Everything posted by BuDavid
Hi all - Couple questions
first of all wlcome between us Rob, second, congratulations for joining the right forum, trust me, u'll get river of good information here.. I'll answer your questions (FROM MY POINT OF VIEW) you don't have to aggree with it, just an opinion: -differences in 240/260/280.. yes there are, mainly weight! mention that the rear lights are not interchangeable as far as I know ( you cn't get a 240 from a 280 or vise versa) -sap auto to 5 speed, how easy?? so easy;) this is datsun man, but if you need high power with tuining you might need a borg warner gear box from a 280ZX turbo. that one is a bit harder to swap.. -power difference, I guess so, sice the 280 is a EFI and produces 170hp, not bad eh? -260 is quite nice I dont see what is so bad in them, maybe they came 2+2, if so yes, keep away of 2+2 they are too long (my opinion again) engine wise what is so rong in them!? in worse cases imlant another 280Z engine or an RB26 since you are a GT-R guy;) -I don't know if you noticed one Datsun Z poster with the logo "we are driven" but if u have a piece of art that is extremly clean..don't spoil that babe! -as far as I know yes, they are reliable cars, but will you use a tip top condition car to throw it under the sunlight while u are iat work? if you want my opinion, go for a very clean 240Z with original carbed engine.. I have a 280Z, it is very good, but the caruration is more classic and the bumpers are much nicer than a 280Z.. but on the other hand, 280Z's are more avanced from below and engine wise.. so god luck in your mission:)
Control arm bushing
I aggree with the gues, I'm in the same process right now, unbolt the control arm from the the ball joint, comp. rod ..etc and the big bolt at the ineer side and take it to a workshop to be pressed out and to press the new ones in.. with me costed only 6$ a 10min job.. but I had a problem putting the bew ones in coz thier inner sleeves are longer than the old ones, actually the old ones got compressed due to the bolt pressure... I'll try to put a bolt with a nut inside the place to be inserted andkrack open it:) to let the new bushing lide through.. I hope that you eont need that mechanis;) all the best!
Steering rack boots from VB dont fit!?
Zack, I left the answers on my crewLOL ehy were more than enough:) Zbane (David) I attach an aupdated map of yours shoing my town in red and a new casway at north, and the small pink dot above the ord "Manama" which is the capital town is y home previously up to 1990 before we moved to our stupid town:) and the F1 sign is where the F1 location.. yeah right after my town, takes only 10min to reach the place from my home.. beandip (Gary easy on Zack man, maybe he thaught that "bahrain" is a village in Saint Lois:p Mike, I know that site, ordering from VB is much easier for me, and they have some parts chaper most of the time don't they?? Deesz, 240znz. I'll consider your experience with them, I'll try to fill up that form coz they dont seem to be easy for me:stupid: thanks for following up guys..
Steering rack boots from VB dont fit!?
damn I can't beleave that they screwed it up with me! I ordered parts for a 1977 how can they mix them up like this! I guess it is not worth it to return them, coz it will cost more than thier price to ship them back! at least I know now that my steering rack is original! thanks Dave..
Steering rack boots from VB dont fit!?
Hi, I dont't know if it happened to anybody else before.. I purchaes steering rack boots from VB for my 1977 280Z, they were too big on the rack's side and too small on the tie rod side, the material looks decent but realy wierd size.. is it possible that I'm having a swapped steering rack?? is there any difference between the (240/280)Z steering racks? thanx
how to kill the ghost of bad luck?:(
David, I hope that you are right about the stupid ghost;) coz when I finish installing the springs, shocks and rims I'll put her picture in a Magazine! yes, my cousin called me and asked me if I agree putting her pic in a new magazine! so I'll prepare her make up and I'm ordering headlight covers to be as much sexy as she can be;) I might post scanned photos from the magazine.. BUT after a long time I guess:s
how to kill the ghost of bad luck?:(
gla to hear that you wife (the real one) wasn't harmed in the accident David.. and can somebody please find a retual for those lovely babes parked in the garages?? I'm waiting for my springs to arive, and I find a rear beake fluid leak with a discahrged battery! well, maybe she felt lonely so she went breaking the dishes:) by the way David.. Nice Cabriolet u have.. I'm sure that any problem in you ZX is because she has a HOT wealthy oppnent;)
Happy Birthday Mr. K
happy birthday wish to Mr. K from Bahrain! thanks for the effort..
sway bar of 280Z 2+2 into a 280Z 2 seater?
I did a search in "zcar.com" and I found this reply from a guy which is supporting my thaughts about the 280z 2+2 sway bar "upgrade"! Re: Best single suspension upgrade? Author: z240zdude Date: Nov 10, 2004 3:00am Here's another option, you can use the sway bar from a 280z 2+2 for the front, they are the largest from the factory and then a 260 rear bar. This would keep that original look about the car. I have done this on my Z I had and it made for a decent handling car. From there I would follow what the others above suggested with the urethane bushing sets and of course new shocks and springs, etc. Dave Dave 12/70 240Z with fresh L-28, flat-tops, N-42 head, N-33 intake, MSA 10-2002 cam, ZX ignition, early 5-speed, R-180,4:11 gears and fresh 903 Blue paint. I think that guys ion this forum can get use of it too! all the best guys!
sway bar of 280Z 2+2 into a 280Z 2 seater?
that is what I also thaught, but I need some technical advice from people who did it, coz I'm sure that many people did that swap.. but thanks anyway for you concern bro..
sway bar of 280Z 2+2 into a 280Z 2 seater?
