Everything posted by =Enigma=
Anybody heard of this before?
Arizona Z Car makes one but I have seen others as well. Check it out here as well as some other eye candy: http://www.arizonazcar.com/diffmount.html
Woohoo! Fun at P&P
What are you referring to here, 240Zs? The reason I ask is that I pulled both the the 3.9 diff and 5spd out of the same US based 280ZX 2+2. Both were listed as stock components on the plaque in the engine compartment(R39 & FS5C71AB).
Woohoo! Fun at P&P
Ok I finally got around to performing a compression test on the F54/P79 motor I got from the JY and here's the results. #1 - 195 #2 - 195 #3 - 190 #4 - 200 #5 - 195 #6 - 190 I assume these numbers are good based on other numbers I have seen posted on the site, however I have been unable to find the stock specifications to compare them to. If anyone knows what they are or where they are listed, please post them here if you would be so kind. I was planning on doing a rebuild on the motor, but I may just stick it in the car if these numbers are high enough. The cam lobes I can see through the oil filler hole look almost new. I suspect that this motor may have been rebuilt not too long ago, although it has an awful lot of oil and dirt build up on the block. I also recently grabbed a 3.9 R200 from the same 81 280ZX car I pulled the motor from, and obtained the diff, half-shafts and moustache bar from a 73 that someone had already done an R200 conversion on. This included the correct R200 moustach bar and the 280Z half-shafts. I ended up returning the R200 diff from the 73' which had 3.54 gearing. So now I just have to clean it all up, paint it and get it all back together.
Why are 72's considered best Z
Possibly, but I was actually shopping specifically for a 72 or 73 due to my plans for some mild modifications modifications to engine and body. I figured I'd leave the early cars for those who wanted to restore them to the original glory. Once I found the right one, the deal was made. On the other hand, if I had found a "steal" of a deal on a 70-71 in the same condition as the 73 I purchased(very unlikely), I would have had to think long and hard about it, even though it did not fit with my established plans. Edit: I forgot to mention the desire for retractable seatbelts in my previous post.
Why are 72's considered best Z
I bought a 73 for several reasons. Feel free to correct my thinking, as I'm sure you will.. 1) The 73' is is the last model year of the 240Z and I banked on the thinking that by then, all the issues with the earlier models had been worked out. 2) I wanted intermittent wipers, which is admittedly kind of silly since I have no intention of driving it in the rain anyway. But nice when you need them. 3) I wanted a simpler path to swapping in an R200 diff. The 73, and some 72's have all the parts you need except for the moustach bar. 4) I wanted reclining seats. I think the 72 comes with them as well. 5) I figured that some of the additional weight of the 73' may have been due to a more rigid unibody in all the right places, or thicker, better quality steel. This is pure speculation on my part and probably incorrect, but it was on my mind nonetheless. 6) I figured I could get one a bit cheaper, not having to contend with the competition to buy earlier models. 7) I stumbled onto a one owner 73' with low miles that was in amazing condition, always garaged, no cancer, already had round tops, upgraded anti-sway bars, an early 5 speed, and I was able to negotiate a fair price for the car and drive it away. As for the weight factor, I don't intend on racing the thing, nor do I care if an earlier car would decrease my 0-60 time by a few tenths of a second. I intended on putting a 280ZX motor in it anyway so I'm not all that concerned. These are the things that were important to me since I intended it to be a driver and do not have the facilities to do a full tear down and ground up restore. I just wanted a car that I could make some minor improvements to, then drive and enjoy. I have no intention of selling mine...ever....so resale value was really not a factor in my decision. . .
Opinion needed - use of ES outer tie rod boots
Thanks guys. I'll give them a ride then. I guess once the tie rod is bolted to the steering arm it will actually hold it on anyway. However my main concern was that it wouldn't hold the grease in, or even worse that it wouldn't keep water and dirt out.
Opinion needed - use of ES outer tie rod boots
Does anyone use the urethane outer toe rod boots provided in the Energy Suspension Master kit, or recommend against using them? They seem to fit OK but might fit a little better by cutting a groove on the inner surface to that they actually lock onto small flange on the outter tie rod end. Any comments or experience will be appreciated?
hi from finland.
Welcome to the board. Lots of great members and info here. Man I'd love to visit Finland someday. I hear it's beautiful. Perhaps on my next European vacation.
Happy Birthday Mr. K
Just in case you're looking Mr. K, Happy B-Day from a satisfied customer!
