Everything posted by EricB
Gorgeous eBay car
The item description says it best when it mentions the car will lift the inside front wheel just like Jim Clark and Sir Stirling Moss used to do... Last month there was a Giulietta GT built up to look like a GTA - it was equally perfect although not as much of an investment since it wasn't original like this one is. It sold for $10000. -e
Gorgeous eBay car
Seriously.... How beautiful is this?!! Wow.... And a BuyItNow at $21K seems pretty reasonable. Almost an affordable investment... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1,1&item=4586127935&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT
Mikuni PHH backfires at part-throttle
thanks so much for sharing this info with us - exactly the kind of tips i was after... very much appreciated. -e
Mikuni PHH Manual
Awesome - thanks so much! -e
Mikuni PHH backfires at part-throttle
Thanks guys. Glad to hear that what I am experiencing isn't an isolated case. I'll try both suggestions. Have a good weekend! -e
Mikuni PHH backfires at part-throttle
My set of 44 PHH recently started backfiring occasionally (let's say 3-50% of the time) in 2nd & 3rd gear in the following rev range 1500-3000rpm. Basically when accelerating from a part throttle to full throttle in order to pass someone one, or accelerate from a light/stop sign. I took them apart, cleaned them out as best I could and re-assembled them. It did nothing for the backfire. It didn't get diminished nor did it increase. I did recently step my main jet size up from 150 to 155 to take care of the slightest bit of detonation at wide open throttle. However on the flip side I am now running a bit rich at idle. Can't have your cake and eat it too as they say... Is my backfiring at those low rpms simply due to the larger jet size? Or does someone with a more accurate knowledge of the exact functioning of PHH know which part of the system I should be looking at cleaning again? Because it only happens at such a specific rpm range and under a certain load I figured maybe that would point to a specific part of the carb I should look at?... -e PS: Can I send someone some $$ to have them photocopy their Mikuni factory service manula for me? I really can't find mine anymore - lost it in the recent move... Thanks.
JDM aftermarket and OEM parts
If you think those fender mirrors are pricey than abandon the idea of the JDM look right now. Those are a steal and the rest of the stuff you'll need to complete the look is going to set you back a lot more than those... -e
JDM aftermarket and OEM parts
That is a very good price for the fender mirrors - someone snap them up - quick. Nostalgic Hero AutoWorks for sure - lots of tuner ads and such... RS Start (Tokyo) Star Road (Tokyo) Victory 50 (Tokyo) Refresh 60 (Yokohama) Eagle Yokota Biko Works etc etc etc Yahoo Auctions Japan eBay occasionally -e
JDM aftermarket and OEM parts
Have your friend get any classic car magazine in Japan and it will be full of ads for Z-specific shops that will carry all the correct gear... -e
15x13J wheels... anyone recognise?
Anyone recognise these 15x13J wheels??? Center lock? Or are the lug nut holes cleverly disguised? http://page5.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/e43646615 -e
$5000 Buy It Now overfenders!!!
Wow... $3000 opening bid $5000 buy it now... That's just insane... yeah ok they are original... but still... http://page8.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/h25906027 -e
Fujitsubo Twin System
sexy! -e
'Big Sam' at Goodwood
Festival of Speed is the hillclimb Revival is the circuit racing with everyone dressed up in period clothes. Festival happens at the beginning of the summer Revival at the end of the summer
Classic Japanese Car Show Oct 1 in Long Beach
Another link full of pics http://www.importculture.com/preview.asp?id=191 -e
Classic Japanese Car Show Oct 1 in Long Beach
Classic Japanese Car Show Oct 1 in Long Beach
Manifold trial fit
Best head for an L28?
I got an early E88 square port off of a 72 240Z, had N42 IN&EX valves fitted and put the lof of it on my fresh 81 F54 L28. Using only a stock L24 cam for the moment I noticed a little bit of detonation at WOT from 5000 to redline and bumped my main air jets on my triple Mikuni 44s up by one size and that did the trick. No complaints. Runs strong. Night and day difference from the old L24 of course. -e
Japan only interior switches
Will Now's the time to call in favours with your friends who have accounts on Yahoo Auctions Japan... check out the other items the same seller has for sale... He's got a set of worked 432 stock 14" rims, a pair of the "fat 4spoke" 15x9 rims we spoke of sometime ago, nice stuff all around... I've got him saved as one of my "favorite sellers"... -e
Japan only interior switches
neat... Always wondered what was supposed to fit between the choke light and the defroster rocker (which this car apparently didn't have...) http://page13.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/r13517145
Mikuni PHH pilot screw question
I do have an O2 sensor plumbed in my header collector... it is however a single wire Bosch off the shelf unit connected to a cheap $30 A/F gauge. A $200 Halmeter it isn't... but I figured some indication of what my mixture is like is better than none... For what it's worth: Runs a bit rich (smells like it) under 3000rpm Feels pretty good from 3000-5000rpm At WOT it can slightly detonate from 5000 to redline -e
Mikuni PHH pilot screw question
duh... my bad. pilot screw isn't sized. It is indeed my pump jets that are size 40... I have a stock L24 cam - no lumpy cams ... yet. You know what, you guys that have been playing around with PHHs longer than the rest of us... you really ought to put a little do's and dont's list FAQ together specifically for PHH carbs... The manual (when you can find it) only gets you so far... One of my friends (Dave with the flat black Z) was at an informal Club 4AG drift event at Camarillo airport some months back and was approached by one of the visiting Japanese "experts" in attendance. The guy took one look at the set of PHH triples and quickly made some suggestions... do this, don't do that, adjust this like this... the guy basically went to town on it... his car rips as a result... I'm guessing you guys put your knowledge together and we could get something pretty useful of it, no? What do you think? -e
Need 1pr headlight chrome retaining rings
Ed, Thanks for the offer. Someone replied with a spare set. Thanks though. -e
Need 1pr headlight chrome retaining rings
Hey all, Ok so both chrome retaining rings that hold the headlights in place have on my car popped their welds. That means that part of the chrome ring is sticking out into the headlight bucket - looks pretty bad... I don't weld & taking them out to give to someone to weld back together means me going without headlights entirely for a couple days.... So does anyone have a spare set of these headlight rings for sale? Thanks, -e
Mikuni PHH pilot screw question
Aha! Exactly the kind of advice I was after... Thanks! My pilot screws are "40" size which was the default size for my PHH 44. I've gone one size bigger (155 vs 150) on my main jets but otherwise everything else is stock. Thanks again. -e