Everything posted by Doehring
- Custom made Center Console
Need a "Crash Course"
Hi TBK1, this is a Syncrotester. It's purpose is to make the air flow equal at all your carbs.You have to take off the air filter and let the engine run until you have astable idle.Pressthe syncrotester at No. 1 horn and turn the inner circle until the small ball is in the middle of that upright positioned glasstube. Now press the tester on the next horn and slow down or speed up the idle for that horn/carb until the ball is in the middle, too. This means both carbs now breathe the same amount of air. This does not mean that the amount of fuerl is the same! ONe carb can still be richer than the other. To make the fuel equal you there are other skrews, for instance the "wheel" underneath the SU carbs. Here you can work with a Colourtune or you look at the sparks.A black spark means that this carb is too rich , so make it leaner. Drive some miles and look again, adjust the mixture, drive again, adjust the mixture until all sparks look the same. Maybe you have to synchronize the air flow in between, too, because there is an inter-influence. Good luck. (Great help you can have from the ZTherapy Video) Rolf
Red and yello wires
Nobody knows a solution?
Do all 240's have side indicators???
Shamus 11, I think only the US versions had rear side markers.
Red and yello wires
Hi all, I'm putting in the dash into my new project('72 240 Z). Near to the steering column there ate two wires hanging down, a yellow and a red one, one with a male and one with a female end. The wiring diagram mentions a "door not closed"-buzzer but I never had such athing in my Z. Do I have to connect these 2 wires or what to do with these? Thanks for help Rolf
Hello from Germany
Welcome Thomas, das Angebot vo Rainer ist stark! Unabhängig davon ist ZTherapy eine gute Adresse und ein schneller Kontakt zu gnosez kann auch nicht schaden. Mit unseren Autos sind Kontakte Alles. Hast Du auch mal bei Achim Weidling bzw. dem Z&ZX Club D. angefragt? Viel Erfolg! Rolf
Klaus' Z
- Nuerburgring
Friends, I started that thread because some members asked me whether the Nuerburgring in the Video Games (like GT 4) is realistic. I don't have a video game, so please can you give me an answer how realistic GT 4 is. If you say the video game is realistic I will get one soon. Rolf
For those who like to enjoy a turn on the rainy Ring in Germany's fastest Porsche take www.juergen-alzen-motorsport.de . At the left of the homepage you'll find "multimedia". Click there. Nexr click on "Video". You will see the Porsche at the right. Click on the Porsche. The download takes some time but than you will get that race feeling.
I had a red Z with original white interior. When that car was "killed" by a tractor (see earlier sportzmagazine) I bought that yellow one (originally metallic brown) and put in the white interior.
On Nurburgring, North Loop
Dragon, if you want to get the right Nurburgring-feeling go to www.juergen-alzen-motorsport.de .At the left of the homepage you will find "multimedia". Click there. Next click on "video" and than on the pic of the Porsche. The download takes some time and than you sit in Germany's fastest Porsche with a professional driver on a partly wet Ring. Enjoy!
Porta Nigra
Deadflo, you are right. My Z is an early '72. Great that you had been to Treves and that you still remember that old roman building. I live between Cologne and Bonn, overlooking the river Rhine. We also have a cottage in the Ardennes near to a small town called Monschau. I already got the flight tickets for zhe '06 convention in Dallas and I hope to meet many members that I know from this forum.
East African Safari Rally 2005
Thanks Guus
HELP! whats wrong with my eibach springs?
The longer springs belong to the front! It is also very important to have the right end up. Unfortunately I don't remember which end belongs to the upside. Ask Eibach US or ask at Motorsports in Orange. I had the wrong end up and the rear springs crashed into the strut house at a hard bump. Since I changed them downside up as Eibach advised me it's okay.
Porta Nigra
Porta Nigra is a roman building, builtn in Treves (Trier). Treves was founded by Romans in year -18. We passed that main entrance into the old town at www.trier-classics.de
On Nurburgring, North Loop
Nurburgring is in the Eifel/Ardennes. Far at the west of Germany, near to the Belgian or Luxemburg border. The Play Station 2 GT 4 version shows the ring very good, but the real feeling, the curves, the bumps the ups and downs, braking and accelerating, all the mass of always changing g-forces cant be felt in a game. Ask "Mad" Mike Taylor, we made the Ring together.
On Nurburgring, North Loop
240ZX , yes, she's my wife and navigator on classic rallies. On the "Nurburgring" she felt fear I could become too ambitious and challenge the early Porsche 911. At the end we were 5th, no Porsche in front of us in the stock class.
On Nurburgring, North Loop
My ElviZ overlooking the Mosel-River. The Mosel regeion is well known for it's wonderful white wines. You can see the wineyards in the hills at the left.
Z in Austrian Alps
Eifel Historic rally 2005
Guus, you gain 10 points + for the great presentation
Road Stage
ElviZ on Nurburgring