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Everything posted by EricB

  1. EricB replied to khughes's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Here it is... I got someone to email me the email post: From: "Ben Suckling" <Ben.Suckling@versadev.com> To: z-car@taex001.tamu.edu Subject: <90+> re: Skyline brakes and so on (was Brake Rotors) Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2006 23:51:35 -0600 > >Tom Bell wrote: > >There's a misconception about the Skyline brakes. > >The Z32 and the Skyline R30-31 shared the same brakes. > >The Skyline R32 featured a thicker brake rotor of the same diameter, > >but there is no significant difference in the design or construction > >of the R32 brakes: the internal cooling fins are the same, and they > >did not come cross-drilled from the factory. > >--------------------------------- > >Not quite Tom, >The R30 uses a single piston sliding calliper, with either 89.9 or >100mm spacing depending on the specification of the car. The front >discs on the R30 are either a 250mmx18mm hub-integrated, or a >274mmx22mm hub-over type. The HR31 brakes are similar in that the >construction of the performance (100mm spacing, 274mm disc) calliper >is slightly different & ABS may be fitted. The HR31 front disc also >differs in being a floating type. > >Nissan didn't move into 4-spot territory until the end of '89, when >the Z32 & R32 were released. The Z32 callipers are the same as the >R32 GTSt callipers, which differ to the R32 GT-R/R33 callipers only >by being designed to have a smaller circumference disc in use (the >'mounting ears' are shorter). The Brembo's are a different beast, >324mm X 30mm discs - they all bolt up, but cost lots & big wheels are >needed. The Brembo's are a common upgrade for the C34 Stagea, which >sufferes from the use of a 2-spot sliding calliper on big discs. You >can fit the R32/Z32 calliper with the R33 disc under a 15" wheel on >an S30. > >The late PS13 180SX also has 4-spots, almost identical to the R32 >units, but thinner to accommodate a 22mm disc instead of a 30mm disc. > >If you want to know what disc is on what (and from that, get a fairly >good indication of the cross-use of the callipers) check out >www.dba.com.au & download the Nissan Catalogue. > >Note that the listing for the R30 GTS FJ20DET should read DR30 FJ20ET >& the rear disc in that model is a 290mm, not a 258mm as specified in >the catalogue. I e-mailed DBA about this around 3 years ago... > >Ben >Adelaide, >South Australia >IZCC#1902 >L28ET 240Z >FJ20ET DR30 Skyline RS-X Turbo >RB25DET WGNC34 Stagea RS-FourV >RB30E R31 Skyline (track car to-be) >http://www.versadev.com/ben
  2. EricB replied to khughes's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    I'm thinking about springing for the 55000yen disc/adapter package listed for S30 when I'm over there... So at least I can use it right away on the car, and then start looking for some replacement brake discs available in the USA that will match that 300mm diameter one their kit comes with... I can't exactly go down to my local nissan dealer and ask for another set of front R32 TypeM brake rotors... I had asked a friend to inquire if they sold the adapters separately - they do and at 22000yen as I recall... If you search on Yahoo Auctions you will see similar adapters pop up here and there as well for usually the same amount of money... -e PS: I'm sorry I forgot to post the R32 brake tech email I referenced earlier... I simply forgot...
  3. someone filmed it arriving... -e
  4. EricB replied to khughes's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Several of the Japanese tuner stores for our cars sell CNC brackets for adapting the Z32/R32 calipers to our stock uprights and use off the shelf rotors from other cars. For example, GritTune in Kawaguchi (Saitama Pref. North-west-ish of the city): http://www.grit-tune.com/ If this doesn't spell it all out... what rotors to use, what size wheels, etc.. Check the attachment... i am going to try to get a pair of the brackets when i go there next month -e
  5. EricB replied to khughes's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    From what I have heard and read the R34&Z33 brakes will NOT fit in a 15" wheel. However the slightly smaller Z32/R32 4piston calipers and brakes WILL FIT. There was a detailed thread about this on the Z email group just recently... Someone compared Z32/R32 to the newer R34/Z33 and pointed out the differences. I've saved the email and would love to copy and paste it here right now but my work firewall makes it impossible to access my hotmail account. Can you wait until later tonight for that info? -e
  6. WTF is this??? hahahaha tranverse 4cyl turbo, chain driven steering, katana handlebar ends???? -e
  7. yea... maybe the confusion was my fault: i posted pics of Gr5 IronMask, Alan approved but wondered out loud about a GrC Skyline, me not knowing that IronMask had made an appearance in GrC simply typed in "GrC Skyline" into Google and out popped the pic of the Tomica diecast of the March car of '84-5, It wasn't until later that Alan clarified that the lower/wider R30 WAS the initial GrC proposal from Nissan & subsequently replaced by the March car. All cleared up now... -e
  8. EricB replied to EricB's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Yep that's it.... so good... I can't wait to get my copy in the mailbox... stupid grin on my face all afternoon...
