Engine Pricing
its got good compression looks good 5 speed i dont know about rebuild i have pics but it will take me abit to get itup thanks
Engine Pricing
hey how much should a 280z engine and tranny go for any ideas keep in mind 80000 miles and runs and shifts good thanks
School Homework
I talked to the teacher today and he is going to give me 10 pts of extra credit yahoo!!!!
School Homework
i figured it was worth a try imfailing the class and anything will help now
School Homework
i just turned it in i doubt he gives me any extra credit but it was worth a shot and i got to talk alittle bit about my Z thanks for the help everyone
School Homework
This site is a great place to find out much needed information as i used threads from it to make extra credit in chemestry... you think it will work?? How Fast Will It Really Go??? If you use common sense equations to figure out this problem it really is not all that hard. Say.. Power = 400hp = 300kW = 255 Rear Wheel kW ( 85% driveline efficiency) The density of air = 1.2kg/m^3 (give or take) Cd = 0.4 Frontal area = 2m^2 Rolling resistance = 0.014 ( Not sure but very reasonable) Mass = 1200kg Acceleration due to gravity = 9.81m/s^2 Top Speed after computing = 79.58 m/s Which after converting into Miles Per Hour = 176.8 mph.
Z clubs in wisconsin
does anyone know or are apart of any z car clubs in wisconsin? i was just wondering if we have them up here in the north thanks
Free 1974 260Z to good home
WOW I can't belive some one would leave a beloved Z in a spillway!!!
How Close Are Our VIN #'s
My 78 280 is HLS30-435704 if thats close to anybodys
Hi, I'm Dan
Hey welcome to the site man you came to the right place when having any questions about z's as i learned there one of the most unique cars out there look for a decent car because if you start off with a pile of crap you'll lose intrest trust me. always look for some spots that always rust (floors, fenders corners ect.) Welcome again and have fun
New guy here!
Welcome if you have any questions feel free to ask any of us im in the middle o restoring my 78 280z and being able to ask questions to people who know more about these unique cars then the maufacture himself helps alot happy chattin
New Member - Hawaii
Hey thats great that you and your son are doing it togather be quite the expirence good luck!!
Gas Prices?
here in wisconsin (Jim falls) it went from 2.74 to 2.99 in a course of an hour maybe i'll be sellin my truck(damn it!!)
- Hello
Belated new user oops!
Welcome have fun!!!