Everything posted by BuDavid
Side Stripes..before and after
I like them and I'm going for black side stripes also!
L24 E31/E88 camshaft on L28? good idea??
the tower is available it wont make any problem for me.. but I heared that it performes better than the original cam on the P90.. anyone experienced this before? anyway Ian.. thanks for the info..
L24 E31/E88 camshaft on L28? good idea??
refering to the table shown on http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/cam/index.htm I noticed that the lift of the intake valve is higher than others on the E31/E88 camshaft. will it be a good idea to mount this camshaft on an L28/P90? or just go for MSA camshaft kit (if it is worth it)? I'm not looking for a big mess on the road with tune up. I just need a hot ride with unnoticelable power;) thanks guys.
Off goes my baby...
great body work! looking forward to see how will it look on the road! all the best..
Hello all you Z people
welcome to the forum.. nice Z you have! I love the TURBO performance..
Finnally some shots of the car...
about the music while listening to the Zzzzz, you are damn right bro;)
Finnally some shots of the car...
wild looking Z car you have there man;) drive safe.. thanks for the photos
My 240z is finally home..New photos
very nice 240 you have at home.. I love the color.. looks so classic.
Cold Start Valve will not turn off/close
good that you solved your problem David.. and thanks for informing us about the cause.
Ever swap in your Z car?
maybe with a vette 1969!?! but if I have the money to get it and keep mine I would certainly not swap it.. I gave much effort to my Z.. I love it!
video clip of me getting busy with my Z..
Montezuma.. yeah, cab drivers are the worse ever on the roads here.. they drive fast when nobody needs them;) about more videos, why not.. I'll see what can I doo.. maybe I'll get some clips from other Z's from here with better landscapes arround not like the one that I did near our plant:) thanks for the feedbacks..
video clip of me getting busy with my Z..
=Enigma=, I haven't thaought about changing the exhaust tip, since it is "Sebring":rolleyes: but I didn't have the same hiss when I had the previous muffler with the same tip.. DatsunZsRule, ok, I didn't really treat her that mean always.. man even men slap thier women's butts sometimes when they get exited don't they? and many of them like it SOO "WE TREAT THEM GOOD":p red_dog007, actually, it is not an 8 lane highway, it is just 3 lane and other opposite 3 lane road.. just 3km long I guess.. well, it is empty right now because there should be new port at the end of that road, so it will be very crowded when it gets ready.. but right now, young guys enjoy that road and do races and some drifting insanity:smoke: Victor Laury, traffic will be in the future:) mlc240z, thank you bro. dat240z71, hmm, engine mods?? will you be surprized if I tell you "nothing"? it is a stock engine, maybe bored to 50.. long exhaust mainfold from a 240Z or what is it from I'm not sure.. 2 1/4" ehhaust pipe with middle through muffler and rear throught muffler. Borg Warner T5 from 280ZX 1983. ST springs and KYB's. Sumitomo 225/60. front anti sway bar from 280Z 2+2 (thicker by 2mm than the original) air flow meter from Toyota Supra 5M with a circuit board from 280ZX's flowmeter (but running richer than it should be, no smoke but much fumes while driving). Accel Super coil or whatever it is called, it has the yellow color as they have in summitracing.com fan clutch and they huge 4 rows radiator in the trash, I put insted light weight 2 rows aluminum radiator with a 2 speed elec. fan. that's all. which I don't consider as hp upgrading modification.. cheerz guys..
roll bar
thank you Jon, good tips..
Interesting issue here...
Brian check this out.. http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/suspension/rearend/index.html good luck..
Restoration is back on track (with a lot of help)
NIZE!! simply niZe:)
new to the Z world
welcome to the right place James.. and as you mentioned.. you ARE in the Z world:) this world is filled with love to Z's;) send your Z a kiss from me:) cheerz..
new to the forums
welcome Adrew.. you seem starting very well with your car.. suspension upgrade gives a real donfident feeling riding the Z.. I hope that you get use of this forum in future.. good luck..
New Z
welcome to the club.. nice Z you are having here.. you just found the correct place to get info from.. good luck with your beauty.
240z ass
great arse? you mean the one on your avatar? oh yeah, on your Z, well your arse looks like mine allreadyLOL good job.. weish you good luck with it bro.. cheerz
video clip of me getting busy with my Z..
to embed it, after uploading the clip on youtube, you'll see a box written on the top of it something like embed or something like that:) you just copy it and paste it anywhere in the post and it will show up as it is like here.. OR when you do a search on youtube.. you'll see on the right side of the clip's screen the embeding link also.. same thing, just copy from there and paste on the forum:) and thanks for moving the post to the proper place:) I didn't even notice this part of the forum;)
Interesting issue here...
I woud suspect the control arm bushings.. the moustache bar would affect the movement of the differential only.. and as far as I think, the differential movement will cause knocking or banging under the car inetially when accelarating or decelarating and then he halfshafts have U-joints which can't affect the position of the wheels.. maybe one of the control arms is moving back and forth depending on accelaration or braking or even hitting small stones on the road.. check the bushings, coz when rubber goes out metal to metal vibration damages more stuff!
roll bar
just a thaought.. for manufacturing this part, shouldn't we consider the material of the metal to be bent? stiffness or elasticity? sometimes metal materials vary in the dynamic behaviour if you just mix some of them togeather.. in different words.. if you manufacture the exact same shape with same thickness.. would you get the same performance and for the long term not having a permanent plastic deformation of this part? just a question..
Color match
ok so I'm changing the color of my grill:( I have it black on my car.. and I really don't feel it matches the whole thing..
nice ones, I like the first one the most.. thanks.
video clip of me getting busy with my Z..
thanks for the impressions guys.. yes it sounds like if it had turbo ob it, but it is just that wierd muffler that I have, stainless steel type written on it TURBO.. sometimes it annoys me:) coz I feel like if I was faking people that I have turbo while I don't really do that.. cheerz..