Looking for a new ride...need advice
I bought an S2000 early this year. I am 6'-4" and I fit pretty well. There is a mod for getting about 1-2" of headroom. I was considering some of the cars on your list as as well. I sat in the RX-8 and recall it being pretty tight. I guess the best advice is to just drive them and take notes and buy the one you like the best.
Z Car Shirt on Top Gear
Anyone see Jeremy wearing the Datsun Z car shirt on Top Gear? I thought it was pretty cool (that he was representing Z cars more so than the shirt). Zack
Time for the DRAGON!!!!!!!!
I hope to be there next year, but somehow I think I may not make it again. It's too bad since I don't live that far away (kind of). Have fun.
Replacing Floorpans
Beaverton is actually an American Indian word meaning 'yellow Z car'.
Distibuter Timing
You probably need to remove your valve cover and make sure get the mechanical time at top-dead-center. Once you know that, the mark should be easy to see and you can make it more visible by filing or marking it. To be sure you are at TDC you can remove the #1 spark plug and see that the piston is at the top of it's travel (or you can stick a wire tie in there to feel it). When you are at top-dead-center the dizzy rotor should be pointed toward the front of the car. Your correct timing mark should not be easy to find. I think it takes a 27mm or 1 1/8" socket to turn the engine crank. When you check the timing, you need to have the engine warmed up and remove the vac advance (or just pinch it off. Ha...pinch it off) Good luck.
Exhaust tailpipe ideas
I'd go with the far right.
Need some oversized pistons
Yeah, you can get some from www.blackdragonauto.com. They have most sizes. Just make sure you order the correct ones (dished or not dished).
Tune up frustration - Part Two
I had the exact same problem with mine. I can't remember how far I could adjust it somewhere around 0BTDC or maybe 5BTDC. No matter what I did I could not properly adjust the timing. I'm wondering if I put the oil pump/distributor drive gear on backwards. Whatever was/is wrong my car runs great. I just dropped the oil pump and turned the distributor until the rotor lined up with one of the "points" and moved my #1 plug wire to that point and the other wires around as necessary. Again, I don't suggest this, but good luck. P.S. I think I made the first post of the new year!
Tune up frustration - Part Two
This has nothing to do with the timing chain since the distributor is driven directly from the crank.
Steering Racks
Bruce, I think I bid on the car in your avatar on ebay. If it's the same one, how did it turn out?
Cam Sprocket won't Reach!!
If the tensioner did come out you should have heard a 'pop' sound when you first pulled the sprocket. If it is the tensioner, I would expect that you will have to take off the timing cover. Good luck. PS This has happened to me too and I wasted my time trying to 'realign' the tensioner. Once it's out, it will be extremely difficult to get back in.
#513 (10/69) For sale in Las Vegas
My, my. Hey, Hey. Thanks for the info. By the way, it's better to burn out than it is to rust.
what is the TRUE definition of "Series 1"
In this zhome article http://zhome.com/History/DesignChanges.htm The lowest VIN titles as a '71 is claimed to be 006072. Well, I have 005657 and it's titled as a '71. Not that it adds much to the discussion, but hey, I have the lowest VIN '71 240 (at least until someone comes around with a lower one).
need 240Z gas cap!
Bonzi, Are you saying you have one for sale?
need 240Z gas cap!
P.P.S. I was in the second group, but the first group had already finished (about 30 cars) and most likely that time wasn't beaten by much.