I can't beleave that no body has an idea about this!? come on forum guys, my car is jacked and I dont want to waste time on usless parts (if you say so) cheerZ!
Splash Pans
I don't know what are you talking aboutLOL
electronic fuel injection system
is your flow meter ok? if it is old maybe the potentiometer is shorted at certain points, I had this problem, it gave me a big hedache until I discovered it after opening the flow meter! or it might be as simple as if someone screwe up your spark plugs wires?? go for the basics if you want my advice. somethings that dont cost and fast to deal with. good luck
Off goes my baby...
Good luck Steve, it would be nice if you post some pic's after the job is done, some before and after thing, it would be very interesting when you compare! cheerz..
sway bar of 280Z 2+2 into a 280Z 2 seater?
Hi guys, I'm still under the proces of replacing springs+shocks and ctrl arm bushings, within that I decided to change the Anti sway bar that I have chich was hit I guess and bent with a used one in good condition.. after having the old one removed I discovered that the new (used) is a thicker one, whci I would say it was on a 280Z 2+2, it fits exactly like the old one (18mm). will it be coonsidered as an upgrade? since people are buying thicker than a 280Z 2+2 sway bar! or it wont make any difference since it is just +2mm with the same material (stiffness)?
Help for all of you
same here with IPO, I had one also;) have you seen an Z with ABS? Z's are so wild that they don't need them:) thanks for your effort.
Compression rod bushing arrangment
maybe it is just a packing issue that made them put them in that order, but according to most of people and what I see logical, I would sat that the rounded side will be put into the cup in the cahssis. I have them allready installed and seem to be right! good luck..
1980 280ZX wheel color on Silver 1977 280Z.. suggestions?
Stephen, I'm not tryin to be offensive here, but regarding the picture attached, as far as I see the wheels are completely polished, in theis case you might get dirt in the corners of the contour, and it is a bigger job to maintain the tatally polished wheels:dead: maybe my wheels wont look that good at the end, sice allready I'm being cursed here because people here reall y hate those wheels and they even dont bother about selling them coz no body will buy them:stupid: but my point of view with those wheels is that a classic car should have an "old taste" design, like the chrome+bare metal. I'm convinced of it right now, but the feedback of all of you made a real change for sure, I wouldn't end up that good without the advice and opinions from all of you. thanx.
1980 280ZX wheel color on Silver 1977 280Z.. suggestions?
zbane, that's right, and also in the OEM point of view keeping the original color, I'll go for mat-black.. Stephen, thank you for the part number, but my caps in a very good condition exept for the black background.. thank you people.
1980 280ZX wheel color on Silver 1977 280Z.. suggestions?
ok zbane, I'm considering that, but forgive me if I dont clear coat it:nervous: what about the center caps? mine have the "Z" black backgroud peeled off, shall I make them black or same mat color as the grey areas of the wheels? I dont have to attach a picture right? I hope the wuestion is clear.. cheerz
1980 280ZX wheel color on Silver 1977 280Z.. suggestions?
our guys here are not proffessional in paint work, I'm afraid if I clear coat it it would look like a candy bar! if the surface is rough, wouldn''t it hod dirt anyway even if it has clear coat on it? besides, the iedea of having dirty dark areas next to shiny patterns seems to me classy.. I want them to look old a bit, what do you think?:s thanks..
1980 280ZX wheel color on Silver 1977 280Z.. suggestions?
I dont know really what to do man:( I really want to keep them the way they are, but a friend told me it will catch too much dirt and brake carbon, is it bad? I think it will be good since I want to make it darker? I'll just wait for my springs to arrive then I'll make the big step! I'll post a picture with the new springs+struts & wheels:) maybe after a mounth, I'm broke right now
1980 280ZX wheel color on Silver 1977 280Z.. suggestions?
Zbane, I was asking about the clear coating, I heared that it will peel off without primer layer under it! I dont know if it is true or not, but I'll ask further, one more thing, it wont become soft (the surface of the coated area)? because it is rough metal right now or I guess it is called sand blasted.. if all of the above is correct, shall I paint it with the exact color of the metal itself? thanks for the help..
1980 280ZX wheel color on Silver 1977 280Z.. suggestions?
Hi again, I've just got my rims back from the workshop, the guys there did a nice job! the rims are polished and they had the paint completly removed! I wanted to take the advice of many people from the forum about the color selection which is "gun metal black or grey" but when I saw the rims unpainted, they looked really nice to me! they were mat-dark grey! to me they looked odd and classic, what do you think? shall I leave them as they are or paint them/clear coat them maybe?? waiting for the feedbacks.. thanks.
how to kill the ghost of bad luck?:(
280~Master, well, I feel a shame for that, not really, didnt give her aname:s I bearly see her on weekend, whenever I have a free time to take her for a ride.. and a damn spend the most on her regarding spare parts, going to originals directly! anyway, I'll try to give her a nice name, the previous owner called her (him) "el prince" so I'm afraid to give female name and it will get mad on me more that ever:( abuot the radiator, the JTR have a website? and can it be shipped?