Everything posted by BuDavid
rear strut mounts, 240's on a 280??
sorry for the delay, yes, you are talking about the same thing, the 240 has all the same (front/rear) while 280 has them higher at rear.. they are the "strut mount bushings" if I correctly mentioned:ermm: anyway, I managed to find pair from 240Z's front, I mounted them and the car is back on road.. the fender is fixed somehow by a nice pull from my friend! the car dropped at the back.. for me, I like it better dropped by an inch.. maybe it'll be just temporary, but I needed to put my car back on the ground because I'm travelling after few days.. did the ride's quality change or not when you used the higher ones? for me it is the same.. it is about hight only to me until now, I dont know if it will fail soon or not:stupid: because I think there must be a practical reason why they made them higher for 280Z..
New member here - long time enthusiast
welcome among us Arvin.. you certainly choosed a good forum.. and good participation for a new user, wish to see you more arround. Mohamed
My first Z car! 56k....you guys are still around?
you got a very good car man! congratulations, just a small paint work will do a big improvment! best wishes.. Mohamed.
rear strut mounts, 240's on a 280??
hi people, I just switched the springs back/front, after I almost destroyed the car accidentally, I managed to mount them BUT the damn strut mount failed! I need to buy a new one, or rather two.. the matter is, the 280Z has higher strut mounths than a 240Z by almost an inch, and I know that people used to switch them for lowering a 280Z or lifting a 240Z's rear.. I have ST springs, the gap betwenthe fender's arc's are almost the same, will it be a good idea to use 240Z's strut mounts? I don't like the rear looking high as it is now, I'm asking mechanically, the is no bad points on using them? another thing, on VB, the part number of a 240Z's mounts are all the same front/rear, but 280Z's rear strut mounts are not available, are they really the same in front and rear (for a 240Z)? and many thanks for the people who helped in my last case.. I really appreciate it so much.. the car looks normal now! Mohamed..
...And she's off the road!
I'm sorry to hear that, I guess it is the season! I'll tel you something and I hoe that it'll make you feel better.. I just had the switched springs post before a while, got feedbacks which made me ure that they were switched.. so back to the garage, lift the car, the stupid anti-sway bar links didnt want to come out, I did a real stupid step which I regret and I takke it as a lesson, the car was on a car lift, I put the CAR'S WHEEL under the left control arm, lowered the car to push the arm up, while lowering the car I totally forgot to watch the jack leg's tips!!! the car turned clockwise and I had a mountain of luck, coz one leg stayed in it's place, one leg onder the gearbox.. left leg GOT the left fender and bent it from below! the fourth leg.. NO CONTACT WITH THE CAR AT ALL! and the car was stuck with a tilted wheel under it! I almost cryed there! the car didn't have springs in rear, not a single whel on, if the front/left leg missed the fender, I would end up with a car sleeping a side on it's door! and the joke is, when I managed to get her "somehow" on the jcak, I sitched all the springs, the last step was tightening the rear left half shaft, the whole assembly dropped down! I thaught that I forgot to tighten the nuts, no man, the rubber strut mount failed and I got a whole when the car is jacked! as usual, the dealer don't have them, I have to order them.. that would last to weeks, I traveling next week, so the car will sleep until I come back:dead: I hope that you feel better now.. well I can feel the sadnes, u just finish a job with the car to make it batter, and within a second it get worse ! take it easy, $^!# happens.. make it a motivation to make it more better.. good luck Mohamed..
Took some really neat shots of the Z ya like?
nice Zed man:)
HELP-she no run right!!!
yeah, sometimes bringing up the same subject again with going throuh the search refreshes up the old common problems or issues, which gives a good chance to share new tips and open eyes for new Z owners.. besides it makes the forum more alive I would say.. because if everybody logged on, searched and logged off, this place would sem dead at the end! I would like that forum people would show up from time to time rather than searching and dissapearing.. just a thaught.. I hope that your car is allready fixed Antony, coz it seems that the trouble you have is after the water splashing you had.. if not, try to go forther in EFI system, sensors and maybe it is justa loose connection somewhere, you have the thermo time switch in front, "maybe" the air flow of the fan pushes the connector and disturbes the engine control.. I had a similar trouble once, the car just die at certain RPM, not always, but at vibration or haigh air folw, cleaned the conector with electrical contact cleaner and pressed the connector's terminals to hold the teeth on sensor better.. good luck.. Mohamed.
