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Everything posted by EricB

  1. 1h30 tranny on the floor engine bolted to front mounts and with a jack supporting the back part hoist disassembled and returned back at work... thanks guys...
  2. well i'll just see if i can't drop the tranny, bolt the engine up, disassemble the hoist & return it all in one hour... then i don't need a hoist anymore... wish me luck t-minus 45min and counting until I run out the door to do this -e
  3. yes i greased up both the input shaft and the splines inside the friction disk and the inside of the pilot bushing yes i test fit the pilot bushing on the end of the input shaft before putting it into the crank and BTW checking part numbers and such at Nissan yesterday they are identical from 74-83 - there's only one part number so since the tranny is a 5spd out of a 77-8 280Z and the engine is out of an 81ZX then that settles that. I realize we need perfect alignement - I understand how close I am and trust me I've been wiggling and rotating and pushing and hoisting up and down with no results.... do you guys try to line it up with the engine dangling on the hoist by first removing the engine mounts altogether so as to give you more clearance - but then it's a bit of a tight fit to get all the motor mounts bolt back on once in the engine bay.... or do you always drop the tranny. bolt up the engine then reinstall the tranny as if you were just doing a clutch job or equivalent... thanks, -e
  4. The splines on the clutch alignement tool match the input shaft splines and the friction disk splines - yes. we've tried with the tranny both in and out of gear, switching gears, rolling the car slightly forward or backward in gear to move the input shaft, etc.... it's just being stubborn victor i'd love to take you up on your offer but the hoist place closes at 5pm and i get off work at 5pm... i'd have to go to dave's garage over lunch, balance the engine on something in the engine bay or take it out entirely, drop it on the ground, disassemble the hoist, return it etc.... I guess all of that is possible... it's just that we're so freaking close - maybe 3/4" from getting that puppy in there - it just won't go... $#%^ &*&^@%*#)%%... I guess before i return the hoist I should ask is yours the kind that disassembles cause I'd have to put it in the back of a 96 civic coupe to get it to Thousand Oaks (that's my loaner car) also courtesy of "team slidesquad garage".... let me know... -e
  5. I bought this set of Weber 40 DCOEs on eBay maybe 2 years ago for $600 and have been using them for 18months up until this past weekend. _ About a year ago I ordered new main & aux jets, new accel pumps, damper spacers, rebuild kits w/new floats etc from a reputable Weber parts place in North California (near Gilroy). _ I've got receipts and saved all the old parts which I'll include. _ I'll include the Z manifold I've been using also for the past 18mo as well. It's got a weld around the balance tube between cyl 4&5 but I haven't noticed any problems associated with that. Like I said I've been daily driving this car (see it in my gallery) all the time. _The manifold has a provision for a pulley to work the chokes which I never used here in sunny SoCal. I've unbolted it and kept it on the side - you get that too. _ I'll include a new OEM intake/exhaust manifold gasket too. _ It also comes with a Nissan OEM fuel rail made for triple carbs (ie three outlets) The numbers on the DCOEs are matching BUT I broke one of the Aluminum ears that holds the float when servicing it and as a result I've been using a spare DCOE carb cover in its place which was graciously donated by a fellow 240z.org member. I want $450 for the lot of it and I will pay for shipping. Or $400 and you pick up in person in Los Angeles, CA. Email me. -e
  6. ...seriously... two hours... lots of cussing and zip zero nothing. we raised we lowered we rotated the tranny all to no avail. F54 block w/new 81ZX non-turbo coupe friction disk & pressure plate correctly installed & lined up with Nissan clutch alignement tool trying to mate with a 77-8Z 5spd. 3 days of renting a cherry picker/engine hoist is getting expensive, so i guess i will drop the tranny after work (i REALLY didn't want to), put the engine in, bolt it up, return engine hoist and later try to reinstall tranny... Any local Z guy who always happens to get it on the first try care to give me a hand? The car is in Thousand Oaks (CA) off of the 101 west of the San Fernando Valley. If you are that person give me a call at work so we can arrange where/when to meet. My direct line is 805 376 6425 I know it's dirty annoying work but I'll get you a six pack? dinner? I am willing to give you some $$ for the help if needs be... -e
  7. absolutely, of course i agree... it's just that it's o.o8... damn that's small.... -e
  8. http://www.socal240sx.org/events.html Promises to be a big deal...So if you can manage after ingesting all that turkey two days before.... -e
  9. is it M18x1.5 or M20x1.5? -e
  10. hmmm i see... well we'll see what the quote from the machine shop is like... i was looking at dimensions on the e88 vs n42 valves and while i did see a noticeable size difference on the intake side (almost 0.25"), the exhaust side difference is listed as being 0.08" That's SO small... is it even worth it to do the EX side? -e
  11. That flat black S30 wasn't wearing panasports, it had Japanese watanabes and he's here on this board. Slide Squad Dave is his name - look for him in the gallery where his screen name is sennavsprost -e
  12. Do you have to change the seats out when replacing stock valves on an E88 with new ones from an N42? -e
