may have some urethane rear wings available
Im trying to keep it around or cheaper then others out there, but cant say Ive seen any others out there for that yr... so probably $175 plus shipping.
may have some urethane rear wings available
My logo on that car is loose and think I just bumped it. The spoiler fits back on the very edge of the hatch and it shouldnt interfere with the emblem at all Ill double check it tomorrow. I great thing about this wing is there are no holes to drill at all for it. It comes with hi quaility 3m tape the runs the full length of the wing. Ive seen some people epoxy them on, but its a little overkill.
may have some urethane rear wings available
may have some urethane rear wings available
may have some urethane rear wings available
Choke location lever location
I meant console when and why would is it suppose to illuminate? I cant imagine it was some how connected to the cable somehow. thanks
Choke location lever location
On my 72 240z I dont have any lever inside the cockpit for a choke cable, but I see 1 cable going to one carb under the hood. Wheres the lever or levers suppose to be ? and Why do I have a Choke Lite on my dash ? btw, the groovy shag carpet in the pic is a throw back from the Zs 70 past, installed by original owner many moons ago Ive sense removed it :stupid:
may have some urethane rear wings available
waiting to see what the shipping to me is going to cost when they get here, and wanted to post prices with pics of the items when I had them in my hands :classic:
Info needed about my 71 Fairlady Z
:disappoin This may have been addressed in the past, but is the motor in my 71 Fairlady a true 2.0 ? and will a 70-72 2.4L head work on my motor? its that or redo the head currently on the car.
Info needed about my 71 Fairlady Z
found out today I have a few bent valves, probably from not be started for several years, ratz ! So to make myself feel better I rebuilt the carbs on my 72 and its running great
may have some urethane rear wings available
in a week or 2. As soon as I get pics and prices Ill post them up. I did get a good source for headlight covers too. There may already be good sources for this stuff, but 1 more I figure cant hurt. :cheeky:
1970 Fairlady Z on ebay
cool, I just realized you are in the UK doh. about how many Fairladys are known to be in your area?
1970 Fairlady Z on ebay
the VIN on my 71 Z/L is 06448 HS30-8 where can I see pics of your car ?
1970 Fairlady Z on ebay
I was watching it too, but he answered one email and it was real vague. He doesnt even mention if the car "runs" or not and how well etc. He does mention its needed total restoration or something like that, and to me that means it needs Everything from bumper to bumper. I wouldnt of minded having another one, but his pics showed nothing about where the rust was either. Specifically where and how bad. The 0 feedback wasnt helping either.
Head Ticking noise
My fairlady sat for many years too. I just found out a few things with my car Ill pass on to you. As for overheating, I found a large obstruction by my thermostat housing. Start by trying to remove the top housing first, and then the thermostat. Mine upper and lower where fused together (aluminum from age) and from sitting. I then just removed the whole lower housing from the block itself. Easy, 2 bolts basically. When I did, I found a huge blockage of "something" in the water passage in the block. I dont know exactly what it was, but Ill show a pic later. I pulled out much of it with my fingers, and then flushed out rest of the block by just running water into the top of my radiator. After a few mintues of that the blockage was totally gone and the water coming out of the passage was clear again. I installed a new upper/lower housing assembly and thermostat and have had no problems there. As for lifter clatter, you can pull the valve cover off in about 10 min and set the lash. I pulled my cover off because of the noise too, and found 2 followers completely off the top of the valve springs! Im going to finish that project tomorrow and I should be fine. New oil can quite things down a little too if yours is getting thin from age.
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