Everything posted by =Enigma=
remember the cbs show w/ the 240z last month........
I think I just saw the show you are talking about. Was it called Criminal Minds? The plot was that a woman was looking to buy a Z, took one for a test drive and ended up in a cage?
JDM aftermarket and OEM parts
You can paste the URL in here and choose the to/from language and it will translate it for allowing you to browse the entire site. Be forewarned that Japanese doesn not translate to english very well but it will allow you to read most of it. http://babelfish.altavista.com/
question regarding backfiring
A beautiful sound it is. Roll your window down more often and enjoy it. That is if you aren't too busy getting asphyxiated by the exhaust fumes.
Z meet in Vacaville, CA Oct.29th
I wish mine was ready too. I'll be working on it all day Saturday. Last chance I'll have for a few weeks so I gotta take advantage of it. Need to get that suspension back in shape and clean the carbs.
my oil is thin and smells like gas...
Could this be a bad mechanical fuel pump leaking fual into the crankcase? I'm new at this so someone else should chime in if this is worth looking at.
Loud Vibrating sound in rear! What's the deal?
Many many years ago I was at auto race at Laguna Seca, I can;t remember what kind of cars they were but I think it was a GT race of some sort. This was before the redesign of the track when turn 1 was a long sweeper that tied into what is now turn 6 on the back side. In this format the sweeper was 1/4 mi+ and speeds during this race were upwards of 140mph+. About half way through this section at close to 100 or better, a car dropped the front of the drive shaft onto the track, it caught and launched the car about 30ft into the air and it did roughly 6 end to end flips before landing and doing a few more. This is the most spectacular crash I have ever seen either in person or on TV to date.
Piecemeal or the whole enchilada?
I'm just about to take on the same thing. I bought the full Energy Suspension kit and I have a new set of Tokico HP struts and springs on the way. I originally wanted to do the whole sandblast and paint thing but I don't think I can afford it right now so that will have to come later. In the mean time I will be replacing all the bushings, struts, springs and flexible brake lines. Should be fun.
One for the rice boys
I assume you would have to get the wheels balanced after installing this unit.
Ignition problem/static electricity in body
Voltage is definitely leaking somewhere. Since you have newish plug wires, my guess would be a cracked dizzy cap, coil lead or tower shorting/arcing on something, or perhaps even a broken/cracked spark plug insulator.
FUSE problems post vandalism
The multimeter is your friend.
hey everyone - Australia
Welcome to fray. One question though......a 1983 240Z? Must be a typo in there somewhere.
One for the rice boys
Pretty neat. Great marketing tool for an auto related business. I'd never actually run them but it's interesting nonetheless.
It's MINE!!!! WOOOO!!! (new z car owner)
Congrats on your new baby! I know the feeling well.
NASA event, wreck, fence post through car...
Scary stuff. Imagine if it had been only 2-3" to the right. He might never have walked again. Freaky!
The School of Hard Knocks
What is this LightOnWire tool you are referring to? Is it a fiber optic viewing scope attached to an eyepiece or something like that?
Using a DA sander to remove paint
So it simply seems to be about the form factor, not about the action or features. BTW, I wouldn't let that low-end Eastwood polishing unit near any of my vehicles. Not on yer' life!
$20,000 240z on Ebay..and rising
West coast rules! Neener neener neener neener! Sorry, I donlt know what got into me.
Early SU carbs on eBay
Aye, roger that. Ye float bowl covers be the more squarish sort. And thank ye for the nomelclature correction. Damper piston caps they be. Arrrrrgg mate!
Took some early morning shots before work........
Now all you gotta do it Photoshop out that license plate.
$20,000 240z on Ebay..and rising
It's damn nice, but I'd rather pay $5000 - $6000 for a near perfect driver with a solid body and low mileage, then dump a couple thousand into a refresh, and drive the damn thing whenever I want and feel good about it. Oh wait, I already did that.
Using a DA sander to remove paint
Point taken, however the Porter Cable 7335 is actually a random orbital sander converted by me to be used as a polisher. I replaced the 5" adhesive ready sanding pad with a 6" H&L pad incl. new matching counter weight and added task specific polishing and waxing pads. Porter Cable 7335 Polishing Pad Waxing Pad
Using a DA sander to remove paint
Very nice guys. Thanks for all the great info. I use an electric Porter Cable random orbital or D/A(now that I know what that means) for polishing and waxing my cars, in combination with products from Griots.com. It's a huge time saver and leaves absolutely no swirl marks or burns, even with excessive pressure on the pad. I imagine that this could double for use when doing body work. It is a very high end model so I plan on getting many years of use out of it. I found a great deal on it at wordworkers.com. Porter Cable also makes the sort of full-featured air powered model Enrique was talking about. http://woodworker.com/cgi-bin/FULLPRES.exe?PARTNUM=130-715
78 280Z Troubles
You're killing me sideshow!
Took some early morning shots before work........
Nice looks there bud. I wish I could be a the meet but I just found out about it today and I'm already committed. Maybe next time.
Early SU carbs on eBay
The things I first noticed on the early version carbs was the lack of a drain plug on the float bowl, no bolt on fuel inlet, and the shape of the float bowl cover. It was round with 4 tabs for the screws. These covers were supposedly robbed from the Roadster parts bin which shares the same design. They were apparently used on the 69-70 240Z carbs according to Bruce at Ztherapy. Oh yeah, and they had metal oil plunger(???) caps.