Everything posted by BuDavid
Rough idle when cold
seems normal to me:rolleyes:
do yo ulove this forum??
ok, I see many lovers over here:p it is true, vast information and experience is in this forum and that kept me holding my Z that long.. the members are really matured and knowladgeable, and give the best advise politely. even with repairs, I had the best help more than anybody that I know in person. I thak you all guys that you've had helped.. because without you there could be no forum.. cheerZ!
do yo ulove this forum??
I just had a thaught, I love this forum!! and I wonder, how many do so?
well guys, the time has come...
man, don't bother JUST DO IT! sell those damn drugs!! BUT SURELY NOT THE Z I was about to sell mine, but thanks to the guys here, they woke me up from my sulfishness, I won't sell my Silver Wine!
anyone own a 300zx?
as you said.. CHEAP, because they ARE cheap:rolleyes: I gladly WAS a Z32 owner, ok, to be fair, it is a fast car, stable, sounds great when you hit the gas.. but when we come to lets say "thermostat replacement" here the fun begins, remove the upper hose, lower one, if you want to work happy REMOVE THE RADIATOR:dead: and the "flanges" what the hell is wrong with nissan!? and if you say it is a Z31, ok fine, maybe less hoses but it is funny to see a Z acting like a corvette C4 having an inclined radiatorROFL spare parts, chcek the catalogs of spare parts, you might notice that you can find stuff for an S30 easier than finding them for a 300ZX! and make sure that you WILL NOT get more cash when you sell it, even if you did so, make sure that you spent much more on the car so you end up fairly in minus:tapemouth man, get a rusty S30 and fix it, this worth much more.. I used the 300ZX, I loved it, but at the end.. I HATE IT!:sick: that's why they are cheap. 280 guys end up loving them and feeling sorry for selling them! this is a real point to consider.. besides, there is too much plastic in the 300! take your money and complete your 240Z.. "you welcome":rambo:
giving up my 280Z for a BMW E39 M5?
3 things I got from this forum. 1.good buddies from this forum. 2.much usefull information. 3.feeling the pain of selling the Z without selling it! Cybidium, my GF is jealous of my Z more and more because of this text:) and she is pushing more than ever to sell it, but NO! my Z will stay in our house! thank you people! cheerZ!
Transplanting a BMW cross flow Aluminum radiator in my 280Z
thanks for the advise man, but if you say about 60k mil of use.. it looks fair enough to me since I take the baby on tour once a week:classic: anywayz, I agree on using new stuff when we talk about rubber and plastic, but at that time, I fitted "used" metal part sych as the radiator, but the upper hose is brand new bro.. I'll try to modify the fan speed operation (temperature dependance) since the hot weather is coming, because I don't want to keep the fan ON always.. and BTW the temp. shooted up yesterday above 3/4 of the gauge, but I think that the Thermostatic valve got stuck, coz it ran then at higher temperatures with A/C on, probably 38 degrees.. so far so good,I'm waiting for the real challenge (AUGUST):dead:
Oil spraying out of exaust
is it possible to get oil from the exhaust without getting burnt IF it was leaking from weak piston rings?
giving up my 280Z for a BMW E39 M5?
guys, there isa guy offering me 8700$ for my Z, he is keeping calling me allready for the 3rd week, he wants my Z.. is it a good price to sell?? well, I'm not out of the Z addiction, but I'm thinking of importing a better one if it is a good deal;) how much do Z's cost over there? stock ones with all auxiliaries functioing, rust free and accident fre.. BTW mine had a minor accident, maybe that's why I consider selling it sometimes.. I hope that no body will shoot me now:nervous:
giving up my 280Z for a BMW E39 M5?
oh sorry David.. the link is zutozone.com:( I was typing quickly as I alwas do:stupid: on the other hand. I've checked Dinancars.com well, they are much more pro than me I guess:) besides, jumping from a datsun into an M5 makes a person be satisfied:laugh: I'm learning from www.m5board.com, it is a good place to share info in besides, there are much more M5 owners from the middle east than Z owners:) makes me feel more blended in the party:knockedou I think the Z3 don't have the same problem, probably you can enjoy it more than an M5, I loved the 3.0 Z3, and I'm very sure that the M Z3 is much better! anywayz.. I'll contiue with the search of clutch. I might go dor sachs as recommended, coz UUC brand is good when you get the UUC lightweight flywheel with it.. cheerz!
giving up my 280Z for a BMW E39 M5?
yep.. for the time being, I'm sticking with it. but I just found out that the clutch of the M5 is slipping (not so badly) but it is a very common problem with the M5 due to the high hp's of the engine and the heavy weight of the vehicle. I did a search of the M5 spare parts and it is really funny with the M5's case.. they changed the supplier of the clutches that was SACHS with a new supplier since late 2000, because the new one is softer and slips more than the old one, tha's why people go and buy '99 cosz they think that the clutch mechanism is better somehow.. but it is just a different clutch disc. on the internet a@ autocone.com I found a clutch kit for about 312$ great price for an M5! (maybe that might suit u David since you drive an Mpower Z3.) even though, I'm still on the +side from the bargin.. it is still consider as super priced vehicle!
