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Everything posted by BuDavid

  1. I thaught that it is a great sum of money! hoever I hope u'll be happy with ur beuty:)
  2. BuDavid replied to BuDavid's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    an older Z guy just told me that he could sworn that the vents were black originally!? didnt they produce Z's with black vents and colored some other years? coz my Z has bleck ones, never painted, just clean plastic! would that mean that they were originally black or they were fitted on black Z before?? coz Hrududu and ncz claim that they were black!
  3. BuDavid replied to BuDavid's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    aha that's exlpains it, coz I noticed that he has a red 240 with no vents :nervous:
  4. I saw before couple of days a 1983 280ZX in original condition te car wasn't used for 10 years! it smelled like a new car from inside! nice gulf-spec car fully optioned with a rear wing still feel like rubber! I was really sad from not having that one but the worse thing is that they asked 13333$ :stupid: I wish that I could have that amount! does it worth it anyhow? the car really seem like new
  5. BuDavid replied to azcarbum's post in a topic in Fuel Injection
    as far as I know in my area the use a Mercedes fule pump to improve the delivery with a valve in the line-in to the injectors..
  6. BuDavid replied to KDMatt's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    the oil burning matter, does it burn oil when you start the engine for few moments then it stops when it gets warm? if so it might be due to the valve's seals, the pass oil when the engine is cold and stop when they get warm due to expansion.. u might notice smoke from oil burning also when decellaration from high RPM also in worse cases.. small process fix it if so.. sorry but I have no idea about the hesitation..
  7. BuDavid replied to BuDavid's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    jharmon, stephen thanx for the cover.. but I still see some confusion about the vents color, Stephen said that they were gloss black (same as mine) and Carolina Z says that they matched the hoods color.. in stephen's case, didnt you buy them from an owner who had a black car?? coz in my opinion I think that they matched the hood and that is because of the vents in the 280ZX 1983, the vents match the color of the hood.. besides that when the are black on my car they look like that there is something that doesnt belong to the carspecoally when they are gloss:s thanks to all
  8. BuDavid replied to BuDavid's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    and who is Ed? how can I ask him? so u mostly agree on that the vents on the hood should have the same color as the hood right? and is there a cover under the vent on both sides or only on the left side? coz I have only one on the drivers side!?
  9. BuDavid replied to 280Zmex's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    sorry but I wish to get the answer same as u coz I also want to change my 280Z shock absorbers
  10. BuDavid replied to jszarecki's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    this could be related to heat or friction during running the cas as I asume (since u have new ALT and cables WITH A GOOD BATTERY FOR SURE) did u check the ALT belt tension? weather it has no slipping? it might start to slip after warming up somehow or from biginning so u notice the voltage dropping in the gauge after then..
  11. resonable thaught, I also think that it shold be closed.. I'll try to ask the dealer, thanx a lot guys
  12. BuDavid posted a post in a topic in Body & Paint
    hi all, What is the OEM color of the grrill on the hood of the 280Z 1977? I have it painted in black, but many old z Pictures have the same color as the body, I think that same color look nicer than black.. any comments? thanks.
  13. BuDavid replied to BuDavid's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    hi again guys, I didnt find a good air flow meter yet:( but acording to my internet research and experience of our home Z users, a toyota AFM can be used as a replacement for the 280Z AFM, on atlanticz they claim that a cressidas flowmeter fits and might be even better if you take off the circuit board from the nissans flowmeter and put it into the cressida's.. on other hand, guys here said according to thier experience that direct swaping a SUPRA's 5M AFM into a 280Z works good and even better but with a slight higher fule consumption.. as I know, a 5M engine is the same engine that the coressida 2.8 has.. so does anybody know weather if the circuit board exchanging is essential or not? thanks
  14. BuDavid replied to BuDavid's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Tomohawk, the air flowmeter of the 280ZX is so rare over here also, I was looking for an alternative which is newer and less used.. Stephen, yes u are right, but I needed an alternative... but thanx for ur notice.. boostedZ, yes, I'm asking about the flow meter, and I think u mentioned the same flow meter as mentioned previousely as it is for 280Z 1975 up to 280ZX 1983?? did anybody try a toyota's 5M air flow meter? it increases the fule consumption and the performance also in other hand ''as I heared''! thank you all
  15. BuDavid posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    hi there, sorry because I'm asking here without searching in the forum about flowmeters, but I'm in a real hurry a i need a quick answer:( I have a scratched plate on my flow meter, it is short circuited at idle! I'm going to a big junky parts sales next week, is there an alternative for an S30 280Z '77? I heared that a toyota 5M engine's flow meter fits with the same plug and gives better respond.. is that true?? should i buy one? coz a new one is costly over here or any better alternative, if anybody know the part number that would be great! thanx in deposit.. peace
  16. sorry but I'm not sure that I understud the case here, did anybody say the reproduced the S30's sometime after 1978?? SteveJ: Are you referring to a car that does 0-60 in about 8 seconds? Are you referring to a car that does not come with air conditioning? Are you referring to a car that does not have much insulation and allows road noise to come in? yes I do, if it will cost an ammount within a reasonable range! is it possible to reproduct one??? I'm so concerned!
