Everything posted by boostedz
Anyone in love with these - Actual Photo!
Not a bad looking wheel though I prefer mine to have a little more lip to them.
Should i get a performance Monza exhaust system?
I had the Monza exhaust ages ago and when it was installed it was nice. Once broken in though and thouroughly burned out a year later it sounded like an angry set of bees running down the road.
I'm going to need lots of help
Well I would say before you spend entierly to much at MSA for theyre parts you should check out www.courtesyparts.com first. Much cheaper, all NISSAN parts, unlike most of what you would get from MSA though. Also if you wanted it a bit cheaper, you can still find them at most your local parts stores.
To all that knew James Burgess aka "ZmeFly"
Well Carl, let me say this. I wasn't defending anyone here or there at all, what I was saying if you "read" my posts, was from reading all the pages here and getting interested to see what has happened, I found that there is just little facts. It was stated that "Zmefly" is still alive, fine, he ripped someone off, fine. He wasn't prosecuted, that to me isn't fine. What I was saying is, many other "stories" seemed to have spawned from this scenario. I agree with the above post that "money" for some is a very motivating factor and some will do absolutely anything to get it. Now from "my" opinion, on what I have read, I have stated what I beleive and nothing more. I am not here to defend and or deny anyone they're justice. I was just stating what I would concider fact and what I would concider fiction. In any event, it seems he did rip someone off. So my opinion is like many just another in the breeze. Oh well I am done with trying to understand this mess and I am glad I wasn't here when it all started.
BubbleGuinea's Dyno Sheets are in!
I would say the same thing, you have made good gains, I would think with proper tuning you should be able to get a bit more out of your car. I would also suggest getting rid of your 2 inch exhuast and going with mandrel bends. With the crush bent exhaust you are at 2 inches or less in the bends which is definetly plugging up your breathing. Good job nonetheless.
To all that knew James Burgess aka "ZmeFly"
Well see that is where you are getting me all wrong. I have stated from what I have read from here and at Zcar.com, that, he did in fact, put up an auction for some type of GPS. That I can see is fact. I can see that Imabubba states that he and one other individual did not receive them. Now I see where you are coming from, trying to help out the Z crowd, but I see that you are making accusations, yet there is nothing to back them up, if you get my point. You say he tried to rip off Gateway?? How do you know this? How did you get this information? Do you have proof of that? You state that he forged a government document, then, why isn't there an arrest record? Can you show that? You say that his girlfriend fell out of love with him and then turned. Can you prove that, do you have an affidavit? Also I haven't been around long enough so I guess I wouldn't know but I haven't seen any relief fund that you have mentioned or, this thing where they were trying to sell his car and rip people off. All I am saying is that, "you say", you have done a lot of detective work, and apparently you are a well liked person on here whos word can be trusted. I am not into arguing the main subject, but from all that I have read, I see only a few things and those are these: 1) He did sell parts on ebay 2) Imabubba says that he never recieved them 3) He is supposedly dead, I think that is a bit drastic way to take things, for the money he allegedly took. 4) You allege that he has ripped you off. What I see now is this 1) The person posting on the names Deltadawn and Zmefly are not of Pennsylvania, you should double check that. 2) Why would someone shame theyr'e datsun by calling it a Honda ? 3) You talk about Deltadawn like you know her, do you, have you had contact with her? 4) I'm not out to make you out to be the bad guy at all. What I am saying is, if you say something, prove what you say!! All I was stating from what I read in this forum and at Zcar.com is I can only see those few things he has done. You say he ripped you off, but you do not go into detail so I cannot say he has really done anything to you. I am just looking at facts that I can see and are based on truths that can be backed up. I also stated that if all these things he did were true then he needs to be put away for as long as the law allows!!! Peroid end of it. It's just that to me, for someone to go through so much trouble to make himself disappear, allegedly forging death certificates and the like, wouldn't just come and appear out of the blue to show his face again. That is just pure idiocy no matter how smart or smart someone thinks they are, and you have to agree with that yourself.
As the Old Saying Goes-If it Sells Too Quick
It does look nice from the outside and on top, but without any pictures of the inside of the car and underneath, you don't know whats lurking there.
P90A hydraulic cam problems, STILL!
It is good if you want limited power out of a quiet head. That is about all it is good for. Though I love the silence of my hydraulic head I will be switching to either a solid lifter head or doing the same as you and getting the necessary components to switch to a solid lifter head.
My 15 seconds of fame
All I have to say is congratulations and that you have one very beautiful car there. I commend your work and time involved in making and bringing such a car back to it's former glory.
classics video
Shameful what was done to that Ferrari, he should be shot.
As far as MSA, they have been overpricing parts forever.
Tires and wheels
After all that in original response to your postings, yes you can run up to a 17x7 wheel with proper backspacing, without the use of coil overs just fine. I would say concidering that 15 inch wheels will soon be as hard to find as most 14 inch in a good tire size, you might want to go for at least a 16x7 wheel.
