Everything posted by =Enigma=
Wiring Harness Preventive maintenance
What about just using vinegar to clean/remove the corrosion from the connectors? Does this work? I thought of doing the above and then rinsing them thoroughly with distilled water, and finally dispersing the water with a spray based electrical cleaner? Anyone tried this? Comments, suggestions, warnings?
5 Good California 240Zs on Ebay
Number 2 looks more like a, expensive parts car with a bad repaint to help it sell. The last one however (gold 71') looks to be in great condition and would be a nice start for someone looking to buy and not have to dump a boatload of $$$ on it before being able to drive it.
spare parts disease
I am constantly tempted, but I've done a pretty good job of limiting the spare parts to a set of tail lights, and a rear finish panel. This is mainly due to the fact that there are still plenty of things I need to complete my refresh/upgrade so I'm focused on that for the moment. Once the refresh/upgrade is complete, I can see possible spare part hoarding in my future.
Primadonna Z Story - 56K Part 2
Very cool! Thanks so much for sharing the story, passion and pictures. I have always wondered about the history of these beautiful beasts. It's nice to hear that this was more a labor of love than a business venture, although the latter would mean that I could have one too. P.S. - Although all versions of this car are extremely smokin' hot, I have to say that the extended windshield really finishes the look of the car. Any idea what car this windshield came out of?
New to forum and first time owner of 260z
Welcome to the forum. The cost depends on who does it and whether you're going for stock or planning on pumping it up. I've seen quotes from $1250-$4000 and more. Best thing to do is to first decide on what you want to do with the car, and then start calling around and taking to the shops.
so i bought another pair of watanabes
Cool then, let's see some pics! I'd love to do the g-nose thing myself, but I consider that a pipe dream. I wouldn't be happy with it unless I could have the OEM kit and OEM crome headlight surrounds and I just don't have that kind of cash laying around. Good luck with you project and let see those pics!
so i bought another pair of watanabes
73skyline, no harm intended. I wasn't calling you a ricer personally. I perhaps wrongly assumed that you bought the wheel/tires that way. The comment was directed at the whoever mounted those tires on those rims. If that was you, well............I apologize. As for Mr Big Hat, nope. The name =Enigma= is a 3 way reference to the following. 1)e·nig·ma [uh-nig-muh] a puzzling or inexplicable occurrence or situation, or a person of puzzling or contradictory character(that would be me) 2) a reference to a comment made by Winston Churchill during a radio broadcast in 1939. What he said was "Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma." Perhaps you cut history class that day? 3) a portable cipher machine used by the Germans to encrypt and decrypt secret messages during WWII.
New vintage Japanese car website and forum...
Nice start to what I'm sure will be an interesting site with time.
help! with my stock 280z
The primary concern is whether your head has round or square exhaust ports. Other than that, most any header designed for the 240, 260, 280 will fit. If you have a later head from a 280zx it will have round exhaust ports. If you tell us the head number(E88, N42, N47, P79, P90) we can tell you what shape your exhaust ports are.
N42 head with flat top pistons?
I'm not so sure about that. According to the www.ozdat.com calculator: http://www.ozdat.com/ozdatonline/enginedesign/ L24 w/N42, flat top pistons and 1.25mm gasket = 8.824:1. L28 w/N42, dished pistons and 1.25 mm gasket = 8.257:1 L28 w/N42, flat top pistons with 1.25mm gasket = 9.768:1 And according to Lengine.exe with a standard OEM gasket: L24 w/N42, flat top pistons and OEM gasket = 8.78:1 L28 w/N42, dished pistons and OEM gasket = 8.29:1 L28 w/N42, flat top pistons and OEM gasket = 9.82:1 So there are some slight differences which may be the gasket measurement.
Updating 240Z's Ignition System to Electronic
According to jmortensen, it's possible to run the 280ZX dizzy without the E12-80 module if you have an MSD ignition box. Apparently the MSD can be triggered by the either the E-12-80 module or the pickup coil alone. I plan on trying this at some point but haven't yet. Here's the thread where he made this statement. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=21256
Nice looking site Ian. I'm not big on drifting but there looks to be a lot more info there then just that. Congrats and good luck.
Z lust/4 kids/Long Drive to work
It's definitely a lot cheaper to live in Texas than in California. I'd have to be making nearly 200K+ to maintain all that.
so i bought another pair of watanabes
You gotta love that tire and wheel combination. I laugh every time I see that look..........Ricers......
I would appreciate your opinions please
I feel bad for McKrack if he isn't in fact "the owner of the lowest mileage Z on the planet" guy. In an effort to stay on topic, even though it's not clear what that is at this point, here's a pic of my car with what are believed to be dealer added, simulated wood grain, stick-on side moulding. For the record, I don't normally like these things, but in this case I feel like they actually add to the overall look of the car, had they been mounted with a little more accuracy.......perhaps it's just 30+ yrs of sag. As mentioned previously in this thread by someone else, they seem to highlight the lines of the body fairly well. That being said, the driver's side strips are starting to come loose due to being baked by the sun under my car cover, and will probably be replaced with some pin striping to match the other subtle pin striping on the rim of the hood and tail.
Mistaken/ficticious/humorous identities
Does anyone remember the songs: "Yellow River" by I.P Freely "Brown Walls" by Who Flung Poo "Under the grandstands" by Seymour Butts Ok, that was fun. Back to acting my age.
saying hi.
Welcome to the club. I always enjoy learning of another original owner who has maintained their vehicle for so long. I wish I could say that I was the original owner of my Z, but i was only 7 yrs old when it came out.
HI, I am really NEW!
Hey, it's a little Will. Congrats! So much for getting the Z done in time.
Lot's of Envy
Welcome to the forum Dennis. Congrats of being a new owner of one of the best sports cars ever built! Plenty to learn around here. You can take solace in the fact that these are simple, reliable cars, so knowing the basics can get you a long way. Cheers!
Stock- Which is the quickest?
Here's a link to that list on zhome.com http://zhome.com/History/zcarperf.html
My '72 240.....
A word is a unit of language that carries meaning and consists of one or more morphemes which are linked more or less tightly together, and has a phonetical value. Typically a word will consist of a root or stem and zero or more affixes. Words can be combined to create phrases, clauses, and sentences. A word consisting of two or more stems joined together is called a compound. Word up grasshopper!
New Guy
Welcome to the board. Good luck in your search. Check out www.zhome.com for more info and things to look for when buying a Z.
Incredible Rare 180 Car Collection Just Found!
Holy crap!!!! I hope these go to good use and don't get carted off to the crusher man.
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