Nice find! Congrats. Good thing I didn't see it on Craigslist or wherever you found it, otherwise my 4runner would be out in the cold. I picked up my 4/73 one owner car in the Bay Area as well. It came to me in Metallic Brown with Butterscotch interior, 78K original miles and the only mods were the round tops and matching air cleaner housing, and exhaust from the manifold back, but that was a while ago and I've done a bit to it since then.
As far as value goes once cleaned up and gone through mechanically (hoses, bushings, struts, brakes, etc) it should be worth between $6-10k depending on the location and model year sensitivity of any prospective buyer. That said, I would consider this one a keeper.
Oh yeah, welcome to the Butterscotch (saddle) club.