Everything posted by EricB
Cam question -- pictures
your cam lobes look a bit worn - i wouldn't say unnaturaly so though - our cars are 30+ years old after all... nothing really to worry about unless it smokes or is otherwise not running well... did you do compression and leakdown tests on it yet? I assume you got the car only recently... -e
Why this?
Before everyone freaks & sends me emails about getting them some parts i am not in Japan at the moment - next time I go will be April for our much delayed honeymoon. -e
fuel pressure regulator placement
I guess what I didn't understand is why on the bottom most one the fuel pressure regulator was moved to after the last carb in the diagram... why couldn't you keep the same fluid low but put the fpr before the first carb??? Thanks for your help 240ZX
Does anyone recognise these wheels?
Hey Ben Good eye on spotting that they are the same wheels as what Alan has pictured from one of his Club S30 outings... I'm sure he knows what they are... from looking at the other pics of the car in question I was more leaning to believing they were 14s rather than 15s myself... then again I didn't enlarge the pic to see if I could read the sidewall although it is apparent its an ADVAN (Yokohama) tire on there... I thought the Kobe Seiko magnesium sports option is the 4spoke one that looks sort of similar but not the same of course to the ZX iron cross wheels. I didn't realize there was an eight spoke variation.
Why this?
Ok the link I gave is the link to Shake Down Engineering - a shop that carries Kameari stuff... can't find the actual Kameari website right now... have it at home though. -e
Why this?
well like i said kameari makes them and some other manufacturers... i can find you the direct website link, maybe they have someone there that can answer english emails and do international purchases... lemme see here real quick... Here's one link: http://nkondo-web.hp.infoseek.co.jp/Kameari_L6_2.htm Price is 50400yen = $481 at today's exchange rate That's about right I think... I thought I had seen them on another website but can't track them down right now... -e
fuel pressure regulator placement
What are the benefits between the lower two scenarios in the attached schematic. The difference being where the fuel pressure regulator resides and how the fuel is routed to/from the carbs... -e
Why this?
Why this?
Why do I see a lot of tuned Z engines in Japan swapping out their chain tensioner for a toothed pulley instead - I know Kamerai makes just such a conversion, this is a different type I've also seen where it goes in through the front access cover on the head... Are they that prone to failure???
Does anyone recognise these wheels?
Saw them on someone's ZG in Japan... Never seen a fat rounded 4spoke like this before... Just curious, -e
Rebuilt Trannies for Sale
you know what? i've also forgotten the universal hand signal you refer to - maybe someone can remind us?
1964 Datsun Deluxe 1200 Bluebird
Gauge manufacturers - need ideas
Ok so I've been searching the net for some replacement gauges to fit in my new fiberglass dash from PDK Fabrication. I'm looking for something that is going to have somewhat of a period feel so no 5" Autometer MonsterTach w/shift light for me... I found a pair of classic-looking speedo & tach I liked from Smiths (yes THE British Smiths, now doing a lot of Cobra gauges at the moment) The US distributor's website: http://www.gaugeguys.com/Smiths/Authentic/Classic/speedotach.htm I've looked at VDO and while their gauges are as plain jane as you get, that does give them a lit bit of a timeless feeling to them... There's the British company SPA which does make dual readout 2" gagues like what our cars came with (fuel/amp, water/oil temp, etc, etc)... but those are digital and well it doesn't get more modern than that... Who else is there? I guess I could look at the Japanese Omori gauges... Basically while I'm leaning to going the Smiths route I'm looking for suggestions of other brands I might not know about. -e
15" Type R Watanabe
Rebuilt Trannies for Sale
Hey TexasZ, what did Cottman's charge you? We don't have them here to my knowledge... I wonder if it's worth shipping mine to TX instead of LasVegas... That's why I'd like to know what they charged and what they did... Thanks, -e
Rebuilt Trannies for Sale
I dropped of my R180 LSD last year at a great place in Anaheim (CA) and wanted to call them this AM to see if they did trannies too - unfortunately I don't have their contact info with me right now at work... I'll look it up tonight and post it here for you, ok? -e
Rebuilt Trannies for Sale
Carl, I know... that's why I'd rather spend more and be good to go for a while... I thought I'd compare prices in case you all had used some other company's services... Or did you rebuild yours yourself? -e
Rebuilt Trannies for Sale
I called the guys at drivetrain.com and here's what they said... a full rebuild (bearings, synchros, seals) is $680.- & takes approx 5business days an outright 280Z or 280ZX 5spd (apparently it doesn't matter to them) is $1000.- +$250 core charge. Shipping from their Vegas warehouse to LA is about $60.- What do you all think? The local junkyard sells trannies for $150 if I remember correctly... -e
Rebuilt Trannies for Sale
To your knowledge does anyone sell rebuilt trannies for our Zs? I lost fifth all of a sudden without any notice on the freeway this AM, but did make it to work in 4th just fine, 1/2/3 whine due to what I believe to be one of their shaft bearings having spun itself... Basically this one's had it... Yeah I could go and get another tranny from the junkyard but who's to say how many XXXXXX miles it will have and how long it will last... I could give my tranny to someone to have it rebuilt but that means I'd be dead in the water for a while... that's why I wonder if there still exists someone that sells them outright? Any clues? Thanks, -e
miles per gallon?
I rebuilt an 81 F54 (new rings & bearings) and matched that up with an early E88 head with the bigger N42 valves, am using triple Mikuni 44 PHH carbs, and am getting almost 25MPG on the freeway - not much less around town. -e