'70 240z in denver
If I had had any spare time I would have loved to hook up with some of you and had a beer or something. Maybe next time I'll plan for an extra day or a stay through Saturday.
'70 240z in denver
Hey I was jsut in that general area today. Funny to see the street name now as I'm sitting in the Denver airport bored out of my mind waiting for yet another late departure from Denver........at least they're consistent here.
Any one From the BAy Area?
Nope. . . .
What is this?
Note the when ordering this item from VicBrit, otherwise known now as Black Dragon, that you talk to someone and emphasize that is for a 240Z if that is what you have. They screwed up and sent me the 280ZX? version or something else. I didn't notice untli I started installing them and they did not fit.
Grant steering wheel adapter
Sorry, I know this and should have been more careful with my statement. I should have said that all 240Zs came with simulated Walnut steering wheels. Thanks for the slap in the face Will.
roller painting?
You don't say?...... Just playing wit ya Jeremy
Hood ornamate
Stephen, I like the one with Datsun spelled out. Not something I would put on my Z but still cool. The emblem on my 73 seems kind of plain to me. I'm not sure if it was painted from the F...actory anything besides black but I was thinking of painting it using the Datsun colors of red/wht/blu or the colors of the Datsun griffin or whatever that thing is called. You know, like the creature you see on some of the Datsun keychains.....
roller painting?
If I'm not mistaken, this is the thread you are referring to: http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=107977&highlight=roller+painting and if you read on a little, it contained links to this thread which you may or may not have seen: http://board.moparts.org/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=2331682&page=0&fpart=1&vc=1 It's not a Z but you can see the quality of the paint. I'm not sure anyone here has actually done that, although we did talk about it here: http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20410&page=3&highlight=roller+painting and someone tried it out on a garage refrigerator with mixed results. Based on his testing, it is probably wise to practice on something other then your Z to perfect you technique, since the quality got better the more he did it. Let us know if you decide to do this as there seemed to be some interest in it by a few people.
lookin for Enkei 92
Maybe it's jsut the pics but those rims 2 of those rims look badly damaged. Check the outter rim edge for flat spots and bends.
Update on the 260
Why not just slap on some used SUs?
MB Bushing Problem
I'm not sure this qualifies for a POD award but you're now a runner-up. Glad you got it figured out. Nothing more embarassing that driving around in a squeaky rig.
Installing the differential
Nope the diff carrier is inside the diff and holds the spider gears. Not what you want. Here's what you're looking for: http://www.courtesyparts.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=CP&Product_Code=55415-S30RD
SU Carbs different and not running good
Either that is a completely different carb, or someone replaced the float bowl with another. They're detachable. I've never seen one with the fuel inlet like that 3 screw one you pictured. Perhaps from a british car? Are the round tops(dashpot) held down by 3 or 4 screws? I'd also measure the venturris and make sure they are the same width just to be sure. If necessary, obtaining a replacement or a set wouldn't be too hard.
What attracted you to a datsun Z?
I definitely have to say the curves and the sound because I fell in love with them as a kid and I knew nothing about cars, except for the fact that the seeing the Z drive down the street made me go nutty. I'm sure you know the feeling I am talking about. I think I was around 12 yrs old the first time I noticed one, even though they had been around for 8 years by then, and it was love at first sight. 27 yrs later.....I finally have one of my own. WOOT!
finally some decent pics of the Z
That looks great Dreco. Nice job. One comment though. The tail lights look out of place with the lighter color of the rear tail panels. I normally don't care much for clear tail lights, but this car would sure look nice with them. Either that or blacked out. Not sure anyone even makes them but it's a thought. BTW, what size are the rims and tires and would they fit with stock struts? They sure fit nice and look sweet.
BMW ROAD RAGE ... check this out
Don't get me wrong sblake, I do not find road rage to be a funny thing in general, but when some ignorant assholes perpetrating the act get thier due justice, that I find funny. If this is real, the only thing the guy in the BMW did wrong was flip off the ignorant hics in return for their kind gestures and behavior. But you can't really blame the guy after how long these idiots intimidated and endangered him and his passenger. In the end he was smart enough not to shoot the guys, and take their camera as evidence should the idiots choose to try to take this to another level. Honestly, I may have taken it to the next level and tied them up naked to a tree with their limp peckers blowing in the wind. Now THAT would have made an even funnier video.