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Everything posted by =Enigma=

  1. Try www.rockauto.com. I believe they have what you're looking for.
  2. Don't let that stop you. Carbon monoxide poisoning is a slow and gradual thing. Over time the poison builds up in your system displacing the oxygen in your blood and can be harmful to your heart, brain and other vital organs. Normally this is only an issue if you drive fairly often such as every day or every other day, and obviously varies with the level of exposure. Better to be safe.
  3. =Enigma= replied to jernut's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I'm amazed that you actually spend that much on each other for Christmas. Must not have any kids yet...
  4. =Enigma= replied to 76Datsun280z's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I just took mine off yesterday after I realized they were made with asbestos. That crap had to go. No need for it with the round tops anyway.
  5. Welcome to the forum and good luck in your search. There's plenty of research info here, as well as some good tips on what to look for when buying over here: www.zhome.com
  6. First you apologize for sounding rude, when you really didn't need to. No harm in being careful. And then it becomes clear that you were actually apologizing in advance because you were planning on following up with a rude comment. :stupid: Sorry, I'm a little slow, but it's all clear to me now. . . .
  7. Welcome to the forum G, I'm feeling a bit sick myself.....
  8. =Enigma= replied to Ramses's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Sorry to hear you need to sell. I'm sure that wasn't an easy decision for you. I do have to say though that based on the reserve, and that fact that you didn't take the time to do a thorough cleaning inside and out, it's pretty obvious that you don't really want to sell the car. Assuming it's really worth 7k, I suggest posting some more telling pics to increase the chance of getting closer to what you're asking. No offense intended, just offering an outsider's perspective. At the moment, I wouldn't expect to see and offer of more than $5500, and that would have to come from the East coast. My 2 centavos.....
  9. The link you posted appears to be broken..
  10. Check out www.hybridz.org.
  11. Pure laziness.....Yes, that's just one small part of port matching. You also want the intake outlet on the manifold, and the intake inlet on the head to match up as closely as possible.
  12. =Enigma= replied to WingZr0's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Bummer........and I was hoping nobody would notice. :bandit:
  13. =Enigma= replied to graham53's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Welcome to the forum David. I think this is a struggle that many of us deal with. Personally, I decided that since mine wasn't a Series 1 240Z, that I would try to maintain the classic Z look that I love so much, and limit my additions to items that improved performance or driveability. For example, no changes to the body other than the oldschool Zenon air dam I got it with, and the addition of a BRE spoiler at some point. Upgrades and additions that are acceptable under my plan are things like a new steering wheel, shift knob, upgraded brakes, engine mods, drivetrain mods, electrical upgrades, or even a complete engine and tranny swap as long as it's a member of the L6 family. I also decided to swap out the period correct 5 slot aluminum rims in favor or some new Konig rewinds. New look with a vintage feel. Things I'm still struggling with are the seats, bumpers, aftermarket headlight covers, and tinted windshield. Don't forget that if you're building this for yourself to drive and enjoy, do whatever makes you happy.
  14. =Enigma= replied to Arne's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    The wife would have yer head...
  15. Was the problem that he didn't post any pics, or did you miss the fact that he said he was the second owner?
  16. Craig, love the gnose, the front fender treatment and you gotta love the name. If it were me, I think I'd throw another "o" in there for safe measure. I'm sure you've never heard that before. :rolleyes"
  17. Traded 2 Zs for a Fiero?!!!!!! You should have just bough the seats and stuck them in your Z. Hind sight is always 20-20. Welcome to the forum and good luck on your project. You'll find lots of great info here.
  18. =Enigma= replied to trisha's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    Alright then, let's see some pics!!
  19. Welcome to the forum. It looks like mine busted off at some point, and the PO bolted it back in. He didn't do a very good job of it either.
  20. Why not just buy a complete kit and be done with it? http://www.courtesyparts.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=CP&Product_Code=240Z-AC
  21. Somebody's been smoking crack again....... :knockedou
  22. =Enigma= replied to justin260z's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I remember being stung by the Z bug for the first time when I was just 12 yrs old. Since it was way too early for me to have a car myself, I simply forgot about teh buzz it gave me. By the time I was 16, I was on my own and couldn't afford a car I had to tinker with to get going or keep on the road, and I just didn;t see that many around. Finally, just over a year ago at age 39, I decided that I had waited long enough, and having totaled my crotch rocket, I decided it was time for something safer, and something that I could spend time on as a hobby.
  23. =Enigma= replied to hls30.com's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Will, I just purchased a set of 5 microfiches date June 74, however, I am still trying to locate a place where I can digitize them and save them directly to PDF or TIFF format, rather than print and then scan them. Apparently the machines to do this are very expensive, and so far I have yet to find a location that has one I can use or rent. The fiches cover the following: Datsun 240Z, 260Z & 280Z 1/5 - Introduction - B1, Engine L24, L26 up to Nov. '74 - D1 2/5 - Engine L28E, from Dec '74 - B1, Electrical - F1 3/5 - Power Train - B1, Brake - J1, Axle - H1, Steering - L1 4/5 - Body HLS30 (up to July '73) - B1, Body RLS30, HLS30 (from Aug '73) - H1 5/5 - Body GRLS30, GHLS30 (from Oct. '73) - B1, Alpha Part & Name Index - J1, Part Nunmber Index - K1, Misc - H1 I know that some of this is already provided in the current Club CD, however these appear to be in excellent condition, so if any of them scan better than the pages in the current CD, I would be happy to contribute them. The current CD scans are better then most, but there are still a few that are hard or impossible to read part numbers from.
  24. It should be noted that www.blackdragonauto.com sells early MCs, but also carries both MCs and a rebuild kits for 72' and on for those who have clean bores. The kit is cheap ($9.95) and comes with new primary and secondary pistons, springs and cups. I just rebuilt mine but have yet to test it and won't be able to do so until I get the beast back on the road. Here: http://www.blackdragonauto.com/icatalog/z/0103.asp
  25. =Enigma= replied to zwhore's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    You know you're a zwhore when........ OMG man, when is it going to stop? Your yard must be looking like a white trash drive-in.

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