Everything posted by Zlishous
For Sale
Well, since i hav eanother Z and a 66 Mustang, i really can't object too much! I have to drive the Xterra for work (wisking clients about the countryside) and the 260 is for racing and the Mustang is being restored, so, the request for a more luxurious (yet still powerful) four seater has been requested of me. She is quite tollerable of all of my other "toys" (oh yeah i forgot the motorcycle, which i am selling as well, that's her's though). Anyway, i will be just as busy AND it gives me leverage later (heheheheh). Z ya,
For Sale
I am seliing my 71 240! Wife wants a new Mustang and i need a down payment. Here is the skinny: Car: 71 240-V8 Louveredhood and wings, ront spoiler, rear wing integrated into rear, Flared fenders, Mars Red Centari Acrylic Enamel. Motor: Chevy 350 4 bolt block bored .030 over, Camelk back heads decked .030, Speacially machined TRW forged pistons. Special built radiator with electric sensor, electric fan, aluminum crank and water pump pulleys, stainless flex fan. Milidon high volume water pump. Edelbrock 750 double pumper. Mallory comp 9000 duel point dist. DUEL remote oil filters. Tranny: Chevy Saginaw 4 speed, Iam & Hurst linkage New clutch pressure plate throw bearing, 11 inch flywheel, new master and slave cylinder, R200 rear end, new axels. Steering and Suspension: Poly bushings for rack & sway bars(3/4 front and rear). New brakes, springs and hardware, KYB gas struts all the way around, lowered coil springs. Enki 92 15" wheels with specially machined knockoffs. Interior: Procar seats, new carpet, 240 Z Car mats with Logo, custom headliner, Stewart Warner oil and water gauges. Proton car stereo, Clarion Amp and 2 way 6x9 speakers. Car has current registration. $7000.00 Firm!
how do i go fast??!!?!?!?
how do i go fast??!!?!?!?
Skater8j8, O.k., i have a solution, you want fast and you have eight grand to spend? You can buy my car for $7000.00! It has Less than one thoudsand miles on a Chevy 350 and it will smoke any Ricer car and almost any Muscle car on the road! I am selling because the wife wants a New Mustang and i need a down payment! I already have another Z and a 66 Mustang, so something has to go! If you want particulars on the car let me know, it is immaculate as you can see (attached pics).
Pulley Problem
Thanks guys, lots of good advice there! Don't worry, me no drivey till fixey. Thanks again, Paul
Pulley Problem
Hi all, I have a pulley problem. On the crankshaft pulley there are three grooves for belts. The front two i assume are for power steering and A.C. which are no longer on my car, so obviously there are no belts in those two grooves. My front pulley has come loose, how doi either A) take it off or B)tighten it back up and what do i use to (tool wise) to do it. I was going to replace my fan anyway so would this be a good time to do that? Do i need to pull radiator to do that? Sorry for all the basic questions, i just need a little guidance, i know i can do these things, just don't know how! Thanks, Zlish
73 240Z Carb Choke Mystery - Weber 32/36
Thanks guys, kinda figured i was just not letting her warm up long enough. I wish i could go back to high school and take that auto class i never had time for because of sports. Just wasn't into cars until i turned about 38 (last year), now i can't get enough and the learning curve is slow when you are not mechanically inclined! I find myself doing alot of trial and ERROR, emphasis on error, but it sure is fun! See ya, Zlish
73 240Z Carb Choke Mystery - Weber 32/36
I am having similar problems on my car (74 260, 72 carbs), when she is cold she won't run hardly at all un less the choke is on. Am i just not letting the car warm up long enough? or is there something about the cold weather that makes one need to make anadjustment on the carbs? I am clueless when it comes to carbs, thanks, Zlish
Race Seats
Rick, thanks, how did you put your seats in? Did the brackets pose any problems i should know about? Thanks, Paul
73 No rust ever V-8 project for sale
If you want to sell this setup ( 3:36 R-200) to me separatly please let me know! I have a 3.54 in my V8 nowand would be interested to swap this out into my car. Thanks, Paul
Race Seats
Need advice on race seats for my 260 to include: brackets and seat belts. I have narrowed my choices to Corbeau Forza (220.00) and a Sparco of similar design and price (220.00) Anyone with any other suggestions or experince with these seats? Also going with five point harness, where is the best location to bolt these down? Thanks, Zlish
One car I love equally as a Z
Hey Drecord, I was at the last NASA day at Infenion, that was a pretty cool event. Lot's of nice Cobra's at tha t one, if anyone would like to see Cobra pictures from that event let me know, i have some i can send around. I also have a couple of Z's from that event as well. If anyone ever wants to get on a track fairly cheaply and have some fun these are the events to do it at! Z ya, Paul
- My little v8
- 71 240
- My kids
Lookin for Z in CA
Actually, that 260 is a silver grey. Did you see "theisens" post for his 240 for sale in San Francisco? That is a real nicely done car, check out his post! That 260 is not a bad price though, probably could get it for a bit less.
