Ron, yes, I would assume that was the price, but I wasn't sure what the Canadian/US exchange rate was at the time. I just looked it up and it was much lower than I expected, close to where it is today. I would assume this brochure is from late 1969 or 1970. Here are the conversions I found for one US dollar. 1969 1.0770 Canadian Dollar equals $4015.78 US 1970 1.0440 Canadian Dollar equals $4142.72 US 1971 1.0100 Canadian Dollar equals $4282.18 US 1972 0.9910 Canadian Dollar equals $4364.28 US 1973 1.0000 Canadian Dollar equals $4325.00 US I also have a copy of autoweek dated 11/15/69, with a brief article on the introduction of the 240z. It notes the 240z would be available in American Datsun showrooms Jan 1, and would be priced under $3500. I can scan and post that article later if anyone is interested. The $4325 price must have been with dealer add on items and their additional mark-up. -Mike