Everything posted by clutch07182
engine removal
im helping a friend of mine take out his blown(as in ruiined) l28 and replacing it with another what all do i need to disconnect remove b4 i can do this. and where are the best place to attach the engine hoist chains. i have already removed fuel lines and belts radiator line and all the obvious things. do i need to pull it with the tranny still attached??? any input would be apreciated. also anylinks to helpful websites would be great
83 280zxt won't rev past 3000rpm
my 280z non turbo did this when i first got it. i had (well still have) bad piston rings . but i jsut changed my plugs and wires and it fixed the problem for a while ive had to clean the plugs 3 times in one month but the car is running fine. id also check your fuel pressure regulator. and your oxygen sensor. then if thats all good start checking vacume lines. thats all ic an really think of but im new to the z cars so yeah good luck
Back to my simple idle ?
check the hose that goes from the intake manifold to the valve cover mine was cracked (i jsut fouind this crak tonite) and thats why my car did the same thing. also i would check your o2 sensor and your oil dipstick . my oil dipstick was loose b4 and it cause a similar problem. good luck -clutch
fuel in crankcase
thanks for all your help guys my compueter has been down for a while and i wasnt able to see it. i have the car back as mine (guys check was no good) and ive been driving the car fine for about 2 weeks now. it went through a set of plat plugs in liek 3 days but i put some cheap arse ones in and it has been running fine seince. seemed liek it may have been sitting for quite a while.it not really burning oil anymore that i can tell but it does have some other problems. like no o2 sensor or bung (header conversion from a stupid previous owner) and i need to hollow out erm i mean replace that cat. other than that its in really good shape im gonna do a full fluid swap soon and replace the clutch(bad throw out berring) but yeah thanks for all the help. also if anyone could refer me to a place near austin texas to get work or parts that would be greatly apretiated thanks again all.
fuel in crankcase
well i sold the car but im helping the guy fix it. its a 1981 280zx non turbo. were ripping apart the engine and doing a valve job and piston rings
fuel in crankcase
i got an oil change today(ive had car running for two days now runs real shitty) and they told me there is fuel in the crankcase. is there a common cause of this or do i need to have a diagnostic run thanks
280z fuel pressure regulator
nope jsut wanted to make sure i got an answer...i fixed that and cars still running liek $^!#. its missing the primer thingy but it sealed up and vacume line are good. car drives but nto well if you give it anygas it starts to act like it has no gas...idk what too do going to my mechanic tomorow. also has a driveline problem i can feel vibration in the stick and clutch needs adjusment
280z fuel pressure regulator
i posted in the general 240,260,280 help me but ill try here too. tomorow i am buying a 280z it needs fuel pressure regulator to run(it starts but floods) where is the fuel pressure regulator located on the car and how hard is it to change. also what tools will i need to do it. thanks
280z fuel pressure regulator
i am purchasing a 280z tomorow not sure what year but it needs a fuel pressure regulator. it runs but floods. i was wodnering wehre the regulator is located on the car and how hard is it to swap. thanks
280z fuel pressure regulator
i am about to buy a 280z not sure on year yet will repost year. but the chic im buying it from said the shop she had look at it said it needs a fuel presure regulator. it starts but it floods(im geussing if you sit to long) i was wondering where the fuelpresurereg is located and how hard is it to replace. also about how much will it cost me. plz jsut call me with any info 512-426-2082 as my comp is unreliable. thanks for any help