  9. ha... the man with 1000 answers... thanks alan
  10. EricB replied to EricB's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Ha ha! Yes! From this week's BWTM feature in AutoWeek... -e CW5397322.pdf
  11. Holy crap Alan!!!!!! I guess I was confused all along!... In the 10 pics I posted, one of them is different from the rest (front view with big side fireball, white "11" on red hood), it's got a grille whereas the others have a body colored plate between the headlights. The "grilled" R30 has big cooling chimney vents on the hood that the other car does not. Is this the first iteration of the Super Silhouette and the other pics are of the second iteration or vice versa? I know the SSR30 has been driven on occasion by a very emotional Hasemi at Nismo Festival... but what about the Gr.C car? Does it still exist? Does it make appearances? Is it in a museum or stuffed away in the warehouse underneath a plastic tarp? Did it only do Gr.C within Japan or did it travel internationally? Thanks Alan, -e PS: How does the white/blue GrC Skyline I posted a picture of above relate to the R30 one... The white/blue car looks more recent in that it looks to be inspired by the 956/962 & TS010 in certain ways... PPS: In the BestMotoring "Racing Skyline" video which is vol56 as I recall, they mention that Iron Mask was wearing 16" front rims and 19" rear rims!! I forget the widths though... -e
  12. Invariably I always seem to hear people can't find good pics of IronMask online, so I thought I'd share the better ones I have come across over the years... enjoy the beast!!! -e
  13. mr camouflage... look at that pic... the similarities are striking... that c-pillar, the c-pillar badge, the front end graphics... the taillights and rear end generally... looks awfully similar... having never been to australia or seen a C30 laurel in real life i would hope you could excuse the comment... geez... it's not like there's any scale for me to go off of in the picture, is there? -e
  14. Isn't the C30 Laurel just a 510 with all the bells and whistles? ie full lux options? is it actually sized differently? -e
  15. Any top 10 HAS to have IronMask IMO call me crazy but that car has to feature... -e PS: Wasn't the most potent production R30 called the GTS-R? What's with the "GT-R" on the hood? Does that reference a sponsor or is this the first "modern" incarnation of the GT-R nameplate since the KPGC10/C110 days?
  16. EricB replied to EricB's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    Thanks Alan... -e
  17. EricB posted a post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    Alan, (or whomever might know) What are these Japanese wheels? I've seen them pop up several times now on Yahoo Auctions Japan and always with a hefty price tag... What are they? http://page2.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/b64665954 -e
  18. EricB replied to EricB's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Hi all, I got an order in the mail from Michael Lajtay/Cory Draper but with no phone # or email address. If you see this, can you get a hold of me please by email? Thanks, -e
  19. No... Using up just about all the annual vacation days to go there in the first place. 2yr belated honeymoon is the point of the trip. There's always the next time, especially considering I am betting on the fact that the wife will also fall in love with that country... -e
  20. Yes jmark they usually have a whole bunch of back issues. -e
  21. EricB replied to EricB's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Hey check this one out... Another cool one.... About buying your very own F1 car... http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1884087241108886619&pr=goog-sl -e
  22. EricB replied to EricB's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Hi all, Have you seen the LA Times? Yet another article! http://www.latimes.com/search/dispat...st-page-size=5 Unbelievable where this story is going... For those that want to mail a money order, I am picking up the shirts sunday night and have limited quantities, so first come first served. If I run out before I can fulfill everyone's order I'll either have a second batch made or immediately return your money order to you in the mail. Regardless I'll be in touch. $16 per shirt $4 flat fee for USPS Priority Mail for 1-3 shirts. It now says "...Dietrich?" on the back of the shirt between the shoulder blades. I think it looks pretty darn good, then again why wouldn't I, right? If you want one send the money orders to my work address: BMW Designworks USA c/o Eric Bauer 2201 Corporate Center Dr Newbury Park, CA 91320 Thanks again! -e PS: If you want you can Paypal too I guess... Although if I sell out I'm unsure if Paypal will return their 3.5% fee when I go to refund you... Maybe someone already knows?
  23. Thank you Russell -e

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