Everything posted by =Enigma=
Any Takers?
No thanks, I'll pass.
a little update of my project. but what now?
I don't believe proper rust repair or body work would disqualify a car as "original" assuming it is done properly and with quality replacements. But what do I know. I'll let the "experts" make the call on this one.
a little update of my project. but what now?
If this were a 70, I'd say go for it and keep working since you've already done sooooom much, but in light of all that rust damage, I'd say trash the shell, keeping the good panels or parting them out, and find a decent body with or without running gear for a better starting point. IMHO
Removing the lower rack from pinion??
CAUTION!!!! There is a plastic pinion shaft seal/cap that will melt if you apply heat there with a torch. Not a good idea. I suggest either using a pickle fork or a large pry bar to seperate the two as suggested. Also, you might try giving the back side of the clamp a few whacks with a small/light hammer to break the hold the rust has on the two parts. As someone else suggested, it may be easier to remove if you drop the R/P first and then work it free. That's what I did.
Parts ordering
Doh! montoya beats me to the punch again.......
Parts ordering
Wait a minute. I think we're confusing two sites here. http://www.zparts.com is ZPARTS run by Eric Nyerlin. http://www.zcarparts.com is Motorsport Auto otherwise know as MSA. And just to confuse matters there is also a Modern Motorsports at http://www.modern-motorsports.com
Headlight Upgrade Harness's For Sale (again!)
Woohoo! I got home yesterday from a very long work day only to find out that Christmas had arrived early here in Santa Cruz. And without any warning at all. And what did I get for being such a good little boy? Nice new Zondabrain Headlight and Tail Light harnesses, as well as an MSD 6AL. Nice job on the harnesses there Dave. Excellent craftsmanship all around. I was expecting a heads-up when you shipped them so this package caught me by surprise. Thanks for making a crappy day a little brighter.
Hello from Germany
Say what? Welcome to the board.
choke cable, replace or repair???
I heard you can also use the solid throttle cable that is used on many lawnmowers. Not sure if there is any truth to this or not.
Hood is stuck!!!
How about jsut ahving someone pull on the release while you push up on the hood from beneath with a 2x4 and a rag wrapped on the top to prvent denting the hood?
Tokico HP - Z is two inches taller
Did you happen to mount the ball joints on top of the transverse links, or on bottom where they belong? Perhaps this is a combonation of factors.
Nissan 2400 OHC Valve Cover
It would look even sweeter with several coats of clear on it. I just did my diff cover like this and it looks great. Reminds me of the finish on some vintage motorcycle lower fork tubes.
Did Nick ever finish this car?
Dunno know because I wasn't here then but if I had rusty rear quarters, I would seriously consider going this route. I have loved box flares like that since I first saw them on a Ford Capri around 27 years ago.
Spark plug info needed
Well that's not very encouraging news about the Taylor Pros. I purchased them in preparation for installation of an MSD 6AL. We'll see how it goes.
cover for the seat mechanic on a 1971 240
Here you go. You'll find them a little over halfway down the page. They are titled "Datsun 240Z Seat Hardware Cover Set". http://www.datsunrestore.com/catalog.html I'd call first to make sure they are the right ones for your car.
Z car parts includes Tokico Spring & Shocks
I hope I'm not raining on your parade but those better be Illumina shocks for that price. I paid only $350 for my Tokico red springs and Tokico HP shocks.
The 2006 Iron Bottom is Over
What the heck is this, a Wagette? Part Corvette, part wagon? And if so, what's the wagon part made from. An old Nomad or somehting?
help me spend some money please
By the way, If you'll simply send me some money, I'll be more than happy to "help" you spend it.
Spark plug info needed
Any opinions on Taylor Spiro-Pro wires? I just got a set.
Raising compression so to say
Summit sells a low cost burette kit by Competition Cams that has 1cc increments. http://store.summitracing.com/partdetail.asp?autofilter=1&part=CCA%2D4975&N=115&autoview=sku
Paint Stripe Opinions Please!!!! (ASAP)
IMHO, if you're going to do stripes, paint the dam and spoiler the same color as the car and carry the stripes over them. Otherwise, lose the stripes and paint the dam and spioler black. The reverse stripe just looks bad all around.
on the road again
Nice. I'm sure that must feel good to crank her over after being down for so long.
cool Japanese car show pics
I've never seen or heard of one before seeing these pictures, but I'd kill for one of those Toyota 2000 GTs. Sweeeett!!
nice resto-mod....
This is a nice, clean car. We could sit here and pick it apart, but why?
Difference between Flat top pistons
Correction to my post above. Apparently the F54 came with both flat top and dished pistons according to this: http://www.geocities.com/zgarage2001/z.html