Everything posted by randy 80ZX
- 100_2243
- 000_00481
- 000_0030
Pantera look a like Rear Lid
Help 280ZX Electric hasstles
For the headlights make sure the headlight relay is making full contact and clean. It is in the plastic box along with the ACC relay & fuel pump relay2 , located in front of passenger front wheelwell
Suggestions for license plate for my Z
UR 2 SlOW..............UB 2 SlOW
vacuum advance
The vacuum advance canister has a diaphram that can go bad. Get a vacuum pump from auto parts store and hook it up to the vacuum advance canister and apply vacuum, you will see the advance plates move about 1/4 ", then with the vacuum still applied see how long it holds vacuum, if they close back up diaphram needs replaced .
1979 280z fusible links
The fusible link is "black " 16guage for alternator approx 80 amps. If one pulls it off ,car won't run., As stated in original post the car is idleing fine therefore this is not his charging problem.
1979 280z fusible links
No the fusible links have nothing to do with the car losing power they only act as a fuse would and open up when there is a short in electrical system.. Have your alternator checked again,sometimes alternators check o.k. but its a false reading...also clean all wires and connectors on alernator and ground wire.....Randy
240Z fusible link amp ratings?
http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/fusiblelinks/index.html ......Randy