Everything posted by Doehring
my "supered" Sun 1/18 Z
Gav, the stock wheels of that 1:12 ZG-model look awful. The rims of the Safari 1:12 version from the same model producer would be nicer but are separately not available. In winter (here it's still summer when you have winter) I will make rims and tires myself as I did to the 1:18 YatMing racing Z (see my gallery).
- Customized YatMing 1:18 rear
Float bowl and needle
Hi Victor, thanks for your help. When you looked at my photo (in my gallery) you can see that the brass rear valve is about an inch shorter and that means that - when parallel - the distance between the cover and the top of the bowl is also 1 inch smaller. By that there is more fuel in the rear. Unfortunately I cannot use the ZTherapie video because here in Germany and some other European countries we have a different TV system to the US. The one system is called SECAM and the other PAL. I dont' know exactly which one we have, but it's just the other. I would really be happy to have the Video, but if I can't watch it it doesn't make sense and I can't transform it into the other system. Perhaps that would make sense to ZTherapy for selling it to those of us in the countries with the other system. Yesterday I put the pieces of my carbs together and now at about 4000rpm - not below - the front carb fires back, out of the intake's horn, not the rear one. Is the front carb too lean or is it because of less fuel in the front fuel chamber or what could be the explanation and what to do? Rolf
Float bowl and needle
2many Z, thank you for your detailed explanations. I will try to set needles and bowl that way. Rolf
Chassis numbers
Sean, congratulations to your new car. Is it a Nov. '72 version ?Here the authorities hammer the VIN additionally and in a quite big size into the firewall. Rolf
E Train, Kyosho offers different colours in different countries. Here in Germany for instance we don't have the yellow version, as - I'm not absolutely shure - MSA sells it. I had never seen the coloursceme you mention. So you have to paint the car yourself (or a friend). In that case you have to put the model into pieces and that's difficult with Kyosho. Try to get a Yatming model or - not that good in the correct shape - a Sun model. You can see the different makes in my Gallery. Good luck! Rolf
just a picture
Andy Warhol would have liked it ! Rolf
3Z 1:18
The black is stock by "Sun", also the orange Z but here I changed wheels and mirrors and painted the window frames black because I think the Sun-model isn't correct there. The Safari Z is - I think - from EXOTO. A 3rd 1:18 producer is Yatming. See my racing Z. Thanks for your interest Rolf
Float bowl and needle
No informations on that available? Need help Rolf
1jz rear
1jz rear
Different fuel levels
Float bowl and needle
Sorry, Alan, you are right. I always had a problem when accelerating under loud at about 4500 rpm. Some days ago I got a book from Des Hammill on SU carbs and there are a lot of technical advices. He mentions that in both float chambers the level and amount of fuel should be the same. As in the Haynes manual he also mentioned that the distance H between the cover and the float bowl top should be the same for closing the needles valve. So I was surprised that my rear carb had a different fuel level and that the rear needle was about 3mm further in. From my other Z I still have the original SUs and so I opened those , too, and they were quite exactly the same. So I wonder, is that normal? Another thing is the level of the suction needle in the piston. All manuals say the thicker upper part of the needle should be at the same level as the pistons underside. Now the Z's SU-Type pison's underside has a diagonal "ditch" where the needle seat is in. This level is about 1mm higher than the piston's level. If I take that as the reference level the fuel will be richer or the fuel mixture screw has to be turned out one round less. Which level is right? I added a pic to this thread but it was returned because it was too big. I add it to the Galery, carbs section. Thanks Rolf
Float bowl and needle
Nobody knows? 2manyZ ?
Float bowl and needle
Hi all, is it correct that at a '72 Z's Mikunis the rear carbs float level is higher than the one at the front and that the rear's needle is about 2 mm shorter than the one at the front? Thanks Rolf
- yellow-white 1:43
- Customized 1:18 Yatming Z
- original and new Z 1:18
- 5 different Zs in 1:18
- ZG in 1:12
Firechief and Sheriff
Todays favorite
4-piston brake conversion questions
A question to those who have done the conversion: Did someone of you measure the improvement in feet or meters when fully braking from 60mph to 0 before and after the conversion or in comparison to another, but stock 240 Z? For already some time I think about that conversion. Because changing something at the brakes is not in line with the law here I need an expensive extra test by our authorities. In case of an accident the insurance will not pay without that official agree. This only makes sense if there is a real improvement. Thanks Rolf