Everything posted by BuDavid
how to kill the ghost of bad luck?:(
I forgot that I posted that one allready, I thaught that it is out of history allready;) EScanlon, they are allready separated:) seems to be better, and starting to reward them now.. Blue Meanie, Drink, well I dont drink, any other solutions to kick ghosts? would grass help?
1980 280ZX wheel color on Silver 1977 280Z.. suggestions?
I just wanted to show you guys the Z that inspired me to get those wheels.. I took the picture in Bratislava (Slovakia's Capital City) before 3 years at a car show that had the 350Z for the first time, and that 240Z was shown next to it, and as an S30 addict, I just walked like a blind guy next to the 350Z and started taking pictures of that 240ROFL I can tell you guys, that car looked like new!! it had a Czech number plate. enjoy:smoke:
1980 280ZX wheel color on Silver 1977 280Z.. suggestions?
Alfadog, you smashed my heart with those JAguars;) thanks for the picture and the compliment.. for sure I'll post a picture of the car with the colored polished rims after all here.. thanx 4 all.
1980 280ZX wheel color on Silver 1977 280Z.. suggestions?
Stephen, your avatar is small and I guess it is disturbed by light reflection.. but I think I understood which color is it, I would go for it I guess.. it would make a good combination as far as I think.. thank you.
1980 280ZX wheel color on Silver 1977 280Z.. suggestions?
zbane, mazingerz1976, all, thank you all guys for the suggestions, and I'm really confident in the members of this forum, I'm more comfortable with the black. but the gunmetal black means a very dark metallic grey?:nervous: sorry guys for this dumb question, because I never heared of this expression before.. I was thinking of "metallic almost-black grey" which maight mean the gunmetal black.. am I wrong?:hurt:
Rear Strut Cartridge
it can't be gabriel, they have different classification http://www.gabriel.com/ProductFinder.aspx?action=AS
Give your opinion
as far as I know according to my weak knowladge, N42 is the most common used to increase the pressure, but be careful with choosing the piston type, the shouldn't be flat guess.. I'm not sure, dont relay on my post.. good luck
1980 280ZX wheel color on Silver 1977 280Z.. suggestions?
zbane, well the main thing that I understod your aim, I'm also at work since I posted this post (I hope that the power plant wont burn:dead: ) Doehring, I do respect you opinion and I considered the choise of black, but will it be with polished "B" area? and would it look nice on silver? on black looks very good, but black on silver not sure.. BTW I appreciate teachrs.. Danke Rolf.. Victor Laury, thank you for showing the picture dude.. Arne, dont worry, I wont throw my 6 points wheels, I'll have them under my bed in case I get bored if the iron cross ones;) so at the end we conclude that no body aggrees on keeping them golden? thaks folks..
1980 280ZX wheel color on Silver 1977 280Z.. suggestions?
Sblake, I agree with you, but those wheels are almost unavailable here, I would like to have some special set like yours.. but thank you anyway for the tip.. zbane, didn't you mix up ( with ©? sounds really none-sense:) sorry..
Hi Folks, I'll start my first post with a poll!
I can't say which Z is the best, coz every one has it's own character, but the one I would surely prefer is the 240Z, coz it is really classic with the coarburation system.. on the other hand, S30's are really fine to my after using the 1983ZX and 300ZX Z32
1980 280ZX wheel color on Silver 1977 280Z.. suggestions?
thanks for the fast reply man, I was hoping that I can get an answer today:) the six ponts well be sleeping under my bed;) I like them but they look so common, and this is the reason why I want those older type because in my point of view they look better on an S30's (my opinion) I also considered black in area A but I wasn't sure, becaus sliver "might" look very "teenage"!! and about area C, yes I meant using chrome as "polished as you stated.. thank you bro.
1980 280ZX wheel color on Silver 1977 280Z.. suggestions?
hi,I purchased a set of 198280ZX wheels for my silver 1977 280Z.. the thing is that I found 3 colors of them and I picked the golden ones (because they were in the best condition) I'm a bit confused about the color options that would look good on my car insted of my 1983 280ZX wheels.. in the attachment I stated the patterns of the wheels as A,B anc C my first thaught was like that A:Silver (same as the car color) B:chrome C:same as the original aluminum color some also told me to make A:Black B:Chrome C:same as original any other suggestions or supports to my choise? I would appressiate an advice from you guys.. thanks..
Steering wobble with new tires
first of all, you should buy realy tires for your Z man! you should give it some respect! about the ball joints point, maybe your previous tires were worn and were slipping much (soft causing less friction forces) and when you installed your new ones the friction forces become higher with the improved gripping and due to the clearences at the joints you get the car travel from side to side.. sometimes when you put better stuff (than previous) other weaknesses show up.. so it is time now to treat you baby well and get some new stuff;) Note: it was just my opinion.. chaw..
canister of z32 into a 280Z?
thanx alot for the documents, btw, from where I can get one of those manuals? seems really usefull!
canister of z32 into a 280Z?
