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Everything posted by BuDavid

  1. i hope that u wont face such a problem coz it makes me go nuts :stupid: thanx for ur concern stephen..
  2. BuDavid posted a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  3. BuDavid posted a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  4. BuDavid posted a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  5. ok stephen, i found an older post about the FICD, i dont really think that my car have a similar thing, since it has an AC.. i had something like it on my 280ZX that i had b4, but mine has simply a vacum tank in series with the vcum switch.. I'll go and check under the hood, if the FICD is the valve with two vacum hoses it might be it?it is ob the upper right of the intake when u are on the drivers side of the car?
  6. what is the FICD!? yes i do have the A/C system, i would die withot it here;) maybe the low vaume u have under your cp is due to the #3 config, coz the house the connects the boot between the flowmeter and the throttle body i think reduce the vacum while the throttle is blocking in idle running.. we conclude from your 810 that the strong vacum under the oil cap is a normal thing, the unstability and engine death problem under the 1000RPM is from wht then!?:s i read in the owners manual that the hosing system the connects the valve cover and the PCV valve is used for burning unburned gases in the block, and fresh air is sucked from the valve cover through the upper hoses and run into the block to mix up with those gases to perform air drift in the block and then sucked by the intake vacum through the PCV valve to be burned again.. is it useful to cancel the valve cover hose and put a small circular air filter? i saw some engines have them, but i dont know what is the purpose of it, it might help reducing the vacum a little bit, doesnt it?
  7. well the vacum under my oil cap is really strong! and the car gets dizzy just after removing the cap and the engine dies after a while, i tried to adjust the flow meter coz i thaught that more air is passing through it now but nothig helped, but i cant understand how can the engine make this vacume, coz i have the first configuration right now! could there be a nother problem? like the thing under the throttle body, has a name like EBDD i guess ?
  8. i didnt get the question also!? dont have a cap? strange thing:)
  9. Stephen, i gues that u got me wrong, it was hard to explain:) i asked about the hose that is noticed by the red arrow in the picture, where does it go from the juntion that is under the valve cover hose on the #2 config? if u have the second config. do u have a very strong vacum under ur oil cap? that u hear the air sucked to the engine while opening the cap??
  10. ok i have the #1 config. and i'm while the car manual shows me the #3 config.. but i also think that it could be the #2 config with a cancelled hose that goes to the boot in front of the flowmeter.. but can anybody tell me where does the end of the hose on the junction which is against the valve cover end?? if the picture ws from the plan view it could be clearly seen! thanx..
  11. PrOxLaMuS thanx man, and the pic is good enough to view the "difference" that i have on my car! i attach a photo, does anyone have the same hosing? or i should remove the junction right afther the valve cover hose which leads to the throttle? help plz!
  12. BuDavid replied to BuDavid's post in a topic in Electrical
    the electrician screwed the PCB of the clock! I should find an alternative mechanizm for it, I thaught of the BMW's 3 series clock form the model arround 1990, it is very accurate and can be adjusted by two push buttons, but I have to be sure that the mechanism will fit or not yet, then i have to make a way to hide the adjust bottons somewhere in the glove box or anywhere else! if I use a different mechanism i shold consider adjusting, coz the hands shaft should be reached by the adjustment elmo on the glass of the clock so it could be adjusted;) I'll look for it and update.. bye now
  13. BuDavid replied to okachuck's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    buy the same size and suffecient currnet standard.. 50A is ok i guess.. and polarity of the battery terminals, sometimes they are in opposite sides! I use AC delco, u wont bother with the refilling
  14. thanks for the picture man! cleared enough things to me! it is the same as the owners manula, but my intake has that strange junction between the valve cover and the throttle:( thanx
  15. guys I'm lost here, I joined the PCV valve with the block under the intake manifold, sice then that engine die under 1000RPM and very strong vacum pressure in the engine (flet and heared when openning the upper valve cover cap) and at that time also dies even on 1000RPM! I guess that I have a mixed up hoses coz the 1978 owners manual shows that there s a hose that goes from the valve cover to the rubber between the flowmeter and the throttle body, but on my Z the hose goes to a junction which leads to the throttle body just after the throttle! does anyone have a diagram for the hosing system? or a picture of an original "1977" z engine?? thank you
  16. I guesshe cant find the way back where he asked last times :lick:
  17. as far as I know it is on the top of the intake manifold just in the middle of the fuel rail on the injectors, controlled by vacum .. correct me if I'm wrong plz.. sorry if I'm not right..
  18. BuDavid replied to BuDavid's post in a topic in Electrical
    i opened it, but it was cleaner than i thaught, no dst at all, and the guy in the service said that the mechanism is good and i have to check the elctronic part that the capacitor or the quartz is bad!? i checked them also and the electrecian said that they are ok and i have to chcek the mechanism I'll ask a friend of mine today if he has a clock from a Z, i just dont trust those people who cant trouble shoot at all! :stupid: coz the motor gave pulse when i put they supply accross the terminals and dei then! what kind of problem could that be? lubrication only??
  19. BuDavid posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    my speedometer dont work, i turned it by hand and my brother looked inside and told me that it jumps, means that the cable and the meter s ok, i took out the small plastic gear at the end of the gearbox (it was violet) adn it was ok as i guess but b4 taking the gear out i turned it with a screw driver and it was free!? i had the plastic gear in my hand, and it was pretty fine, the teeth were good.. but i stuck my had in the hole where the gear goes in i was surprize that there wasn't nthing that could drive the gear! is it possible? could that part be fixed by not removing all parts in the gearbox?
  20. I had a leak, when i found out that the brake pads were bad (last owner made bd mistake with it) then it caused a damage of the brake pistons seal.. I filled the reseroir but when i blleeded the calipper no air was there, I guess it went up through the MC! thats why the level was going down everyday untill it stopped, but I'll do more bleeding from everywhere so everythink will be ok:)

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