SF Bay area Z enthusiasts / fans - 73 or 72 240Z needs rescue
Royce, Someone more knowledgeable about Z's came out to see it and said this car needs alot of work. There is a rust hole in the roof near the A pillar on the passenger side. You could cut/grind it out and tig weld a patch in there with no problems, but it depends on your mechanical skills. The floor is not rusted through and the area in the hatch is not rusted either. The car needs work and is good for parts anyway, it is equipped with round top SU's just so you know. Honestly this car needs work but it is not beyond someone with the proper sklls, time and determination to do it. It is a 73 (manufacture date 9/72)It is yours if you want it, just let me know. What city are you in? Call me asap to discuss. William (415) 566-9808 H (650) 225-6021 W
found a 72 240
Hey Robb, Sorry my car didn't work out for you. I think you should take this thing as fast as you can! I'd like to see it in the garage just to have seen such a sight for my own eyes. This is truly one of those "found it sitting in the barn of a little old lady" stories! Give me a call and I'll check it out with you, must be a sight to see! Will
SF Bay area Z enthusiasts / fans - 73 or 72 240Z needs rescue
Royce, Someone has committed to taking the car this Saturday, but you never know. I will post notice if it is picked up this weekend. The reason I put SF bay area folks on notice is because the car is not a driver. It needs someone local who can tow it and work on it. It was a daily driver at one time but has been sitting for years and has also suffered some vandalism. Rear window is broken, windshield needs replacing, interior needs work (small fire, see pics) Let me know if you're still interested and I'll tell you if it is not picked up this weekend. Basically it's first come first served. William jpg's in attached ZIP file zpics.zip
SF Bay area Z enthusiasts / fans - 73 or 72 240Z needs rescue
Thanks Royce, Sorry if you were inconvenienced by my lack of Z car knowledge. ------CAR IS TAKEN, THANKS TO ALL WHO ASKED------ This may be of interest to any San Francisco bay area Z owners or would-be owners. (no for profit recyclers please, prefer TRUE enthusiast). I have a 72/73 (not absolutely sure 72 or 73) 240Z that needs to be rescued. It was a daily driver until it was parked a few years ago where it has subsequently languished in silence (NOT BY ME), it was running fine at the time. The rear window recently broken (punks), but of greater concern is vandalism in the form of a small interior fire in the center console area. The seats aren't burnt, the center lower dash (middle area) is somewhat melted as are some of the guage faces, visors but this is not a burnt out shell. It is stock with round top SU's, engine is good but has been sitting a few years, also has a small front spoiler, 14" black mesh Appliance rims with brand new Yokohama Y352's. It is a faded maroon metallic color. This would be a good body donor for a race car or it's good for someone with a car that has a rusted out body. I WILL GIVE THIS CAR AWAY FOR FREE TO THE RIGHT PERSON, IT MUST BE PICKED UP ASAP Car is located in San Bruno (south of San Francisco)I WILL GIVE THIS CAR AWAY FOR FREE TO THE RIGHT PERSON, IT MUST BE PICKED UP ASAP :D frontsidez.bmp
To new guy and other SF bay area folks
This may be of interest to any San Francisco bay area Z owners or would-be owners. (no semi-pro recyclers or commercial entities please). I have a 72/73? 240Z that needs to be rescued. It was a daily driver until parked a few years ago where it has subsequently languished in silence (NOT BY ME), it was running fine at the time. during this time it has had the back window recently broken, but of greater concern is that it had some vandalism in the form of a small interior fire in the center console area. The seats aren't burnt, the center lower dash (middle area) is somewhat melted as are some of the guage faces, but this is not a burnt out shell. It is stock with a small front spoiler, 14" black mesh Appliance rims with brand new Yokohama A(Y?)352's. It is a faded maroon metallic color. This would be a good body donor for a race car or for someone with a car that has a rusted out body. I WILL GIVE THIS CAR AWAY FOR FREE TO THE RIGHT PERSON, IT MUST BE PICKED UP ASAP It will have to go to the wrecking yard if it is not picked up soon. Send me an email (will_shon@yahoo.com) or call me at (415) 566-9808. Car is located in San Bruno (south of San Francisco) frontsidez.bmp