Parting out a 71
Here's what's left- Blower motor- 2 $5 Steering column- 3 $5 Engine block, 2400- 3 $25 Rods and Pistons std.-3 $25 Gas vent tank- 3 $10 Spare tire hold down- 3 $5 Pedel assembly gas and brake- 3 $10 Dash (with harness, gauges, radio)- 3 $275 (small repairable crack) Steering wheel- 3 $15 int. panel (where dome light is)- 3 $5 1/4 glass- 3 $20 both steering wheel cover- 3 $5 seats- 2 $20 both Doors*- ? $5 each (no rust showing) 4spd tranny- 2 $20 heater core- 2 $5 tail lights -3 $25 both wipers- 3 $5 both side markers -1 $1 each (lenses good) hood hinge -3 $5 hood access panels -3 $10 each metal tail light panel-3 $15 interior switch(on side of dash) -3 crank- 3 $5 cam- 3 $5 cam oiler -3 $5 E31 head- 3 $50 valves-3 $10 intake-3 $5 complete black vinyl int. -2 $10 windshield-3 $30 Brake booster is not in the best condition so I don't want to sell it. Like you said, brakes are important. I need to be emailed for parts requests. kellyb@rochester.rr.com
Parting out a 71
Here's the big list- Conditions are 1- rebuildable 2- ok 3- good Prices are final. Pictures of everything but with a * by it. Do not ask for more pictures, I don't have a camera anymore. Everything listed is all that's reuseable. If you want something not listed and I have it, it's free and I do not guarantee it's condition. You have 48 hours to respond after I reply with your request. After that it goes to the next person in line. Shipping is from Buffalo NY Buyer pays all shipping + packaging charges If you want something email me with the parts you want and I'll send the picture of it. First come, first serve. Give me a little time to get back to you as I have already got a ton of emails about parts and have to sort out those with the 100's of penis enlargement and free vacation spam. Use "240Z parts" as subject so I don't get them lost. Blower motor- 2 $5 Steering column- 3 $5 Engine block, 2400- 3 $25 Rods and Pistons std.-3 $25 Gas vent tank- 3 $10 Spare tire cover- 3 $5 Spare tire hold down- 3 $5 Pedel assembly gas and brake- 3 $10 Dash (with harness, gauges, radio)- 3 $275 (small repairable crack) Steering wheel- 3 $15 Consol- 3 $20 int. panel (where dome light is)- 3 $5 int. left 1/4 panel - 3 $10 rear hatch panel - 3 $5 1/4 glass- 3 $20 both steering wheel cover- 3 $5 fuse panel- 3 $25 shift knob- 3 $5 seats- 2 $20 both hatch- 3 $50 L door panel- 2 $5 R door panel- 3 $10 Doors*- ? $5 each (no rust showing) 4spd tranny- 2 $20 heater core- 2 $5 tail lights -3 $25 both rear view mirrors- 3 10 both wipers- 3 $5 both side markers -1 $1 each (lenses good) hood hinge -3 $5 hood access panels -3 $10 each metal tail light panel-3 $15 interior switch(on side of dash) -3 $2 Lighter- 3 $2 dome light -3 $1 SU round top carbs -1 $10 both seat belts -3 $5 luggage belts -3 $5 tool bag (empty)-3 $2 ash tray -3 $15 inner shift boot -3 $5 crank- 3 $5 cam- 3 $5 cam oiler -3 $5 E31 head- 3 $50 valves-3 $10 intake-3 $5 hood*-3 $25 complete black vinyl int. -2 $10 windshield-3 $30 Every nut, bolt, screw, washer (all labeled) I have that came off the car-$10
Parting out a 71
I wasn't ready for the amount of people interested in parts! This weekend I am going to fully catalog everything. I have a lot of it in storage boxes and a lot of larger items are at my grandfather's house. He's in the hospital so I can't get up there until I can get ahold of my aunt Sat. By Sunday night I will have everything listed that's salvageable. For those wanting something, make a list with an item for every line. Ex: 1. hood 2. door I will contact you on what is available. I get emails lost in all the spam I get. BTW, the car shell is being scraped on Sat. It needs- quarters, floor pans, rockers, crossmember mount rebuild, pretty much a LOT. It's FREE to anybody who wants it. If somebody speaks up between now and then I can have it hauled to work and left outback until you pick it up. I got myself a new toy I'm picking up on Friday and need the space for winter.