One car I love equally as a Z
B]Did you never see the film 'The Italian Job' with Michael Caine and the three Minis ? That sounds like a bad porno movie if you ask me! I would rather not see Michael Caine naked if ya know what i mean!:sick: If i won the lottery, hmmm, i would have to buy the NEW Ford GT40! Sweet ride! ZLish
Tear in my Beer
Matt, Seems that all of us that enjoy our "sports cars" just like having a stick in them, nothing like going through the gears!! If you do decide to go this route, i would suggest getting a 5speed out of a 280 or 280zx. As far as the 28/88 that also seems to be the choosen route, however, everyone has their own thoughts on that. It's all a personnel decision, what YOU are comfortable driving with, stick (revving through the gears) or auto (just taking a nice Sunday cruise), either way it's all good in a ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZz. Z ya, Zlish
fuel pump not sucking?
Ya know someone (before me) disconnected my electric fuel pump and i have been running only a manuel ever since.I have never had a problem. I asked my local mechanic if i shoud reconnect the electric and he told me it would not be that much of a difference or worth my time reconnecting everything. Now i have a 74 260, is there a difference here that i do not know about? Anyway, i have never had a problem with running only a mechanical pump. If there is some kind of performance issue i should know about? I would like to know as i will be racing (both AutoX and track) by Febraury..Thanks, Zlish
high power chev
Wow, can you get a pic of this monster? I thought my V8 was overkill, this would definatly be the icing on the proverbial cake! Hmmm 12 cylinders, i think somehow we can get 16 in one of these things..... maybe eight in the front and eight in the back! Oh well someone will die trying! Zlish
Junkyards were to be one of my first stops, however i think i have changed my mind after doing a little research and talking to a few people in the know. Now what i will be doing is switching out the rear end to a R200 with some taller gears so that i may get more top end, which i do not currently have. You may ask why? Well, I plan on drag racing and a bit of track racing as well and i have no top end, my 4 speed Saginaw blows people off the line but i get caught top end fairly easily. I figure with some top end in the rear end (boy that sounds funny) i can get more top speed, my thinking previously was to get an auto tranny with overdrive to accomplish this. If anyone has other thought s please let me know, learning on the fly here! Thanks to those on the previous post fot there input! Z ya, Zlish
Race Day
Thought i would pass this along for any Norcal Z racers, hope to see you there! We're holding this Northern California Racing Club event January 25th at Sears Point just north of San Francisco in Sonoma County. This event will be run like a street school, in that there will only be passing in safe zones. We'll run a Time Trial event right after lunch, so expect one optional session of individual timed laps (ala Solo 1). No racing, this is for learning and having fun, and a safe dose of competition. These events are open to all NCRC club members. So whether you're a beginner or an advanced driver, come join us for a day at the track! If you are a beginner, and expect to have instruction, please make sure to note it during your registration in advance of the track day as it is available on a first-come, first-served basis. This event is being run jointly with the NSX club, and under a "club sharing" agreement will not have to join NCRC to attend this event. NSX members please read up on NCRC Rules and Bylaws to familiarize yourself with our club process before registering. See our Rules page for a list of NCRC rules, as well as our Sears Point page for more specific track configuration and local rules we'll be following for this event. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Registration We are currently accepting sign-ups for this event on a first-come, first-served basis. The early-bird cost is $230 for members, $270 for non-members (which includes $40 membership dues) until January 1st. After that, the price goes up to $255/$295. See our Purchasing page to register. NSX club members please send in your membership number, you do not need to join NCRC for this event. When you register, please print out, complete, sign and mail in the registration form (one for each event), and let us know which events you're signing up for. Refunds If you need to cancel, your registration fee will only be refundable by NCRC if there is someone on the waiting list who can fill your spot. Rain is typically handled by the track itself, not by NCRC. Typical policy is that the event will be held if the track is just wet, but not if it's pouring rain or if there is an unsafe condition or damage at the track. If the event is cancelled due to rain, NCRC will refund whatever portion of the total costs we can recoup. Here is the link to the actual site in case your interested. http://www.ncracing.org/sp030125.html Thanks, Z Ya later
Hi all, Know this is mainly a stock Z site, but, i am placing this in several sites. I need a turbo 350 tranny (automatic) for my 71 Z (v-8 350), so if anyone out there has one or know of anyone having one (preferably in Cali) please e-mail me or leave a message here. Thank you all very much! Zlish-aka- fuzzyyellowball@msn.com
Seat covers
Hey Nick, at 250.00 us a pair, i would go ahead and do that. At that price your only paying 50.00 for labor, who needs the hassle of puitting seats together, sounds like a fair price to me! Z ya