  13. EricB replied to EricB's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I did get an 81 clutch and pressure plate to go with the 81 flywheel but it seems (seems being the key word) that the pilot bearing I was given is slightly too big to fit inside of the crank... I'll have to look at that again in the AM.... -e
  14. EricB posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    The original matching # L24 kicked the can yesterday afternoon. As a result I am putting in my F54 which has been waiting in the wings for some time, that and some brand new Mikuni 44s... yum! Head bolt torque specs for an L24 head with the F54 block? Or are they not different than a normal L24 torque spec? Which Z should I get the head bolts from? I've got a 77-8 5spd in there right now, when I go to get new clutch/press.plate am I asking for one intended for a 77-8 280Z? Or am I asking for one for an '81 280ZX? Should I keep my current flywheel or use the F54's flywheel? Does it matter? I think I've got everything else covered... -e
  15. I posted this some months ago w/o any results so I am trying again before I decide to go ahead and put the 4.375 in my car. I've got a R180 4.375 ring and pinion (the pinion is still in the R180 case) which I want to trade for a R180 3.9 r&p No selling, no cash offers, just a TRADE email me or reply here -e
  16. Those of you with aftermarket front (big) brakes which required some kind of a caliper spacer to bolt on to the front spindle, can you tell me what that spacer was made of? Steel or Aluminum? -e
  17. thanks russell that's exactly the kind of answer i was looking for... -e
  18. hey this brings up another question, last week i think i asked what the science was with the different lengths of velocity stacks, and someone replied saying the shorter they were the more power they produced up top in the rev range, the longer they were the more power they produced at the bottom of the rev range... cuong's pics, alan's pics, and the pics i have of serious S20 powered race machines all show LOOONNNGGG velocity stacks - the person who said the above got it bakwards, right? longer the stack the higher the peak power... another thing while i am at it... if we compare say a 40mm high velocity stack vs a 60mm one, does changing from one to the other merely MOVE the peak power in the rev range to a higher level without actually changing the HP figure, or does it actually make more power because the air/fuel travels a greater distance inside the stack and is therefore more accelerated when it enters the combustion chamber and therefore maybe also more of it enters the CC when the valve opens meaning a higher HP figure... in short: does longer make more power, or are they merely for tuning your carbs to be in sync with your aftermarket cam's higher operating range... -e
  19. does someone have a pic or pics of either webers or dellortos or mikunis having been converted to FI - just curious to see what that looks like exactly... the throttles lumenition sells just look like individual throttle bodies as you would find in any other modern application.. i am curious to see how a modded carb ends up looking... step by step even perhaps? i'll keep digging on the net in the meantime... -e
  20. Is this all I need to know in order to ID my 5spd tranny and get the right parts for it when I decide to go through it and give it all the TLC it deserves: "So: 0.745 x 360 = 268.2 degrees (1981-thru 1983) = 8:45 o'clock 0.773 x 360 = 278.3 degrees (1980 )_ = 9:15 o'clock 0.864 x 360 = 311 degrees (1977 thru 1979) = 10:30 o'clock Just remember that the earlier the "time" the "Later" (meaning newer model year) the box._ Before 9:00 o'clock is the 81-83 box, just after 9:00 o'clock is the 1980 box and at 10:30 o'clock is the 77-79 box." Thanks to Royce Miller and Carl Beck... Just looking for a confirmation that there's nothing else to it... -e
  21. well thanks for the product names - that'll give me something to look for on google.co.jp till you get back... enjoy the flight -e
  22. www.lumenition.com that was easy... -e
  23. EricB replied to BlueZee's post in a topic in Internet Finds
    you could start at kpgc10.com or the Japanese S30Z web ring and go from page to page to page... etc... so many to list, so little time... Star Road RS Start ...
  24. dammit Alan.... ..that's it.. let's just cut to the chase and get married.. what do you say to that?? i've been known to be quite handy in the kitchen... haha. j/k so.... this of course leads to the following... has anyone tried doing the same? (I mean recently of course) has anyone used an old style lucas or even a version of the nissan ecgi to FI their L/S series today? I figure the Works technology bits must have filtered down to privateers at some point or another and etc... I ask because I've never seen this - by "never" I mean in the Japanese magazines as a tuner shop offered option... then again my reading is limited to nostalgic hero and autoworks which it is possible on covers a small portion of interested parties... oh and in reference to that video: EVERY one ought to do themselves a favor and get the Best Motoring "Racing Skylines" vhs video magazine and turn up the first 15-20min real loud and enjoy... I think I can score a couple copies for you stragglers that don't have theirs yet... -e
  25. EricB replied to BlueZee's post in a topic in Internet Finds
    uhh... no secrets here... any s30 store i visited... this goes with tail lights and other cool bits we don't have here...

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