Everything posted by =Enigma=
Rearview Mirror Restoratiom
Nice write-up Will. I always wondered if it was feasible to get small mirrors like this re-silvered. Now I know.
What exactly am I missing here?
Based on the diagrams in my Clymers manual, the smaller pic appears to be a later model than your own. It looks like it's a 77 or 78, and there were some small changes between 75-76, 77 & 78. It's hard to tell for sure due to the quality of the top pic, but it appears that you are missing both the EGR solenoid valve, the EGR control valve, and related piping and vacuum lines. Possibly more.
I'm breaking my own heart...
Sorry to hear your shell is a wreck. Be glad you were't injured and get to work on a replacement. Did David give/sell you a replacement shell?
The Internet Z Car Club (IZCC)
Very intresting to hear the evolution of the various Z car information sites/service in relation to the growth of the Internet and the effect that this had on the Z car community. Thanks for sharing this history with us and for managing to keep the Z Car Home site up all these years. I hope that it continues to be the quality source of information that I have found it to be since I became a member of the community just over a year ago. Cheers, Adam
Installing a second battery
You need a battery isolator. Here's how they work: http://www.bcae1.com/battiso.htm Do some research on the net. You don't need to buy a an expensive one built specifically for car audio. This is a very basic device. The battery you buy is the most important part, and I recommend a deep cycle battery for your second battery, Optima if you can afford it. http://froogle.google.com/froogle?q=battery+isolator+car+audio&hl=en&btnG=Search And it doesn't need to be a full size battery if space or alternator output is an issue. To that point: http://www.carsound.com/columns/navone/nav0003.shtml
Finally...My car arrives....YEA!!!
Boadankers. There's a new word for you. I like it!! Was that intentional?
Need help with 5 speed tranny
Here's some visual identifiers to help you find out what kind of 5 speed tranny you have. There are no numbers to look for. http://www.geocities.com/inlinestroker/ratio.html A cool drivetrain ratio calculator http://www.geocities.com/z_design_studio/transmission.html And some historical data http://zhome.com/ZCMnL/tech/GearRatios.html
Door adjustment....can it fit tighter
It almost sounds like the front hinges are mis-aligned causing the top to be flush and the bottom to stick out. I'm not even sure if these are adjustable but my guess is that they are. You might give that a looksee.
Or you could just go here: http://www.zhome.com/Buying/WhatToWatchFor.html
New Member here...
Dood!! Don't stress!! We're here to help.
street flares vs works/semi-wors flare widths?
Agreed! :sick: :sick: :sick:
240z Drifting
I love the screaming engines and smoking tires, but other than that, I don't get it. I guess I'm getting old or something. It just seems like one big poser's convention to me.
Finally...My car arrives....YEA!!!
Nice find! I'm sure you must be relieved to have it in your hands and in better condition than expected. You gotta love positive surprises.
New Member - Australia
Welcome to the fold. That's a beautiful car! I have to say that I am very jealous of those OEM headlight covers. Man what I would do to get my hands on a set of those......... :love:
Junkyard & "Out to Pasture" Zs
I was sad to see a 95% complete and definitely restorable 73 get sent to the crusher. It appeared to have a new gas tank, but had a big hole in it from the junyard guy's crowbar. Looked fixable to me. There's wasn't a dent on the entire body except for the one mangled front fender, and very little rust. Anyone looking for a 73 shell would have loved to find this one. I believe they also crushed a 98% complete 260Z with an L28 in it. What a waste. And the stupid Pick&Pull doesn't allow cameras. WTF!!!!
Why aren't my reply's being shown on certain threads
No......we're gonna keep hammering you on your computer newbie status.....well maybe just me. LOL
Why aren't my reply's being shown on certain threads
Next time you might try re-starting you browser or clearing clearing the browser cache(temporary internet files). I have seen problems with this in the past with both I.E. and Firefox.
Got a radio!
where can i get a 'bumper bar'
Actually I think he was looking to soil the good looks of the Z by bolting a piece of stair railing to it.
2nd car
Can't go wrong with a Corolla. I helped my Mom buy a similar model several years ago and it's been great. Only problem we've had is getting her to check the air in her tires and get them rotated regularly. I'm mostly a Toyota man myself but had to make an exception for the 240Z.
Brushie1320022 Parts
Sorry Moonpup, I just felt kinda bad for the guy. He seems nice enough but hasn't had the friendliest of welcomes. I realize that he as broken forum etiquette, but I just feel sometimes we're all way too quick to condemn people for what are really small missteps. Anyway......
Brushie1320022 Parts
I believe that was actually a 280ZX outside the container, not a 280Z. however there was a pretty cool OMC? 280Z valve cover.
Backup switch help
That looks great Derek. Nice job on the paint. As for the switch, a good set of vice grips or channel pliers should do the job.
Brushie1320022 Parts
1) brushie is legit 2) trying to help those looking for parts 3) make a few bucks Perhaps we could be a bit more friendly.