with suprise my shock covers are original still has Nissan and Japan a couple other things.
Oz ebay - 240Z carbies going cheap.
My brother tryed to sell the exact same thing everything except for the filters and didn't happen.
My Z and me.
ROFL Nice picture dude.
Need a picture.....
Thank you very much, very nice under the hood pics. Once again good job Ed looks fantastic.
its nice to meet you all
Welcome to the club.......... by the way I really like the color on your Z good job.
Need a picture.....
I was wondering since I swaped my 280z to carbeurators if someone could take a picture of the manifold and hoses for round top SU Carbs. If anybody can give me a link as well it would be helpfull. thx
Misworking carbeurator.
Really I will check that also.
Misworking carbeurator.
thx guys I took all of your advice and loosened that screw and sure enough it started not sticking as much. Ian
So I tuned up my carbs. and something puzzled my brother and I. There was grayish smoke coming out of the breather valve on the valve cover. Is this supposed to happen because the car has not been run in 7 years. thx Ian:nervous:
Misworking carbeurator.
Ok thanks for the advice I will try it.
This is new.
My brother's friend let me and my bro part it out the other day. But, the strange thing was it was a rag top, was it after market or did some Z's come like that. Just wondering seems kinda weird to me.