She's finally on the road...
nice nice nice.. it is clearely obvious that you gave her some love:love: good job man.. it really worthed the effort!
the front is high with new ST springs+KYB shocks
well, I'll ask my friend to assist me to finish the job faster, coz I think I need to change a stud from the front wheel also Grrrrrrrr! thanks anyway man, for this time and for the advice where to buy from:) I cant wait to see my car sitting on the road like a princess:) cheerz;)
the front is high with new ST springs+KYB shocks
yes jon, at the end you were right as it look like at the end! but what was always bothering me is to beleave the idea that the front springs will have less coils and thickness!? but since the hight in front dropped about an inch only after the last few days, it seems that it wi'll remain as it is! so I think that THEY ARE switched since some people allready stated that the weight distribution is about 51% rear and 49 at front.. about the process, don't worry, lessono is learned from the first time, beleave it or not, I managed to pull out the previous crap without opening the brale hose! thanks Jon and sorry not to do the job since you told:( I'll post pictures if it will all go right, and with the new headlight covers:) thanks for the advise all of you..
the front is high with new ST springs+KYB shocks
ok here is the news, I send an wmail to shox.com, told them about the problem with the springs I purchesed from them.. the answer was: I called S/T and they said that the 8 coil spring is for the front and the 9 coil spring is for the rear. nice eh? I guess that I'll have a springs rest day:( I can't beleave that they switched the lables on the springs!
The find dreams are made of
I think it happened, he got shotROFL so the old guy finally knew how to reach his abandoned property and found owr fellow (onuthin) screwing arround there and here he is.. a nother victim mext to the vette:dead: I wouldn't let any one come close to a corvette like this one! I would even come out from my grave if it requiresLOL
the front is high with new ST springs+KYB shocks
e_racer1999, thanks man! but are you sure that they are not switched also? coz Jon (jmortensen) is still doing me bad hereLOL jon please lie to me and tell me that it is ok.. I'm afraid if I switch the springs front to back, the rear will jump up and the nose will fall down, which I don't likr it to happen.. besides, the fender surface with the door is horizontal now, no inclination at all, and that what was I willing to do with the car earlier.. I don't know if you had ST springs, but maybe if you use some other springs such as Eibach or any others they might give a different inclination.. I'm not saying I'm right and you are wrong, maybe you are right and "we" are wrong, me and e_racer1999LOL (hopefully not):dead: thanks guys.. Mohamed.
the front is high with new ST springs+KYB shocks
Carl, thank you for the information, I took a look at a picture that I had when the springs were new, thanks god that I found it, the "front" sticker was sticked on the longer spring which has 9 coils, and the rear were without indivation and they have 8 coils, the car tend to be lower by now, I'll try to loosen the conotrol arm bushings coz I really suspect them because they are new and I guess they are resisting the car from getting lower.. since it is an easy job just to go under the car, loosen, move the car and shake the front and tighten again! I cant enter 3 fingers under the fender's arc today, maybe because I have big tires, other wise I might be able to enter 4 fingers as you mentioned.. Jon, for you it might be an easy job, but for me I really was nervous with those parts to unbolt:( and besides, fotunately I didnt have any rusty or jammed bolts when I disconnect the sway bars and the halfshafts.. I still assume that I have the correct mounting of the springs because the front should have more coils.. and maybe I'm in a shock because the previous owner had the nose drop more with higher rear which made me get used to the old view of the car and shocked me when the opposite thing happened now.. I'll post a picture later of the car now, and IF the nose of the car will be lower after loosening the bolt of the control arm bushings I'll post a nother picture.. thank you for the feedback gentelmen, some replies really cheered me up:) Mohamed.
the front is high with new ST springs+KYB shocks
jmortensen, I'm really not sure about it anymore, because there was a sticker stating which springs are the front ones that I removed while painting them in black.. I made a note in my phone not to mix them up that's why I was 99% sure that the fronts are in thier place.. and about the number of turns, I aleays thaught that the front springs (mostly) are longer because they tend to be compressed more due to the weight of the engine. while insetring the springs the rear ones had clearance between the upper spring seat and the spring itself, while the fronts were exactly the same length to sit on the spring seat.. Carl Beck, Carl, the car is a bit lower than before as in the picture, I'll try to loosen the control arm bushings nuts and retighten them and then I'll see if the nose will drop more or not.. besides, the picture of the 240Z you sent, seems almost the same as my car right now, maybe mine is still a bit higher and I'm just lieing to myself just to feel better:cry: I'll send an email to shox.com to ask them about the number of turns of the front and rear springs, I really don't wish to go through the spring process again coz it sucks! by the way, the tires size on my car is 225/60 R14 which is very close to the stock tire hight..
the front is high with new ST springs+KYB shocks
I don't know what to say, I just put the car down on the road and I was surprized that the car looks like a boat! it was really too high in the front and lowered at the back which is normal as I guess.. here are the new stuff I have under the car: 1-brand new ST springs. 2-new KYB gas shocks. 3-new control arm bushings. my friend told me that with gas struts it is normal to lift the car so much in the firs few days and then it'll drop a little with time.. I was totally sure of placing the front springs in the front which have 9 turns and the rear have 8 turns! please don't tell me that I'm wrong!:dead: I suspect a nother thing, when I tightened the control arm bushings I put a plat form under each front wheel to compress the spring a bit so I'll position the sleeve in closer angle to the normal angle while the car is dropped on road ( I think the compression of the spring wasn't enough so the bushing now is forcing the arm back to higher position?).. do I need to loosen the nut/bolt of the bushings and bounce the car while it is on the ground and tighten it again? I mean that the bushings might make some torque to lift the car in the front.. Note: the car is a bit lower after roding for an hour! I don't know weather if that lowering will proceed or not.. I'm so confused right now.. I'll just attach a picture and give me some opinions please.. and please tell me it is correct that the front have 9 turns and the rear have 8:hurt: thank you guys..