I baught a front quarter cut for my 300ZX Z32, I used stuff from it and pulled out others, untill I found a carbon canister (or charcoal canister) not sure of the name.. I don't have a carbon canister in my 280ZX and I would like to install one.. the question is, will it be possible to use the canister of the Z32 into the 280Z? I guess they all have the same configuration (Purge,Vacume and tank)??
replacing fuel injectors
I aggree with DatsunZsrule, since I didnt replace the plastic holders, but I had 2 of them allready cracked and I replaced them with used ones, since those parts are not much available in our area, but if they are available and cheep, man, do it at once and ease your mind from the hedache later on! use a good type of fuel hose, I used a regular hose with clamps, I would tell you that I REGRET IT! those cheep clamps and that stupid hose are the worse thing I have ever done! they leak and they really dont look that they will hold the pressure of the fuel! I'll replace all of them.. and also buy new O-rings, u may also use a touch of silicone arroud the outed surface of the O-ring which will hepl the injector to slide in the hole and get sealed after tightening! it is just my way of doing the O-ring, u just better get the new stuff if u can.. and make sure that u cut the hose in an equal lengths accurately, with matching the older length, coz u might face probles with fuel rail hitting the fuel regulator as I had! good luck!
rubber bushing/urethane bushing
this is really confusing:s
KYB's+ST springs!
ok close enough, anybody with KYB's? thanx Montezuma;)
KYB's+ST springs!
I had a long discussion with many members of the forum about the shocks and the springs, I would go definately for KYB's for the smooth ride, and about the springs, after a long search and reading about them, I found out that Eibach's progressive springs are made only for 240Z, while I need a set for my 1977 280Z! so the conclusion is that I'll go for ST (suspension Techniques) springs at the end.. I noticed the difference in prices (from 400 to 260), would that be considered as they were "cheap" springs? and if anybody has them on a 280Z with KYB's plz can I know how much the car is lowered and weather the ride is smooth or stiff (bouncing on rough roads)? coz I'll need stiffer shock's if ther were much stiff dont I?
rubber bushing/urethane bushing
thanks for following up, but control arm bushing is considered "horizontally loaded" or vertically loaded? coz it is under turning motion isn't it? I considered using rubber bushing for mustashe bar mounting for sure! what I'm not sure of is using urethane for control arm bushings.. coz the control also the camber angle and since urethane is durable then it (might) be better than rubber there! correct me if I'm wrong plz!
how to kill the ghost of bad luck?:(
EScanlon for a while I thaught that you were talking about your wife;) (kidding) I guess you are right man, when I go out, the wallet is either in the center consoule or on the passenger seat:( man, if you have seen how much love do I give that car you would tell her "SHAME ON YOU DOING THIS TO HIM";) but what to do, I'll try to satisfy her more as I mentioned.. hls30.com, about a nother love in her way, maybe you are right, I baught a 300ZX, a since that time, both of them were nagging for stupid stuff:) I guess the were jelous from each other;) but my mistake is that I gave them both MUCH attention! while I should focus on my old honey;) a7dz, your attached picture really gives me the motivation man;) thanx guys..
rubber bushing/urethane bushing
then I would deffinitely go to rubber bushing! I dont like the tough ride, guys its a japanese car, it is light, if u make it stiffer u shake the hell of it! maybe a mixture would work since i can use the urethane in some locations where there is no direct stresses, like the control arms bushings?or I'm totally wrong now? thanks for the explainations guys..
rubber bushing/urethane bushing
I know that this subject is here many times, I did the search, but I need a simple and clea answer, what are the advantages/disadvantages of Urethane bushings over the rubber ones? is the bushing kit from VB good to buy? coz shipping from them is easier than MSA for me.. thanx
how to kill the ghost of bad luck?:(
yeah, as if I heared something new now;) anyway, thanks for the support, but I guess I'll end up with a screw driver in my head:) I dont care, I'm buying the new springs+shox! and the damn radiator will take his place under the hood! this car will run 20 more years! thanx people;)
how to kill the ghost of bad luck?:(
I guess I have the ghost of bad luck following me:( only if I knew how to kill him!! I just decided to make the future step for my 280Z and buy ST springs+KYB's GR-2, I'm just waiting for selling my 300ZX (hopefully after tomorrow):stupid: BUT! I took the car to allign the wheels and this bad luck ghost braught me a new present! CNTROL ARM BUSHING NEED TO BE REPLACED, well after I replaced the comp. rod bushing! and I found out that the steering rack boot that I replaced 3 mounths ago is torn!!?? damn! this is called bad quality spare parts! and more to come when I saw the drain plug of the radiator broken and the threaded part is still inside and didn't want to f**k off to be replaced.. but after a good onservation, the damn radiator needs to be changed soon!!!:dead: I'm starting to lose faith in this car! I'm treating it so good, I drive it once a week or less and all this $^!# fall on my head !! I dont know what radiator shall I buy?? since we have a real hot weather here, it reaches 48-50C so often in the summer! and I use a thermostat with 80C! what a headache!