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Everything posted by =Enigma=

  1. =Enigma= replied to Z train's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Ignorance or pure dishonesty, I can't decide which.
  2. That 2000GT body he's working on is simply amazing!
  3. =Enigma= replied to WingZr0's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    That isn't something you would normally do my yourself is it? And if so, why would you do it in the closet? Sounds like his "partner" let it go too far and stashed his body in the closet. I believe his most recent gig may have been Wild West Tech, aside from whatever he was working on in Thailand.
  4. My bolsters don't look like that but I've seen others that do. I always thought those that look this way were aftermarket replacements but perhaps it's just variation in the quality of vinyl used and it's reaction to the elements. See the pics in my sig for comparison. Note that my car has always been garaged. I'm thinking the chrome thingy is one of those old school barrel key alarm switches. I'm jealous of the unmollested roof. I wish mine was in the event I ever decide to sell, however I actually like my moonroof and have no plans to sell. I'd think I'd sell everything else before I sold the Z. . .
  5. That's an interesting looking tray. Never seen one like that before.
  6. =Enigma= replied to texasz's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Perhaps Bruce will cut you a deal since you already have the VHS version. Sorry, I missed that the first time around. :stupid:
  7. =Enigma= replied to rosgunt's post in a topic in Electrical
    Could this be the result of a melted fuse block, causing one or more contacts to touch?
  8. I'd like to remove my rear panels as well and was wondering if anyone knows of a source for the little plastic(?) push pin connectors, or a reasonable replacement. Anyone know the official name of these connectors?
  9. It's spelled Dos Equis, as in 2 X's to celebrate the beginning of the 20th century. Brewed in Mexico since 1897. Another one of my favorite Mexican beers.
  10. =Enigma= replied to Mike B's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Funny, I just did the same thing while I had the tank out to replace all the evap hoses. The tank was in such good condition on the inside and out I almost didn't bother, but I figured I might was well do it while I had it out. I also took the time to replace the rubber on the straps with some better material. The pics of the process are here: Fuel & Evap System Refresh
  11. St Pauli Girl or Becks then I want to keep it light (relatively), Full Sail or Red Tail when I'm looking for an Amber, and Pyramid or prefereably Franziskahner Hefe Weizen when in the mood for a wheat beer. Corona or Pacifico with a lime when it's really hot out. Too hard to choose just one.
  12. =Enigma= replied to Mikes Z car's post in a topic in Introductions
    Hey there and welcome to the board. That's a very low VIN you have there. I'm sure you're going to make a lot of ppl very jealous when you post pics, assuming it's not a bucket.
  13. I wish you luck in selling your car. Times are certainly rough. I'm hoping I won't need to make similar choices anytime soon. Looks like you have another project car in the garage there. Is that a Supra turbo I see there? That's another car I've wanted for a while.
  14. =Enigma= replied to MaximumHP's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I once pulled a motor & tranny in one piece from a 280ZX in the junkyard using a doubled up seatbelt. I tied the seatbelt to the rear of the intake manifold and the other end to the alternator bracket. Worked like a charm. If I had a chain at the time, I would have bolted it to the block where the lifting brackets mount up. Sometimes you just have to improvise.
  15. =Enigma= replied to texasz's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Why not just buy one from ZT and support a vendor who has supported us and our hobby?
  16. If by "let it dry" they mean place it under the heat lamps, I would ask them to ensure the dash is properly covered during this process. Paranoid perhaps, but I always say; "better safe then sorry".
  17. Note that the N47 head has round exhaust ports with internal liners designed to heat up and burn any fuel that doesn't get burned in the combusion chamber. Some think these flow less than the square port heads, but there doesn't seem to be any conclusive evidence on this. Using a round port head with square exhaust manifold is thought to be fine, but not the other way around. Also note that there was a different version of the N47 used on Maximas with a L24 block that had a smaller combusion chamber and valves than the Z version of the N47 for the L28. I've heard of people using this head but believe that they require significant modifications to run pump gas due to the higher resulting compression ratio.
  18. MY solution to this was a billet optima tray from Summit
  19. =Enigma= replied to gcohen's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Seroiusly David? I think you've put far too much emphasis on my comment, and sadly you are way off base regarding my demeanor on this board. Please feel free to PM me if you wish to discuss this further.
  20. Are the calipers floating? Are the mounting tabs on the caliper threaded? Are the discs vented? If any of this is true, it's possible that the calipers are from a 280ZX. See the following threads for more info on possible brake mods that have been done at one point or another. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=103767 http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=104735
  21. =Enigma= replied to gcohen's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Wow, this one has never been covered............
  22. =Enigma= replied to cc2's post in a topic in Introductions
    Welcome to the site. Keep the BRE buit engine. Mosun, Datmo, and Datpar just don't sound right....
  23. =Enigma= replied to makudori's post in a topic in Introductions
    Welcome aboard and good luck in your search.
  24. I knew I should have saved those nuts when I tossed my old Mulhollands..........There's a possiblity that I actualy did but I have no idea where they'd be at this point. I'll go digging if you're unsuccessful, however I'll be out of town until the first or second week of June so consider me a last resort.
  25. =Enigma= replied to darxranga's post in a topic in Introductions
    Hey there and welcome to the site! That's a clean looking car you have there. Nice color. Love the side stripes.

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