giving up my 280Z for a BMW E39 M5?
thank u KenshinX.. and yes David, seems that I'm having a special luck with that color.. I even have and old 1982 525i with the same color:) even my GF's car has the sa,e color:love: and those rims are the standard rims for the M5's over here, most of them have the same.. and BTW, the color matches your Z3 alsoROFL
Hi All!!!
yeah, I'm also breathing CO while driving my Z:) welcome to the club;)
hard to recognize, do you have a picture of them?
giving up my 280Z for a BMW E39 M5?
webdawg1, good reply manLOL I hope that you will not be cursing me also IF I sell it David, nice Mpower that your wife playing with Dave:classic: but as far as I remember, you or your wife had an accident with it, is this photo bbefore or after? if after.. it is really in a good shape, I hope that ou don't have abnormal behaviour of the car at higher speeds. oh!:eek: thanks god I noticed that you typed more stuff under the picture:classic: it would be the best going to Texas as far as I know to find a neat Z, but considering hte travelling expenses and time.. it might be hard to do.. sticking with mine might be easier.. but if I take it that wa, going for a vacation, it might worth it, since I've never ben to your "continent":p I wont rush myself, I'll think wisely before selling my car.. I allready told the buyer to look for other Z's but the sad thing is that that guy was calling me and telling me that it is hard for him to sleep coz he was thinking of my "Silver Wine" (what do you think of the name I gave her?):classic: the older the better and more precious:knockedou here you have some pictures of the E39 I got in front of our house.. I love this type of headlights those neon type or what ever they are called. and the rear lapms which glow like horizontal lines.. and yes there is more powr than I thaught when I turn of the DSC and turn on SPORT mode:devious: and man, handling is great! two wheels revvvvvvVVVVvvvving behind me and I'm able to take off in a straight line with slight touch on the steering wheel! adn for sure, couple of pictures at wierd angles of my Z.. it is true, cnnot compare the lines of the body between a Z with any BMW, they have that cool look saying "hey, are you having a good day?" enjoy..
giving up my 280Z for a BMW E39 M5?
ok, I have to admit that I feel ashame of myself thinking of selling my Z, since EVERONE arround me told me not to sell it and keep'em both as some of you mentioned.. :nervous: in fact, I have the car in the garage since yesterdays afternoon, I have taken few pictures, but I forgot the camera at home before comeing to work:dead: I could attach some photos tonight.. but guys, talking about Mpower, those machines make a ":laugh: " on your face, of course when you press the "SPORT" botton and disable the "Dynamic Stability Controller":smoke: but I'd rather not play with it since it becomes really serious when buying spare parts for it:p I'll attach photos soon, I hope that it'll impress you guys..:knockedou cheers.
giving up my 280Z for a BMW E39 M5?
well at the mean time I'm borrowing money from my parents + some amount from selling my Z32, but I would get a loan to give them back the money.. they could help to do the thing faster nothing more.. so getting the loan will not be interest free:( pictures of the exact car are not with me now.. but u can enjoy this with the same color;) it looks exactly like the one in the clip.. but without Madonna at the back seat:)
oh! first of all, glad to hear that you are safe from all of this, and about the car damage, I think it is repairable, even though it is a bit painfull to watch a car hit while it is parked in peace.. I hope that you'll manage to repair it with no trouble, the ZX is a nice car. good luck with it David.
giving up my 280Z for a BMW E39 M5?
to answer you about the number of Z's here, hmm, they are becoming more and more! but even though, not many, you can't see a single Z every day, you see one passing by in juffair or adliyah once a week maybe.. and the other issue, if it is a neat Z or not.. anyway, you are absolutely right about the look of a Z, but they are two different catigories, I'm not putting a BMW in the place of the Z, coz for an example, you can't ride a BMW and look at the chick next to you in a PORSCHE and sayey baby, or YO PEACE:knockedou like I do in my ZROFL anywayz, I just told the guy that I'm more away from selling my Z, even with the higher price, I'm addicted to the Z, I admit it! about the F1, I didn't, I didn't buy the ticket in the proper time, besides, I think that I was lucky not buying it, it is a bit boring to watch cars going in circles specially when they have no fendersLOL but from what I heared it was a great event, you feel the traffic pressure difference withing those days, many forigners.. maybe next year I'll be there.. and if you have a chance to come here, give me a ring man, I can send you my number on a PM message if you are serious about that, I'll be glad to meet another Z addicted from the other half of the earth:) cheers..
giving up my 280Z for a BMW E39 M5?
