Everything posted by boostedz
Anybody able to contact Danny's Datsuns?
If that is the case I would go to see him personally, and not buy from him over the net, do some searches at Zcar, you will see hes not to well liked. Just a heads up!
Can you tell me about a 1980 280ZX?
Dont underestimate the Supra N/A either. You are able to spin the tires on those power braking with an automatic, I think that would be to much as well. The celica though would be a good choice.
Springs Rates for Racing... Again
I cannot give you much help on your problem but can point you to an individual that frequents hybridz.org, just do a search for johncoffey. Well known for his racing and hes speed shop. He could definetly help you out.
Test Cars wanted,240,60,80Z/ZX Turbo DownPipe
Great looking work on those down pipes pete, I think though you wont find to many that hybrid theyre cars here though, seems to be a pretty purist site. No offense to those here though or you to Pete, the work looks first class IMO.
Looking for Advice on Struts and Shocks
A lot of people like KYB's, in my experience though they are crap, for a stock suspension, they would be fine though. My opinion, I would get a set of tokico blues, great quality, its what Nissan has used for years, and they are just a great strut. You could just of well ordered your struts from them at the same time.
First and foremost I would say the best thing that you could do to get a little more off the line, is basically fine tune your car. Properly adjust your valves, run a hotter set of plugs, with properly adjusted gap. Better coil, good wires, clean fuel filter, a good cap and rotor with brass inserts is always better. Make sure shes in good tune basically, that is the first and best upgrade you can do.
Parts advice on a 1980 280zx nonturbo
You can buy a new starter depending on where you go with a warranty, pretty cheap, around here where I live, the starter on mine was only 18.99. Better to have something you will know works, then to get on and have not a clue. Alternators arent as cheap though, if you wanted to get a better one, you can get one from a 90+ maxima, more amps and it will bolt right on, just need to chage the serpentine for the groove pulley and change the spacer underneath.
Proper way to test alternator
Id do as Texas suggested, just take it to a parts store, its free bench testing and well, you will have your answer in about 2 minutes.
Need info on valve springs - 83 ZXT
As that may be Im sure that they didnt take the lifters out and take them apart. They wouldnt not have any viable replacements for them either as they do not exist. So you still have your orignal lifters in there. No amout of cleaning will clean out the lifters unless you take the physically apart.
New exhaust system & Im not that happy!
I would think that where your problem lies is in the piping itself. I do believe that most Z's Ive heard with a 2.25 inch system do not sound well at all, not to mention that if you piping is press bent, then you really have about a 1.87 inch exhaust at the bends. That would make it sound well less then desirable. I will say that a flowmaster will give you the "sound" you are looking for but it wont give you a performance advantage. In all my applications before I have found that dynomax mufflers sound the best, at least in my opinion. Good luck !
The best looking 240z period...
I like how everyone had something negative to say about this particular Z, yet another member who posted pics of his Z, with his new Watanabes, with the stretched tire look had gotten nothing but great high praise comments on how well his wheel selection looked. Hmmm talk about hypocritical!! I do have to agree though that you should have said, in my opinion the best looking Z ever, but that is about it, as most should have realised that is was that authors opinion on the car. Me personally I do like it, I think it looks great. It is all about what tastes we have and what we invision as our perfect Z car.
Value of low mileage halfshafts
Well I got this from my local auto parts store, though they are for S130 CV's, and I know I shouldnt assume but I would guess that the half shafts for the Z would or should be close. As I have just checked, they are a bit more expensive, Kragen, Checkers and Parts America have them for 78.99 each lifetime warranty. A bit more then the CV's, but still available locally and much less expensive then Nissan.
Flow meter alternatives?
I believe he is asking about the Airflow meter, not the throttle body. Any airflow meter from 75-83 for an na should work for you.
Carbs or FI?
The plain and simple truth is, you can and will always make better and more reliable power with EFI, hands down, no questions asked. That is not to say that you cannot make great power with carbs.
Need info on valve springs - 83 ZXT
If you lifters are bleeding down then it is probably a problem inside the lifters. They can be taken apart and cleaned, this sometimes help, but if they are worn, then there is no replacement available.
where do i post a z for sale?
You can also use www.collectorcarads.com and www.craigslist.com both are free.
Value of low mileage halfshafts
Concidering that new or well rebuilt ones can be had for about 48 each with a lifetime gaurantee, they would have some value. Put them on ebay it seems thats where all the lazy people are that cant seem to search and or go to a auto parts store for something, should do well there.
What size Hard line for Injector Fuel Supply?
If Im correct I believe the stock fuel injection line is 5/16ths. 1/4 inch line is definetly to small.
Website with exhaust video and sound
That actually sounded nice till you left off the gas, it had a real raspy rice sound to it. Its why I dont like turbo mufflers. This is a great idea though, testing out the sounds with different size pipes and mufflers. It would be a good sticky for all to see.
240z conversion commodore VL turbo HELP!
If you go to www.hybridz.org, you will find litterally more information this then you can read in one night. There are several persons there that have done RB swaps. Get ready to READ!!!
suspension bushings - best kit?
You may also want to check out www.suspension.com and talk to Bruce. Best prices Ive seen, and fantastic service. Dont pay overinflated MSA or VB prices.
parts stores
Roger at Zbarn is excellent to deal with, it may be hard to contact him though as he is a one man show but his service and customer service is EXCELLENT.
Fuel Pressure Regulator
I cant see how you could say they seldom go back when it is a rubber diaphram that is vacumn operated and has been on a car that has high underhood temps for 25+ years. They do go bad, and if you are having a leak at the FPR I would definetly say it is bad. Dont go to MSA or VB, get it locally. Cheaper and faster, plus it comes with a warranty. If you do have a parts car, and you think the FPR is good on that car then use it to replace your defective one.
The infamous Sakura Wheels to be reproduced?
Sakuras are really great looking on a Z, and who says that you have to keep the pink center, you could always paint it to your choice. Another wheel I always found that looked good on the Z from Japan were the long champs, they were really nice, as well as the Hoshinos, very sweet classic style looking wheels Works has a set of wheels that look like the Hoshino Impul G5's they are here. http://www.work-wheels.co.jp/wheels/index/eq-02/eq-02.html Places to check for JDM wheels that you might like are here http://www.takumiproject.com/ http://wheelchoice.com/wheel01.htm http://www.ggarageusa.com/alta/Index3.htm
Outer Tie Rod Removal Problem
The best way is to let them soak overnight with pb blaster, then get yourself a propane torch, and heat it up nicely and then turn it off.