71 windshiled wiper assembly wanted
Dero check your mail
Auto shifter
I have one for $35 if you havent found one
Engine Harness Needed
I have a 72 harness complete $50 shipped this is the whole car harness everything. 76 harness.
'73 manifold
Dont buy a header use pb blaster and soak it good before easy out. or even better use KROIL by Kano you can buy it on the internet site only. this will remove anything rusted in . the 73 stock manifold flows better than any early manifold and besides headers are noisy and the hp increase is minimal unless you are racing.
70-71 Brake Master Cyl needed
I have a used one in good condition $70 shipped
71 windshiled wiper assembly wanted
I have it ,make me an offer.
I have one ,not new but in good condition. $25 plus ups .
72 240 Automatic
82 to 84 or early 85 ,late 85 they went to front wheel drive.
72 240 Automatic
Beany, actually it is refered to as a max 3spd auto with overdrive, and it will work fine. Probably need different length drive shaft and you have to hook up all the overdrive wiring but it is the best setup ,if you want an auto. I also have the max tranny for sale,i guess i could go out and measure both to verfiy driveshaft length.and post it later. Later Dutchman
72 240 Automatic
I have a 72 auto i just removed from one of my parts cars. I will ups it to you . E-mail me off list or phone 913-783-4374. Seven@mokancomm.net
Upgrade your tired 240 automatic tranny,includes harness ,good condition,can ups $200.00 Kansas. email for pictures seven@mokancomm.netcorrection this is a 3 speed auto with electric overdrive (4 speed)
Ld 28 Diesel Motor Com[lete 82
up dated 1-24-02 TOO MANY PROJECTS/NEED SPACE COMPLET DIESEL LD 28 MOTOR SITTING IN MY HEATED SHOP FOR 6YEARS? AND IT NEEDS TO GO. these motors are the same block height as L20b. An engine builder in Georgia uses these blocks to build long rod strokers. Head bolts are twice the size of the gas block,trick is drilling out the aluminum head for them without hitting a water jacket ! Anyway alot of good parts here, oilpan are large capacity and bottom can be welded on a gas block pan for a cheap full race pan.oil filters housings are water cooled, and of course you are getting the strocker crank. $375 you pick up ,kansas city i set it in your truck.pictures ready ,email for them seven@mokancomm.net
Ld 28 Diesel Cranks
updated 1/24/02 I have two left of these in good condition standard /standard. $350 per plus exact ups freight. Also have one that needs machine work done on front threaded pully hole. one common weakness of these cranks is stripped pully bolt holes. $250 on that one. These are hard to find, if you want to build that 3.1 stroker or stroke your tubo this is the ticket.:new email seven@mokancomm.net
flying dutchman
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