New 260z owner in Cali.
Its hard to find people with Z's near by....am in Tracy Ca. Raven
Light covers or not?
I had mine for about 2 years now (after market) and so far so good but its a pain when you wash the car and have to take them off to clean, the rubber seal dont work so water sits inside but, does look good! plus when you put them on make sure there is no wax or anything that the tap mounts to or you will have to glue them with a epoxy glue like i had to do! Raven
What should I do?
OK! am going to do it! First thing is where should I buy all my parts at? I been buying from British Victoria and so far had good luck with them....I want to buy the All bushing kit they have, basicaly I have a long list of things I want to buy from them but am I getting the best price and quality? any info would be appreciate? thx Raven ps. starting on the suspension first then interior....
mysterious wide body kit
this is very cool and just what I was looking for! am going to keep an eye on this thread...... Raven
Box Flares?
Box Flares?
Box Flares?
these are pretty close to what I was talking about but there are much wider flares I have seen. I dont see many people using these type of flares, I see alot of the rounded type.. thx for the info tho...! Raven
Box Flares?
OK...I looked on the forum and didnt see anything regarding this and we use to call them Box Flares in the 70 and 80's but am looking for a kit that someone might know who makes box Flares for a 76 Z? any info ?:classic: Raven
What should I do?
you all have great opinions! am trying to figure out how to put a picture in my profile so you all can see my Z, also how do I go about on trying to see if there is a Z club out here by Tracy California? I will update you all on the progress of my Z. raven
What should I do?
thx Marty! yes I do have the fever but want to modify the motor (Small block or Race (6) Motor) but here in Calif. they are stricked on mods on smog cars if you get my drift....I was maybe thinking going to a older Z so I can miss the Smog issues.......although Fuel Injection is very nice....
What should I do?
do you know if this will ever change soon?
What should I do?
You people have been great to me about info and finding parts for my 1976 280Z! I bought this car for a side line project about 2 years ago. Bought it for about $1,800 runs fine but! needs alot of $ and work...its a california car so there is no rust at all, but all the bushings, wheels and tires need to be replaced. And I would like to modify the Engine to performe better, I love the car and get noticed all the time (cops to) My husban actually bought the car for me and he helps me work on it (most of the time)... ......OK here is my question! is this car worth it putting all this money and work into it? My husban told me he will get pissed off if he spends alot of money and his time into it and them for me to loose intrest in the car and sell it later on. Can I sell the car for what I put into it? I see allot of these cars for cheap but they need alot of work done to them. also to....it is a 1976, does anyone now what year they dont smog a car in California? Raven
Oil Pump installation?
Guess what! It didnt work! It went back to 0 psi @ Idle, Pressure is good @ High RPMs but? Must be the motor is got alot of miles on it...ohh well she runs good tho so I will focuse on the Suspension and tires and wheels.... Raven
Oil Pump installation?
well it worked! the pump gave life back in the motor.thx for all the help!
Oil Pump installation?
oh! I forgot it has 61k on the odometer.... Raven
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