you know what guys, I cheched the M5 now, I can tell that it is a real great bargin! what we heared about the sensors faults was crap, the car was maintained up to 90000km at the agent in last january, and the car is driven only about 1000mil since that time! we called a friend in the dealership, he assured that the car is excellent and has no faults, the car runs like feather, and so rigid! I know about the cost of maintenance, but we have to consider that is is a performance car with a very hi tech. under the hood we have to air filters with two MAFS's.. I drove my Z to work today, I felt really sad thinking of selling the car, guys I just left home and 5 minutes away from home a guy stopped me asking me if I would like to sell:cry: it is a very noticeable car, I felt a huge difference in performance, it is MUCH slower, lighter, and flexible.. but looking at the hood while driving is uncomparable with any BMW! the way the car jumps on 1st and 2nd gear in small roads is a real fun, the way the car drifts aside is so sexy! I really consider the loan much more than before, my family will support me right now getting the M5, but I guess that I'll take a loan and give them back thier money.. thank you guys, really many thanks to you all for caring about my issue.. and I'm really happy that I'm a member in this forum, with a Z or even IF without a Z.. wish you all the best.
giving up my 280Z for a BMW E39 M5?
I can't go and do anything before I check the replies here:) Mike, yes the price is to good because the car had been traded with new one on the TOYOTA's dealer, the previous owner is a rich guy who is a relative of the royal family, so I think that the price is low because he wouldn't mind some thousands less while trading with a new LEXUS! I can't beleave that a guy leaves a BMW for a LEXUS!?! anyway this is not or issue and my friends sister works in the dealership, so they gave her the best price. on the other hand the car as far as I knew from my BMW guys is in a very good condition and has no problems because he knew the car the best, because he was mainataining the car after the warranty finished, and in fact he told us about a problem that the car had, the engine wasn't reving more than 2000RPM due to ECU/sensors fault.. all replaced and checked at the dealership.. besides, that guy works in the service center of the BMW so he is a pro in the BMW field, and he recomended this car.. Gregg, firs of all, I'm not in kuwait, Bahrain is a nother state:) never mind I know that Bahrain is too small to be noticed;) well I just returned from the garage, a guy came with his friend and he knew that I'm welling to go for the Mpower, and he offered me about 8000$ I really don't like the price, I've put too much in the car in my mind 9300$ might be fair to me.. and about changing the rules! no one cares about classics here Bro, that is why I'm so dissapointed, mostly forigners are attracted to my Z, specially Navy guys over here and some German guys who work in our power plant.. and what I'm afraid of is spending more mony if I keep it, I'll get a new air flow meter and center consoule because it is cracked! and maybe I'll need new bushing set for the rear suspension.. IF I sell my Z, I'll never buy a nother one.. I think that I will not find one like it over here, maybe there are good ones but the color might differ of the style.. this one I really like! and honestly, I don't want to loose my relationship with this forum:( I love the S30, but I'm also in love with the Bimmers since a long time.. put your selves in my shoes, isn't getting an M5 with a very good pice worth it? or I just go for a loan and keep my Z ? I'm lost now again:( but thank you guys anyway, I appreciate it..
giving up my 280Z for a BMW E39 M5?
dear friends.. I'm in a really hard situation here, I don't know if I'm in a place to take an advice or support in my choice.. here is the deal, I found a 2000 BMW E39 M5 in excellent condition, silve with black/blue interior, has 91000km (56875kmil) the asking price is about 16000$ it is a good price for such milage I can say coz the cost normally here arround 20000$, at least for the prices over here.. so I gave up my 1991 Z32 immediately, but I'm still in a shortage of money to get the interest free cash, so I thaught of selling my 280Z:cry: am I doing the right thing here? will I regret it? what made me think of selling the car is that the annual inspection here recently are killing the old cars! they cancel them just because of some stupid rust under the chassis or any other minor crap! just because they are from the 70's! and this might cause the prices to fall down also.. and about the mainenance cost of the BMW, YES I'm aware of it, but on the other hand a V8 from a BMW is a real monster, inspite of the hi tech. which is all over the car inside out!and let's not forget that the car was sold (here for about 85000$) so.. will I regret selling my Z some day?? please be fair, I really don't need the answer of a Z addict coz I'm one of them.. I need a real logical advice.. and the bad thing is that I have to decice tomorrow:dead: or the deal is gone! thanks in deposit guys..
Stripes are on...went with White
great looking.. thanks for showing the pic's of it.
Flashback-some old pictures of my car when we brought her home ect.
nice pictures.. you might have greater joy later after some years when you see those pictures! thanks for sharing.
L24 E31/E88 camshaft on L28? good idea??
thank you Jon, clear enough.. it seems that it is a bigger headache than I thaught! with stock EFI I should go for bigger than IV! thant means rough idle.. I wont need that for sure.. I think I'll just forget all about it since it is not making a big difference unless I use big cam as you mentioned.