- Parting out a 71
Parting out a 71
Parting out a 71
I'm getting a digital camera tomorrow so I'll have pics that night. The valve cover had it's breather elbow broken off and it looks like it was epoxied on. It's the 2400 one. I'll take a pic of it and you decide.
Parting out a 71
Send me an email, I'll check for the shift boot.
Parting out a 71
- Parting out a 71
Sure I'll ship. I'll try and keep the prices down since you live in FL. I have the seats and door panels, condition is about an 8 of 10 $20 each seat, $10 for the panels Steering wheel was stripped of paint- I'll paint it for you, $15 No tool kit No spare tire Dash is flawless w/ gauges, harness, radio and I do have the antenna still in the car. $300 for everything I'd do $350 + shipping for everything and I'll even toss in a restored shift knob. BTW, if anybody wants the body I'd let it go for $50. Complete with suspension and rear end. I'd rather not scrap a classic.- Parting out a 71
I'm halfway between Buffalo and Rochester. Early '71. The hatch has no visible rust. I'll check it tomorrow for bondo and get back to you. BTW, I'd sell everything for $1000. It can still be restored, just that it will take a lot of body work. (Floorpans, quarters, rockers, front cross member mounts) Everything is apart, the whole car is there, just fix the body and put it back together. I'll get some pics up in the next few days.- Parting out a 71
I got into this project and found too much structural rust on the body to justify going any further. I have every part on the car. Email kellyb@rochester.rr.com for requests/quotes. I'm willing to part with everything very reasonably. Everything must go as I bought another car that needs the Z's space in the garage. Some of the better items: E31 head MINT dash, no cracks All interior pieces good except carpet Shelby wheels Hood and hatch- cheap paint dress up
I'd wet sand it. You won't believe how much a truly flat surface will improve the shine. You don't need to clear coat it. Before you start, get one of those paint depth gages and measure it. Most cheap paint jobs are 1 coat thick. You have to be very careful sanding if the paint is thin, because even after you sand, you still need to compound and polish.- Finally found your Z huh?
DOT 5 is silicone and won't absorb water like regular fluid does. Normal brake fluid should be changed every 2 years or so to prevent rust in the lines due to water.- The rich are getting richer.....
I think the main problem is lack of entrepeneiurship. With out that you're left with giant corporations, which are essentially pyramid scheems. One person at the top making tens of millions, then your execs making millions, top level management making mid hundred thousands, lower management low hundred thousands, and then down to the majority making $30-50k. In a pyramind like that, only a certain number have the potential to make a decent income. The source of the cause is back in school where we are told if we don't go to college and get a job we're worthless. There was not one mention of working for yourself, yet everybody I know that is financially independant is self employed.- The rich are getting richer.....
Well...yea...the rich own everything. 95% of that list started their own business. Tom Gallisano started Paychex with $3000, and is now a billionare. If you work for somebody, you're making money for them. The solution is to start your own business. You're aren't a slave to your employer, you choose to work there. For my age I make pretty good money, yet I still work for somebody. I get 50% commission, so I "make" double what shows up on my check. In the spring I'm starting my own business and from what I figure, should be around 6 figures, high 5 for income. So I'm on my way to being "rich". Most people who are rich, deserve to be so. What they do for fun in your mind is the total opposite of what is actuality. Most work 12 or more hours a day, and when they aren't at work, they're thinking about work. I've planned 10 years, since I was 15, on starting my business. I've worked jobs just to see how things were run, my job I have now I got just to make contacts for accounts. If you don't like rich people, move to Cuba. It's not a rich persons fault you aren't rich. Making money is easy, it's finding out how to do it that's hard. - Parting out a 71
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