New here!
Welcome on board Recardo.. you are in the right forum with the right car;) wish you good luck with your 240Z:)
I baught the car from a real IPO! Idoiot Previous Owner!
EScanlon, I guss you didn't mension that the previous owner in fact WAS mechanically involved in the car.. claiming that he was buying all brand new stuff and MSA hotties! and the surprize is, well I consider it jocke, I remember that he told me a total bullshit, that the whole spring+shocks assembly is from while it was a hi-school boys job lowering by heat and cutting AND I guess fixing the hight again due to cutting more than required by putting spacers under the springs! so yes, I blame him, coz he is the type who say "that sound is caused by this, it have to be replaced"! but, from now, I'm starting to change parts by full kits, I wont trust any old job in this car.. but anyway, thank you for the encouragement.. Proudmomofa240z, do you want to hear something sad about Z's toturing? people in a neighbour country love Z's not for thier classic look, nor reliability and enjoyable driving, but they buy a tip tip Z car to drift on it.. drift until the rear tires are GONE and they show off by burning the beutifull aluminum wheels.. others buy a very neat rust-free Z car, and start cutting, welding the engine bay several times to change many engines for Drag race purposes, why dont they buy one which was allready used for race? those cars are getting less and less.. I'm afraid of selling my car and I'll get stuck looking for a nother one! in fact, a clean 240Z (which I mean a real clean, from to and bottom) is really hard to find arround here, they are so rare and don't worth he asked prices! I bet the situation in the US is much better, good owners are much over there unlike here.. if I would like to own a nother Z, I would like to have a virgin Z untoched from anybody here:) it is not a compliment, it is a fact..
I baught the car from a real IPO! Idoiot Previous Owner!
Rick, ok sorry for apologising hahaROFL well, this post is going somewhere else than it should be I see:) anyhow.. thanks for the support guys..
Air Flow Meter
I would say, manual cleaning.. carb. cleaner+tooth brush:) but always keep the electronic board's side facing the top so you wont allow any dirt to sneak onto your electronic board.. just a thaught, I would do that, maybe others would hae better ideas.. good luck..
ignition stuck in 'lock' position 280z
maybe it is a stupid idea, but sometimes people mis some small basic things, IN CASE you have two or more keys for the car, such as door lock or hatch lock keys, make sure that u didnt mix them up.. other thing, the locking mechanism might be stuck, u can spray a very small amount of WD-40 (very small amount since there are som contact points behind it, so you wont flood it with oil and might make you dig more deeper in your case) and try again.. I wish that I could give a better help..
I baught the car from a real IPO! Idoiot Previous Owner!
but is it possible that the factory cartidges were USA made?? the ones I took out were made in the US..
I baught the car from a real IPO! Idoiot Previous Owner!
well, I guess people in the US don't use the name "Mohamed" that much don't they? well, I knew that it is not his fault, coz he might not expect people from all over the world to post in this forum.. and from my side, I appologize for my bad grammer, because it is our second language as many people figured out:) and maybe it was MUCH worse in this post because I was really pissed off from the surprizes I found in the car!:dead: I appolegize again because I following up so late due to some health problems that kept me in bed for few days.. ok, so you say that springs had different hights?? I just baught ST springs and they seemed to be the same !! dont they?? and the previous springs didnt have and inch difference, but about 2 inches or more!! so I can freely blame him and all of you can also:) besides that that guy was acting as if he was a real Z guy, that is bothering me the most! SaltyCrackers, see you arround mate;) cheerZ..
aare any adjustable compression rods for 1977 280Z's available?
thank you Arne, and sorry for the pate reply.. I know that they are used for racing purposes, but I need to fic my caster angle, so I thaught that it would be better to buy a real well engineered part rather than cutting treading my old part, coz since it is a compression rod, it might bend after time if it is not well modefied.. those parts are currently out of stock I guess.. they'll be available soon as they claim.. thanks..
fron wheel bearing tightening
first of all, thanks to all of you for the rich information with documentation attachments (as usual by Stephen) and sorry for not following up this post, I was in bed for few days due to sudden illness which I guess my Zed was involved in it since I was cleaning, painting and replacing shocks and springs right after my night shift:stupid: I really love this forum, I don't to be an auto mechanic to fix my car and I don't even need one since I joined this forum.. thank you guys.. wish you all the best..