Everything posted by agemeansnothing
Save S30-0002
Hey know as far as im concerned i'm sure i have a couple extra parts lying around to help get this little lady on the road hey i dont know if put another roof on this thing from another car would hurt but i have one if you want it take it i want to see this thing on the road engine drive train have it all from a 71 to get her on the road what ever it takes must be a trip to be able to go outside and look at the second one made thats just crazy Ian's brother Rich..
Need some advice.
Do not know exactly how much it would cost but I guestimate like $65.00 maybe? Found a sand blaster from Snap on which is $1360.00.
Need some advice.
Under the car however I'm going to take it my brothers college class and the students do it for free since their learning. For the sandblasting machine however I am just renting one for a while, keep in mind bags of sand are about $15.00-$20.00. I don't know how much it would cost to get a guy to do it for you, it is actually quite simple to do.
Need some advice.
Ok started on the project today, took a bunch of things out that I didn't need left from the fuel injection, it's actually easier than I expected and yes I'm labeling everything. What I want to do is get the wiring harness not all the way out just flipped over on the passenger side's fender so that they can sandblast. I'll take some pics.
Ebay $ too high?
All I know is I wouldnt spend that much .
Need some advice.
Also I have a pretty good amount of rust under my battery tray so I'll do that too while I do the rest of the engine bay.
Need some advice.
Thanks guys, I just wanna get as much done as I can in the engine bay while my engine is out, and I thought about it and cleaning everything and replacing all the bushings seems to be a good idea.
Need some advice.
My engine is out yay! The previous owner obviously liked to go off roading in my beloved Z...... and really didn't know anything about these cars. For one I was taking off everything off my block. The timing chain tenser is supposed to have a spring in it to keep the timing chain tense and it had no spring:angry: ........ another thing the clutch has been replaced before, obviously he drove this car hard. Ok back on the subject, I want to clean up my engine bay but there is so many hoses etc. Should I just take everything out to clean and sand the rust off? Or would it be easier just to try to work around everything? Thx Ian
VIN # 00001 Huh?
Isn't #00001 in a museum in Japan?
Miami Meet SATURDAY Oct 21
Ah another Z meet that I am going to miss..............
I baught the car from a real IPO! Idoiot Previous Owner!
:mad: That's pretty strong language coming from a brand new user! Especially being a newby and pointing the finger at Rick, I'll just point the finger at you! :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger:
Pulling engine
No I just got the strongest chain the I could buy, wrapped it around all the head bolts and wrapped in around the tractor bucket.
Pulling engine
No after that I bought a new set from motorsport.
Pulling engine
I took of my head first and then put the head bolts back in the holes and threded the chain around the bolts and it pulled out easy. And I was using a tractor..........
Parts available from JAPAN
To bad I have 280Z..............
Anybody Want an engine and tranny FREE
So how about them pics?
Anybody Want an engine and tranny FREE
And for the people who are or might be intersted u might wanna post pics.
Anybody Want an engine and tranny FREE
Redding? Ha that's funny I used to live there, ya by the way there is a radiator shop in Redding that makes radiators for the Z's.
Really sucks
Ya I sent the seller a message today, hold on see what his name is.
Really sucks
I just bought a set of 40 over forged pistons with valve reliefs and pop ups the whole caboom. The seller said they have never been used and they also had piston rings included. I bought them for $500.00, I got them today. Also I gave him a freindly reminder how to ship them so they wouldn't get damaged from shipping. Ok I open the box... there piled over each other hardly worth $34.00 dollars for shipping, me and my brother start opening the thin layer of bubble wrap on each piston, one wasnt even covered in anything. I pull out a piston looks fine little dirty but fine, next piston scuff marks of the side to where I need to take a few to the machine shop so they can smooth them out. I look closely at 2 pistons, there supposed to have been never used but there are marks on 2 of them that looks like they got wacked with a valve. what is my luck?:surprised
May be buying a 240Z for my son: Need Advice!
Thank you see another young person like me getting a Z!!!!!!!!!
Got another question for you guys....
Thanks guys, I just bought custom forged pistons with valves reliefs, pop ups, and there 40 over, and they raised the compression to 10.5:1 on the N42
Got another question for you guys....
Ok so my SU round top carbs need to be rebuilt, has anyone rebuilt them before themselves? If so how hard was it, and how lond did it take? Or should I take it to a shop for them to rebuild them, and how much would it cost? Thx Ian
carbon fiber
Is there a reason why u think that is necesary? I'm not trying to be rude just wondering.