Everything posted by agemeansnothing
Su identification help
1st post
Welcome to the club. I am fairly new but, it is a very good place to get info for your Z. Your carbeurators are they flat top SU's, I just converted my Z and still new to it.
Misworking carbeurator.
Thanks I will try it.
Misworking carbeurator.
:disappoin :disappoin After all I did swap my 76'280z to carbeurators. I have a problem though with one of my SU's round top carbeurator. The rear carbeurator has no suckshin what so ever. One more problem my air piston is very sticky and it closes. I need help on this one.
How long have you had your Z?
In July I will have had my Z for a year.
How long have you had your Z?
I got to thinking and was wondering how long have most people had their Z? Some of us have had many over the years and some have just got theirs.
coolest looking spooiler, i think
Hey Hey Hey Sblake01 I have to put my input to.
How Many Triple webbers have you seen on a 280z?
No no triple down drafts I was just wondering how many people actually did it.
How Many Triple webbers have you seen on a 280z?
I know there is a lot of converted 280's out there. But there mostly double webers. So guys how many triple wbers have you seen on a 280Z and if you haven't how do you think it would look.
coolest looking spooiler, i think
Oh yeah "lilman1230" without a bumber on a Z if you hit something your whole front end will be crushed. My opinion just mine I don't think you shouldn't make a Z look modern just as SBlake01 said the car is from the 70's.
Dirt in oil pan????
Thanks for the heads up.
Dirt in oil pan????
Thank you I will try that.
Dirt in oil pan????
Well I have already changed the oil put a new filter on and all that good stuff. And I can't really drive a couple hundred miles.
Dirt in oil pan????
First of all my brother and I were stocking up my Z on the needies antifreeze,oil, etc. So I pop open the oil pan and I am not suprised the oil is pure black. So as I am laying on the ground with the jug under the oil pan chunks of mud start plopping out, not a huge amount but, enough to make me worried. What do you think is wrong/ what will I have to do to clean everything up?:stupid: :stupid:
New guy from Canada
You will hear many opinions here and they all have a point but, about the sun roof don't do it to a Z please!!!
somethings missing....
On my 76' 280z I have a rear defroster, hazardlight button, and a tall nob I think it is for the antenna.
List of parts for sale
Hey would that sway bar fit on a 76'280z???? If so how much do you want for it.
New 240Z Owner Saying Howdy
Welcome, and as Fun in my Z said we would all like to see some pics.
Selling my car... again
How about shipping to NewMexico.
The Beast Lives!!!
What happened to it????? My friends dad sold his Mustang GT 500 for 2,000 back in the day he's really kicking himself. Sblake01 my brother and I have done so much to that car to get it running I have to ask him what he did. I'm trying to learn but, it's really confusing.
Two 240Zs In the Desert Going Cheap!
Nice........ there is a bunch of Mustangs and Z's in Nm I see them drive all over Espanola.
Styling.....Porsche Cayman, 350Z & the 240Z...your thoughts?
About that my mom is thinking about buying one of those or a Z06 Corvette.
The Beast Lives!!!
I finally got my 280z to start!!! Compared to my brother's 260z it's really quiet but, it's mine! It doesn't start very clean you have to spray a crap loud of starting fluid into it. My brother sais that I need to replace the pressure regulator, what do you guys think?:classic: :classic:
Two 240Zs In the Desert Going Cheap!
Yeah cars really don't rust that fast here because it's dry not humid, they just get really dirty from the dust storms.
What is the most important quality you want in a Z?
No RUST and it runs good.