Everything posted by BuDavid
New from TN-240z
welcome with us:)
small help guys, plz takea look
thanx stephen, ezzzzzzzzz I'll change them, coz when the reservoir's (the one neer the MC) level get loer it gives an immediate fluence on the pedal! i guess if it was a bit bigger then that means the if the level is lower it wont affect that much! I'll do it 2morrow! thanx alot Gentelmen:)
my clock on dont work in my Z!?
ok i got the clock in my hand now, it was a mes finiding that damn screw hiding behind the AC pannel.. i need to check if it is functioning outside the car, how many volts do i need to operate it? 12V?? or the clock needs less? or is there any method to check what is damaged in it.. plz help if anybody knows..
my clock on dont work in my Z!?
ok no need to reply, i just found wnough info as i guess so far, I'll try to get it, if there will be any prob, I'll ask later thanks man
my clock on dont work in my Z!?
thanks alot, but have any idea where to find the instructions? I'll be very thankfull..
my clock on dont work in my Z!?
what can cause that sort of thing? i checked the fuses they were all ok, and i also moved them a bit in case of bad contact and nothing.. is it normal that Z clocks stop orking? if the fault is in the clock is it difficult to replace it? thanks
small help guys, plz takea look
the two containers of brake fluid on the master cylinder were mounted like this when i baught the car for it previous owner, i noticed in the owners manual that they should by one in each others place!? is that correct? if yes then is it a problem letting them as they are or they will not give good pressure for the calippers? coz i think that the square shaped container should give more pressure to teh fornt calipper due to the more oil it has in it which should be mounted in the back.. plz help me thanx in deposit
Gas Prices?
I'm from Bahrain fuel cost from 0.266$ down to 0.199$ Per liter that is 1.064-0.796$ per gallon! to fill up my Z i need about 13.3$ more less
I want your input
dont have my gallery yet, but will you consider a 280Z with changed fornt bumper adn cancelled rear as original? if so i can make my on gallery thogh!
Fuel injector wires
sure, I'm glad:) I'm surfing yahoo to check if it is true that there is no prob in changing places of the plugs if the injectors, if i dont reply means that nothing found.. I hope that viewers would tell us about the matter, coz i am also concere about it! thanx
Fuel injector wires
easy man, be sure of it, so I wont cause u a bigger problem but on my car as i told u, no problem at all, if u mean the injector's electric terminas that have a female end that connect the injectors, so it must be ok as far as i know, ask more expirienced people so i wont cause u any problem, i just did it by mistake :stupid:
Fuel injector wires
it doesnt make a difference, I was affraid that i spoiled something when i took them off, but I guess that the wires give pulses togeather in the same time, i changed the positions of them, no problem on my 280Z
new guy
hi sphy, welcome on the club. wishing u good luck in maintaining your car, and I think that u'll get a big help in this forum.. I do, thnx for the club members.. it would be nice if u upload some pictures now, so we can se how much work u spent on your 240;) good luck.
Youngest and Oldest
WoW! I'm shocked! I thaught that people here are a "bit" younger about 20 years less I'm 24, I need decades to beat somebody here :tapemouth but it is good to have many experienced people in the forum, they know better than young guys like us for sure! cheerZ!
Introduce yourself to the class?
Hi there, i thaught introducing myself to people shoud be in other place in this forum! :lick: I'm Mohamed, 24yrs old from bahrain and I live here, my first car was a 1988 BMW 320i, i have a strange bond with this car, since am a Z lover but i just couldnt sell that BMW after putting it for sale for 3 weks :stupid: I baught in the year 1999 a 1983 280ZX 2+2, it really worked perfectly! no problems at all! but it wasnt shiny that much, dashboard was cracked, but a lovable car for sure! i sold it for the purpose of studying, after 4 years of studying in Slovakia, I came back before 4 mounths, and baught my 1977 280Z which I'm having now.. i had some problems which that Sblake (stepehen) gave me a big help, also Mike and LanceM.. but this baby s a piecce of art! I adore it! I'm single "fortunatelly" (I hope my gf wont c this post but havin plans in future with me gorgious girl from Slovakia.. I hope everything will run well with us and buy her a Z also
oem color for the air filter cover
well, blue was for the 280Z, i dont know f u have so or 240! so be careful about it;)
what is compression ratio
(the cylinder volume when the piston is in the lower position/the cylinnder volume when the piston in the upper position)= in range from 9.something to 14 i assume, but normally arround 9 or 11, 9 for turbo chrged as far as i know..
help: can somebody tell what is this??
i guess yes, i took it out, cleaned it with WD-40 and shaked it, the small vlve inside was free, no tucking at all, and i cn feel that it colides with a spring inside while shaking, in my opinion it sholud be ok, even i blew in it in oposit direction and it was holding my breath, but is there a chance that the air direction will lo from the intake to the crank!?coz i had a real strong vacum pressure on the nd of the vlve while it waas open!, but what about the flame arrester? i didnt find one and i put something just like the PCV valve but smalled in the hose of the valve cover, should i remove it? i'll try to look for any vacume leak, i think there will be much of it, (old hoses)! thanks stephen, and by the way, from where u got thescript u atached?
Thermostat problem or not.......
I guess that Zedrally is right, change it man, coz it might be jammed! maybe thats why it goes higer that it should and the comeback to normal, it gets to higher degrees than the degree where it should allow flow of fluid where u notice the higher temp. and it allows it and comes back to normal temp.. i guess f u had a radiator prob. or any other prob, u would have a permanent temp rise! the ifo u got from the gues was really usefull, dont remove the themostat, the engine wont run good, i rather turn off the AC or use my mothers cra than taking out the thermostat and letting the flow free:) i baught the car without the thermostat, the performance was bad.. good luck with the new one;)
help: can somebody tell what is this??
thanks a lot first Gen Z, I'll try to fix it .. Stephen, u were right, it had something to do with the PCV valve connection, today i found the place where should the hose lead to the valve, it was free completely! i guess that i baught the car from a pure idiot! he just left the PCV valve and the other opening in the block free! but the question is, when I connected the pipe, a discovered that there should be nother valve which is mensioned as "flame arrester" in the picture u attached, i didnt have it, i just have an empty hose from the valve cover to the junction.. they told me that i can use something like a one way pass valve which should hold oil from running from the valve to the chmber!? i put it, but is it the same thing that should the flame arrester do? coz the car was runing faster a bit, but the engine is very weak and turns off when the RPM below 1000! not reliable at all:( i hated the care after that, what should i do?? (the PCV valve is cleaned, when free it sucks air strongly!) and is it normal that when i open the top oil cap on the valve cover i get a vacume pressuer that goes off right after taking it off and graduately get the vaume again while putting it back ?? I'm lost guys:(plz help! i dont want to end selling my baby! :stupid:
help: can somebody tell what is this??
I hope that firt Gen would notice that though, hold i send him a private message about this? and by the way, i checked the PCV vlve u told me about, the hose was removed from it! maybe it is the cause of the oily throttle body then?? but when i replace it with a new one, where the house should lead from the valve? thanx for your concern..
help: can somebody tell what is this??
I hope that firt Gen would notice that though, hold i send him a private message about this? and by the way, i checked the PCV vlve u told me about, the hose was removed from it! maybe it is the cause of the oily throttle body then?? but when i replace it with a new one, where the house should lead from the valve? thanx fo your concern..
oem color for the air filter cover
I have light blue, but no clue about the number:(
What are these people thinking?!
a pervet women have that car for sure:D
help: can somebody tell what is this??
ok but u didnt tell what it s it's configuration, the two terminals of the tak, where do they lead?