Checking in...It's been long time.
Hey fellow Z heads. It's been a long time since I logged in here much less made any posts. I thought I would check in to see who is still here from the old crew of 10+ years, actually it's been almost 20 since I first posted on this site come to think of it......and say hello to those who are new since I was last active here. SInce then I've gotten married, have 2 grandchildren, moved from Santa Cruz, CA to Auburn, CA and switched companies and focus. I haven't lost the bug but life, family and career had to take priority for a while, however I'm planning to dedicate more time to the hobby and hope to start reassembling the Z and get it back on the road in the coming months. Actually. I have both the Z and a 1967 Camaro RS/SS 396 to get back on the road and both need some electrical and mechanical work. Wish me luck and more importantly the time and dedication to get it done. I hope you're all doing well and spending plenty of quality time with your Z (and your families 😉).
Bob Bondurant - RIP
An amazing man who gave so much to the racing industry. He will be missed.
=Enigma= started following lonetreesteve
1973 240Z Refreshtoration – 901 Silver
I just got done reading this thread in it's entirety and WOW, very nice job Rich. This just might be enough to inspire me to finish up my own refreshtoration. I'm sorry I missed out on the auction though, but I really don't have room for another car either.... Nice sale price btw, especially considering the economy and the fact that the engine wasn't rebuilt.
Brakes: Restored! Not just rebuilt...
Beautiful job Eric. Thanks for sharing the process. Your comments brought back memories of crushing my thumb with a ballistic piston. Even though I knew beforehand to watch out for that based on other posts here, it still got me. Sadly, I didn't think to get the halves plated and I'm one of those who "painted my way to glory".
Modern Motorsports - anyone recently placed an order?
Great parts, nice guy, but don't expect much in the way of responsiveness. Go into it assuming it will take 3-6 months from your first inquiry to getting your parts. At least that was my experience.
Long time no chat
I just wanted to say hi to all my long time Z friends. I think it's been nearly 6mo since I visited the site. Work and school have kept me extra busy with little time for extracurricular activities. Anyway, I hope you're all well and still rollin' in your beloved Zs. Cheers, Adam
Track Day Thunderhill
Sounds like a blast. I wish I could be there too but the Z is still not back together. Parts delays, work, school and home maintenance are all working against me. Damnit! I'll get this friggin car one the road one of these days. I'm not defeated yet.
Almost a barn find
Nice find! Congrats. Good thing I didn't see it on Craigslist or wherever you found it, otherwise my 4runner would be out in the cold. I picked up my 4/73 one owner car in the Bay Area as well. It came to me in Metallic Brown with Butterscotch interior, 78K original miles and the only mods were the round tops and matching air cleaner housing, and exhaust from the manifold back, but that was a while ago and I've done a bit to it since then. As far as value goes once cleaned up and gone through mechanically (hoses, bushings, struts, brakes, etc) it should be worth between $6-10k depending on the location and model year sensitivity of any prospective buyer. That said, I would consider this one a keeper. Oh yeah, welcome to the Butterscotch (saddle) club.
- New from Texas
My 260Z build (Brake upgrades and Mods)
Nice work Dave. Your level of innovation is very inspiring. I was actually pondering what a nicely done custom semi-stealth fiberglass quarter rear speaker panel might look like and now I know. Let me know when you're ready to come down to Santa Cruz and start work on mine.
broken piston
If I recall correctly, broken ring lands are often caused by excessive pinging or pre-ignition.
Got speakers????
Not something I would choose for my own Z, but very impressive work nonetheless. Nice job. Now all you need is proximity alarm, a pitbull, 357 mag, and locking car cover to keep it from disappearing.
honda heater fan
This has been covered ad nauseum. A search of the archives will get you the info you're looking for. Search for keywords honda, motor, fan, blower
Did all series 1 240's have a electric fuel pump?
The electric fuel pumps found on the 73 and 74 cars are but one of a series of potential modifications designed to address issues with vapor lock, and/or percolation due to heat soak in the mechanical fuel pump and fuel lines. The first caused a lean condition and the latter caused a rich condition and as well as overfill the float bowl resulting in raw fuel being spilled out into the air cleaner. All bad things. These things were really only an issue with the bulkier and dreaded flat top Hitachi carbs. These have mostly been replaced with the more popular round tops as a quick fix, or to avoid the final mod which consisted of installing a special hood scoop that required cutting holes in the hood. Not a very attractive mode IMHO. Finally, I seem to recall hearing that the wiring for the electric fuel pump may have been present on cars earlier than 73 but I don't know when that started or why it started prior to the 73.
Hagerty's pick for under $5000
Pacers are so ugly and unusual they're actually kind of cool, but yeah, I get what you mean.