Everything posted by BuDavid
Back to my simple idle ?
I have the same prob man, plz give info of the solution, coz it might be the same problem, a friend told me that there is a vacume leak in the system, but i couldnt find it, chek the hoses.. bye
smoked out
yes, as Stephen said, black smoke is due to more higher petrol in air fule mixture.. u might have to adjust the air flow meter also.. or it might be that u have a stronger fule pump hn it should be that was change recently..
Thinking of selling my Z... advice?
u dont appreciate it if u do it;)
Thinking of selling my Z... advice?
man, I would sell my house to have the one u have! it is obvious tht u spent time, money and energy into it, it dosnt mke a sense that u'll buy a nother one later, coz the mantinnce thing is kind of a relation between a person and his car, if u r satisfide with urs now, I dont think that u'll have a big chance to be satisfide with a nother one so fast! but a cheap car with a 1.6L engine and store the angle;)
1978 280Z - Here are some pics of my Z without the front ugly bumper! opinions?
adn remove the rear one also:)
1978 280Z - Here are some pics of my Z without the front ugly bumper! opinions?
sorry I dont want to disencorriage u about it but dont u think that those bumpers that u fitted insted are very small? try to find a thicker bumper that fills the openings around the old groovings, it would be gr8, try to check my cars bumper for an example. best luck..
- haba haba!
- on the way
- hot view
- hot view
- night glow
- night glow
- exhaust pipe
- exhaust pipe
- the sign!
- the sign!
- dont notice the steering wheel:D
- dont notice the steering wheel:D
- interior
- interior
- cleaned hood
- cleaned hood
- nothing impolite:)
- nothing impolite:)
- cars cheek (dhiny from kissing i guess);)