  17. yes, kenz240z I bealeave that emerging of cultures and languages is a very valuable thing, it is one of the highest characters of mankind! and the Z, well, my Z s really an example of that, since it was braught from the US and because of that I get more knowladge about differences between spec's in Gulf and the US!
  18. bemmerguy714 no hate bro, I'm also the exact same case as u! started my driving experience with BMW's, loved them and still love them i couldn't even sell my E30 but I'll sell it now i guess because my sister and mother made some small accidents in it, well, u know, doesnt feel so much MINE no more but I'm planning to get a 525i 1981 form my uncle seems classic a bit since they have totally changed after 710 years of production.. I hope no one will kill me for loving BMW's now :tapemouth no offence, I'm a Z lover since i had the 280ZX 2+2 b4 5 years which i sold for study purpose , and I'm very glad and proud to have a 280Z! I guess I'm in the club again now well, my nick name, maight be hard to understand and not as much funny as for us in the midle east here we go, BuDavid (without space) should be Bu David I just wrote it like this coz I couldnt enter it with space.. Meaning, in Arabic speaker's countries people are "nicknamed" by thier oldest child ( if they have one or more) and if they dont they also nicke named by standard names for such names like if someone called Mohamed (miy name:)) will be called Bu Jasem untill i have a child which i will be nicknamed after that by his name for an example if my son called Ebrahim I'll be Bu Ebrahim coz the term "Bu" or also "Abu" means "father of".. I hope that it is clear now why "Bu David" coz in arabic the name david is pronounced "Dawood" my friend called me Bu DAVID which seemed funny for us coz it is forignly pronounced (according to us ) that way so I kinda enjoyed it, it is a sort of unity of cultures, while David and the arabic format "dawood" refer to the same person! in religious history i guess most people wont get it also but it is ok.. nice theread!
  19. BuDavid replied to Virto's post in a topic in Introductions
    congratulations for teh Z ownership! a really nice one you have, I would like to have same one:) keep it clean and stock;) good luck with the parts, cant help that much with them:( guys in US do better.. c ya arround.. Mohamed.
  20. hi guys, I just heared from my uncle that the throttle should have n opened gap while idle.. I thaught that the adjustable screw does the function of passing idle air.. I'm now confused weather he is right or I am?! does anyone have any idea about it? and does anyone knows how to adjust the throttle valve position switch/sensor? coz if i free the 2 screws and turn it clockise and anti clockwise nothing happen.. is it damaged? thanx
  21. BuDavid replied to Zrush's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Mine has HLS30 361151 closest relatives has HLS30 366*** should that be wierd?
  22. BuDavid replied to craigmomps's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    just take an ohm meter and connect positive terminal of the meter to one of those wires, and the negative to the ground (body or the negative of the battery) and do the same thing gain with the other wires, until u find the 0 ohm value which means that the wire with the 0 ohm's is the ground, to find the others, same thing but u need the VOLT meter mode, connect the positive therminal of the meter to one of those wires aand let a person inside the car give a "START" pulse with the ignition key and see if u get the 14.5V on tour meter, if so, means that u are measuring the start wire of the starter! a picture woud be helpful but i dont have one right now.. will mentioning the colors of the terminals help? if yes just tell me so I'll look for it under my car's hood.. good luck and be careful in future;)
  23. nice Z's man! u r in heven almost;)
  24. BuDavid replied to c_sama's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    musi musi hay;) welcome from Bahrain.. have fun and info here!
  25. BuDavid posted a post in a topic in Fuel Injection
    hi, i have questions about: 1- cold start valve 2- air regulator 3- throttle valve switch 1- is it a right way to check the cold start switch by connecting it directly to the battery and listen to it weather it is clicking or not? and how can i check its operation in the system? when should it operate so i can use a voltmeter on its terminal? 2- how to chcek my air regulator? i noticed that it is printed 70 ohms on its socket, i measured it and it was 70, but i connected it to the battery and nothing happened, is it damaged? how to chcek it and how to check wether it is controlled or not.. 3- how to adjust the throttle valve switch? and if anybody knows what it its funcion plz tell me, coz I played with its position and nothing happenned, a difference in idle occures when i turned it with a screw driver out of the thottle body, just a slight difference..

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