Everything posted by =Enigma=
A drive through the mountains
Nice car Randy. That's one of the cleanest interiors I've seen in a while.
Rear wing
I'm not sure I've seen that one before. Definitely a different look. Congrats.
Here we go again...
Congrats man! Looks like an excellent place to start. A hell of a lot better than starting all over with an incomplete rust bucket. I knew Dave would redeem himself sooner or later. To think a guy would try to make money from the Z community by marketing and selling a product that we all need. Simply appalling. Way to go Dave. Nice way to renew a young man's spirit and his dreams. That's what I call givin' it back. Your mom would be proud.
Trouble with Hand Cranking
Sounds to me like the easiest and best way is gong to be talking it slow with ATF in the cylinders and breaker bar on the pulley bolt. Putting the car in gear and rocking it back and forth may work faster, but it may also cause problems if the rings are really stuck. It would really suck to have it break free only to find out that you cracked a ring and scored the piston bores. Perhaps the only thing you're doing wrong is wanting it to happen now. As a little Jedi knight once said, "Give it time young patowan."
Tune-up frustration!!!!
Did you remember to disconnect and plug the vacuum line to the dizzy before checking the timing at idle speed?
Header for l28
I find this comment a bit odd since the power needed to do the search is actually done on the server side and not the client. :stupid: The things that will help speed up the display of search results will be 1) an increase in server CPU power, 2) an increase in server RAM (but only if excessive memory swapping is taking place), or 3) an increase in bandwidth between you and your ISP. Anyway, I'm glad to see you decided to stop making excuses and use the search feature.
FUMES... Give me a break!
You could perform a similar test with something a bit more pleasing to the nose than a cigar. How about some incense instead? Just a thought.
Grease Points on Rear Suspension?
If the original bushings are worn or have been replaced with polyurethane, they could be the cause. The poly bushings tend to squeek a lot if improperly lubed.
Moving on UP Literally
The median price for a 3.1 around here is just over 600K and that's down a bit from a few months ago. No wonder a bachelor like myself is still a renter. I'd leave if by heart could bear it but my son and I are very close.
It's Xmas !!!!!!!!
Ok, NOW it's Christmas. Happy Holidays to all! Here's something to keep you warm.
Moving on UP Literally
Darrel, your poor Zs. They must be freezing their tail panels off!
It's Xmas !!!!!!!!
I think you jumped the gun a bit, but Merry Christmas to you anyway! May Santa be kind to you all!
Wish List to Santa
I wish someone would stop by and finish my current project for me so I can drive the car again.
Got the ole original wheels back on
Hey those look great. Much better than the cheapo aluminum rims and tires that came with it.
new to Classic Zcar...
Hey there and welcome to the club. With your car spending that much time in Hawaii, I'm surprised there's anything left of the body. That salt air is a killer. I'm not sure anyone's ever noticed, but you don't see very many classic cars in Hawaii. Perhaps it's just the culture that gravitates towards new cars, but the older ones I saw were complete rust buckets to the point that pieces were nearly falling off of them.
Going to California
Hey Red. I'm in the Santa Cruz area. I wish I could go for a drive with you but the Z is down until I find time to finish all the plating still left to do and get her back together. I'm off on the weekends so if you need someone to stand around and heckle you, I'm available. Seriously though, give me call if you need tools or an an extra hand. Adam (831) 566-6057
Shakedown Drive Day ....Finally
I just noticed the stitching around the dash. Very very nice. Was it done in leather or or vinyl? The more I look at this the job you did the more I notice and the more inspired I become. I think you've gotten me in trouble. I'm already picturing a Ferrari style tan leather interior to replace my original butterscotch vinyl.
Shakedown Drive Day ....Finally
Wow! That really turned out nice. I love the color combinations. Congrats on a job well done. Just out of curiosity, what kind of seats are those?
Retractable Seat Belts
Don't know where to get em new, but here's an interesting article on using the belts from a 260Z to add a retractable should belt. Doesn't your 73 already have a retractable lap belt? I know the late 72 & 73 HS30's came with them. http://www.automedic.org/smzcc/tech_tips.htm And a link to a place that does repairs. http://www.ssnake-oyl.com/
Niced 1977 280 ZZZAP on Ebay (all original)
I don't like the looks of the rust where the front frame rail ties into the body below the battery. Looks like trouble.
Interesting Nissan 180 on Ebay Australia
I'd love to know if this is a production car. It looks to me to be a one off based on a 240SX. The headlights kind of remind me of the Toyota GT?
Is this a Series 1 Part?
It looks like the gas tank skid plate on my Toyota 4runner.
What exactly am I missing here?
I can't explain why some have it and some don't, but those screw holes are for the mouting bracket for the EGR solenoid valve.
Ebay madness "One of 50 in this special run series"
1 of only 50.........ahem........36,684, you guys better get your bids in now! Don't delay!!!
Using Autometer Gauges
I'm not sure but there seems to be a fair amount of discussion over at Hybridz.org. Use the search feature. Here's an interesting thread: http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=106733