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Everything posted by =Enigma=

  1. They should fit just fine assuming you haven't made any changes to the brake system such as a significantly larger caliper. Many people run these wheels on their S30s as well as the smaller 14" 5 spoke version that came on the non-turbo 81-83 ZX. You should be able to run up to a 225/50/15 without any rub even on a 280Z lowered 1-2 inches.
  2. =Enigma= replied to chimmychongaz's post in a topic in Introductions
    Hey there. Welcome to the site. Sounds like you have already done some research. Good luck on your new project.
  3. =Enigma= replied to bobc's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Wow!!! Is it not possible to lower or remove the reserve after the auction begins? You would have to be crazy not to accept $15,300 for this car. The seller is either deluded or kicking himself right now. That's at least $5000 over what it's actually worth regardless of where you live, even more in some places. Based on this, I predict that we're going to see a rash of rust buckets turned BRE "replica" hit eBay in 3-6 months....
  4. =Enigma= replied to jtmader's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    I would describe this more as surging than bucking but yeah, I think conedodger is on the right track.
  5. =Enigma= replied to Bradz240's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Well you beat me to it. I saw your post earlier and meant to post a link to webdawg's but forgot to get back to it. I actually used these for keeping track of my own refresh. Thanks again to webdawg. In case anyone else is looking in the future, here's a link to webdawg's post. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19172
  6. Thanks Marc. I was more curious than anything but I just might give him a call. I'm really looking forward to my first Z show. Honestly, I can't believe I haven't made it to one yet. I'm pretty sure getting the beast back on the road will provide me with enough motivation.
  7. Finally some good news on this. Democracy lives! I'm glad to see the vehicle age limit tied to a rolling date should the boneheads in Congress decide to extend the duration of the program in the future. Thanks to SEMA & SAN and to everyone who e-mailed their congressman.
  8. =Enigma= replied to 240dkw's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I know this isn't any help, but if it were me doing the looking and there was little to no rust, it would have been on the trailer by now.....
  9. =Enigma= replied to jtmader's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    Hmm, bucking you say? Do you feel something similar when braking or only when you let the gas off and coast?
  10. Congrats and thanks for sharing. Looks like fun. Did anyone notice or recognize the interesting looking front bumper on the BRE lookalike? Any idea who the mfg is and whether it's integrated or separate from the spoiler?
  11. =Enigma= replied to juniorzep's post in a topic in Introductions
    Welcome to the forum. Looks like you have yourself quite a project there. Just in case you weren't aware, what you have is actually called a 280Z 2+2. Do the math and you have 4 seats. Here's some inspiration for you. Good luck and let the work begin. http://www.viczcar.com/Featured-Rides/Johnny-Kostic-s-Datsun-260z-2+2.html http://speedhunters.com/archive/2008/10/20/car-spotlight-gt-gt-260z-2-2.aspx
  12. =Enigma= replied to Weasel73240Z's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Perhaps a bad plug operating intermittently, a leaky plug wire, dirty terminals, a cracked or tracing disti cap. That could explain what's holding you back. Time to check all the wires, clean up the terminals and inspect the cap. Switching the plug to another cylinder might help isolate whether it's the plug, wire, connections or cap if all else fails.
  13. =Enigma= replied to Chelle's post in a topic in Introductions
    Welcome to the forum Chelle. Sounds like you'll fit in just fine here. Good luck on your projects. Let's see some pics soon.
  14. =Enigma= replied to Rick Q.'s post in a topic in Introductions
    Disappearing ink......I mean paint.
  15. =Enigma= replied to JonnyRock's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Man I have to have one of these. I hope BRE decides to go forward with a repro.
  16. Welcome to the forum. Based on the fact that this car was stored on the grass, and the look of the body from the few shots here, you may just end up using the body of the 83 assuming it's not any worse than the RHD model.
  17. =Enigma= replied to Oiluj's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I was watching a program on tanks on the Military Channel the other night and they ran that news clip of the guy who stole a tank from a military base and went running wild through the streets of LA. There was an interview with a guy whos truck got crushed and in the background was a crushed 260 or 280Z. I think I would have cried.
  18. Thanks Walter, I was trying to watch TV and type at the same time. I made the appropriate correction.
  19. =Enigma= replied to texasz's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    I love that pic! It reflects the style of the times. Perhaps I'll grow my hair out...then again maybe not.
  20. See what you've done now... You've got me thinking about pulling my engine for paint and a detail for the engine compartment.... Stop the madness!!!
  21. This might vary from one head to the next. What head do you have?
  22. =Enigma= replied to Oiluj's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Yes, I was just going to post that part. This was already covered in another thread a while back. Must be a repeat.
  23. Welcome to the site. I don't think I've ever come across an RB swap on the S130 platform but it can't be too much different than swapping one into an S30 since the drivetrain was much the same back to the pumpkin. While you might find some info here, you're probably better served by the info over at hybridz.org.
  24. =Enigma= replied to zed2's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    True, there are a lot of areas on the car that could have been better designed to further delay the rust monster from roosting in our cars. The cowl drain also comes to mind. Just trying to add futher food for thought, not pointing out flaws in anything you said.
  25. Your mistake was making the comment about "this japanese engine crap" on a board specializing in keeping classic Japanese cars as original as possible. You don't ask for help from a group of enthusiasts and then insult the very thing that brings them together. That was just plain stupid. :stupid: 4X4, poor punctuation and grammar or not, you did a nice job or alienating yourself. Perhaps next time you will consider the fact that people are more inclined to help you when you are respectful, and take the time to acknowledge the help that you are receiving for nothing, from a group of people who owe you nothing. There's still time to recover from this shoud you choose to do so. .

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