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Everything posted by =Enigma=

  1. =Enigma= replied to deedee's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    You bring up a very good point. I'm not sure anyone really thought about it that way. Your tact could have been better but whatever. I guess what bothers me most is that people no longer get to know their neighbors. If I had a problem I would address it directly with my neighbor and try to resolve it or find a compromise. As soon as you get a third party (police, commitee, etc) involved people feel manipulated or slighted, and that creates resentment. Anyway, get to know your neighbors so this doesn't happen to you. My 2cents.
  2. Blocks search engines but allows you to come to here? That's the first time I've heard that one. Why would anyone do this? Absolute blasphemy.
  3. =Enigma= replied to KDMatt's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Since the fan clutch is connected to the water pump, continuing to run it in this "frozen" condition will accelerate the wear on the pump shaft bearing resulting in coolant leakage and ultimately premature failure of the pump. Replace it as soon as you can or drive it as little as possible until you can.
  4. Good question. I've never bothered to look it up because I have never really needed to know, but I always wondered. Let us know what you find on your Google quest.
  5. Nice job there Lance. I wish I actually had a garage so that I could worry about things like these. The carport is better than nothing but an enclosed space would be much nicer, especially this time of year.
  6. =Enigma= replied to KDMatt's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    I sent him am PM since the auction ends on just over an hr from now.
  7. =Enigma= replied to deedee's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Sorry mang! I started by quoting only part of it but wasn't sure which part would best get the point across so I quoted it all. That doesn't mean you have to read it, all, or at all, and the space bar is only a fingertip away.
  8. There's one on eBay right now with 1 day left. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-240Z-260Z-280Z-E12-80-Electronic-Ignition-Module_W0QQitemZ8018298686
  9. =Enigma= replied to deedee's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Not very. The post made my head spin trying to follow it. Perhaps that was the point.
  10. Get your mind out of the gutter mate. It's a manifold. Crikey!
  11. I found one on a 80' B210 and a 80' Maxima. I know where there's a third but I made the mistake of telling the junkyard guy what they're worth so he'll probably want more that what you could find one for. If not and you're desperate, let me know. I think they came on the 79' 810's as well.
  12. =Enigma= replied to deedee's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I think somebody is smoking more than wheels....
  13. =Enigma= replied to hls30.com's post in a topic in Polls
    Well I got pretty lucky and found a clean one owner car with low miles and no rust to speak of, aside from surface rust on the suspension components, oil pan, and engine block, no cracks on the dash(looks brand new), and a clean interior with original footwell carpeting with NO WEAR(used rubber mats from day one). My beefs with the P.O. are: 1) Continued use of the maintenance hatches even though they were out of alignment and chipping the paint on the fender. 2) Leaving one of the fuses partially engaged in the fuse box causing it to heat up and melt the cover 3) The wannabe/fakie alarm system hooked up to an aaaooogahhh horn. That was gone in an instant. Free to interested party. 4) The poor choice of pin switch placement for the alarm in the hood and hatch. 5) A missing stock horn 6) Garden hose as a supplement to the rack bushings 7) Cheesy Kragen fog lights and overkill steel shank mounting method. My compliments to the P.O. for realizing that it was no longer of use to him and that it should really go to someone who would bring it back to it's former glory and use it as intended. And that would be me.
  14. Man those are cool looking cars. I donlt think I've ever actually seen one IRL.
  15. =Enigma= replied to EricB's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Good catch. My guess is they did it for a reason, although I can't imagine why.
  16. =Enigma= replied to hls30.com's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    I wish I knew what each of these looked like.....
  17. =Enigma= replied to ricksaia's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    I saw a really nice looking red 280Z convertible the other day on HWY 85 in San Jose. The only thing I didn't like about it was the shiny gloss back tail light finishing panel. Go with the stock matte grey.
  18. It's not nice to make fun of our easterly brothers there Ron. We can't all get get a sunburn workin' on our cars wearing only shorts in November.
  19. Personally I wouldn't even drive it like that. Looks like you'd probably need to replace both frame rails and one or more floor pans to make it roadworthy. Not sure what it's worth. Personally I'd look for another one but then again I have more choices out here in the West.
  20. =Enigma= replied to Mike's post in a topic in CLUB NEWS
    Web based methadone. Got my fix again. Time to pay up.
  21. =Enigma= replied to KDMatt's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    In its locked up state, that thing has to be robbing power from your engine. I think you'll find it a bit more peppy once you get it fixed.
  22. =Enigma= replied to A5295's post in a topic in Introductions
    Welcome to the board. Definitely round tops, Hitachi made. Looks like the 3 screw wide tab version. Not the stock flat(junk) tops it came with. Check out www.ztherapy.com for more info and parts. Can't see the exhaust well enough to say if there are headers on it.
  23. =Enigma= replied to Spike's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I believe that would be the same book author he was bashing in a previous post. Looks like he's gone over to the other side now. Just playin with ya Bryan.
  24. That sounds more like it. I was actually surprised how little they cost since you have to by the whole rod instead of just the rod ends like many other cars.
  25. My measurement between the ball joint center and the tie rod end is 4 3/8".

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