- VIDEO - My buddy Jim's ThunderZ ... mm tripple carbs
The one car that the video is from really sounds good, god how I love the sound that an overhead cam straight six makes, it's just beautiful.
To all that knew James Burgess aka "ZmeFly"
I have the same feelings as alternative, fell into out of interest but what I dont get is this. One, why would his supposed girlfriend turn on him all of a sudden. It just does'nt make sense. Then, why would he all of a sudden, as if no one at all would notice, start posting again, this again does'nt make sense. Thirdly he is supposed to be from Pennsylvania, yet from my little bit of computer skills I can determine that the ISP of both "DeltaDawn" and "Zmefly" are not from Pennsylvania. I also see from links and such Raz1 you have been on your high horse about this whole thing. Now I am in no way saying that what he has done is in anyway a good thing but I have yet to see, with the exception of some guy on another site, called Imabubba, where he ripped anyone off, less this one man. I just don't get any of it and it seems to me there is more here then meets the eye. For example, the girlfriend turning all of a sudden, his name popping up here and there, his ISP is not of Pennsylvania. Now I'm not a criminal investigation specialist, but I would think anyone that had done someone wrong, wouldn't just start to show his head again with the same name. No one person is that stupid. I would also like to know how you got all your information Raz1, it is interesting to know, I didn't think you could find out anyones information such as that which would have to do with criminal or under criminal investigation. How did you happen upon all this information, or misinformation as it seems you are the only one that seems to consistently have updates? Are you with the FBI or something? Now this is also something else everyone here should look at, the only two constants I have found that bad mouth this person is Raz1 and Imabubba. I say this if the man is guilty of what he is charged of then so be it let his arse go to jail and stay there for as long as the law allows. It only seems fitting. The only proof of anything that he's done that I have seen, was posted at Zcar.com from the author Imabubba, where he says he bought something from Zmefly, and never recieved it. Just looking at it from a third party view and I'm finding many are jumping on a bandwagon that really shows NO PROOF of anything so far. Eh, just my thoughts.
Ebay item 4612760871 - What were you thinking ?
I think the body kit and flares look good, though the front air damn looks a little obsurd. The wing doesnt go with the car and that roof scoop has to go. The paint on the car is also a bit to much for my taste but I have to say I love the flared fenders.
If you read the article on Hybridz, then you would see that someone has already done it and is also trying it on a larger piece as well to see just how well it works. With only a few coats it looks pretty good and shines really well. Definetly a good deal for some of the people that dont have the money to afford 3000 dollar and up paint jobs. So that not proven theory is wrong it DOES work!
240z sells for $29,000
You could have had a Nissan campain model 240 for that price and all new! It is a good thing in a way and then again a bad thing as well. I mean Ive seen garbage cars people are trying to sell for 2k plus with rot everywhere. Cars sell for 5k that arent even worth 2k for that matter. I just dont get it the cars that are worth it for the work that is in them dont really see that money. Good sale though.
Do I need MSA hoses?
Call Roger at Zbarn. Hes the only guy there, and hard to get a hold of at times, but he is one hell of a person. He stands 110% behind everything he sells and is really great to deal with. You wont be disapointed with anything you get from him. Heres his site www.zbarn.com
Is it just me or did you think the Steelers were handed the superbowl.
On this night, the only frauds wore stripes. Im glad to see that some people were watching the same game I was, you can still see it on MSN about how the Steelers won blah blah. Shame of it all, I dont know how they can call themselves winners.
hand glaze/wax
Polish does do that, its why you dont do it all the time, just to help, I use it once a year, then a good carnuba wax and finish with this new cream I found at a Dupont store for finishing, this stuff, though it looks like something you would buy at a flea marker really makes the car shine!
Do I need MSA hoses?
Its what I thought when you said heater control valve because that is what it does, contols the flow to the heater core so that you can get heat from the heater. Now that I know what your talking about, I would think that unless you absolutely need new, to get a used one form someone with a parts car. Less you want to spend that sort of money, for a new one, Im surprised that Courtesy Nissan didnt have one
Fender mirrors... OEM and alternative.
You can get motorcycle mirrors as well that resemble the bullet style mirror at a fairly cheap price on ebay.
I can beleive the bid is this high
That is just totally unreal, the current bid is at 5200 for a rusty 280z. tut tut
Is it just me or did you think the Steelers were handed the superbowl.
Im a die hard Redskins fan to the end, but I have to call what I see, and the refs clearly turned the game in the Steelers favor. I think if it was properly officiated, that it would have been a good game and we might have seen who would have really won. As for the Seahawks not wanting it, it wasnt more evident in how hard they were playing and mind you STOPPING the Steelers. As for the Stones, I hate to say it, they just need to end it on a good note.
Do I need MSA hoses?
www.partsamerica.com Very inexpensive! Like I said before in my post above, 260 dollars is just rediculous.