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Everything posted by =Enigma=

  1. Are you sure it is actually these bushings that are causing the squeaking? Did you replace any others with poly?
  2. Who cares, it was a funny 5 minutes of entertainment, real or not.
  3. Welcome to the forum Carol. Sorry to hear about your recent loss. The guys have already given some good advise, however there is lots more to be had here. Here's a link which explains the common rust areas to watch out for. It's based on a 240Z but is applicable to the 280Z since they share the same general body shell design which didn't change significantly until the intro of the 280ZX in 1979. Good luck with your restoration. http://zhome.com/Classic/CommonZRust/RustPrevention240Z.htm
  4. Welcome and happy hunting!
  5. =Enigma= replied to 2377kN's post in a topic in Introductions
    Welcome to the club Mike.I look forward to your story and some pics.
  6. =Enigma= replied to mmagnus's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    That looks great Jeff. Thanks for the images. You have given me some ideas on a mount for my own rig.
  7. =Enigma= replied to bloxman's post in a topic in Electrical
    Yes it was, but at the moment, my local JY has only 73, 74 & 81, & 84-89 Zs so no luck there, unless it can be obtained from one of those. On a seperate note, is it really necessary to replace the ammeter with a voltmeter when swapping in a later internally regulated alternator. We have guys doing this all the time using using only a resistor in line and I have yet to hear of any issues with the older ammeters.
  8. =Enigma= replied to mmagnus's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Good point as far as raising the weight, however what you'd really be doing is putting it back to where it was in the first place. No gain, no loss. That said, I didn't consider the type/shape of the stock mounting bracket so I guess this wouldn't work anyway.
  9. =Enigma= replied to bloxman's post in a topic in Electrical
    Sounds like the quickest path would be to find out what year cars they are, what it looks like, and have someone locate one for you here in the States, and have it shipped to you.
  10. =Enigma= replied to mmagnus's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Optima offers height adapters where needed. I thought I was going to need one for installation of a Red Top in my 4runner, but I ended up not needing it. I was planning on using it in the Z if needed. If I have time later this week I'll, pull the batter from the 4runner and see if it fits in the Z using the Optima height adapter. Optima height adapter http://www.optimabatteries.com/publish/optima/europe/en/config/technology/hold_down_and_height.html
  11. =Enigma= replied to alissa280z's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I recently had to deal with this whie pulling a motor from a car in a junkyard. I had no choice but to vent it to the atmosphere. I said three hail Mary's and donated some money to the homeless as pennance. If you can do it properly for a reasonable sum, free would be nice, I'd say go that route. I wish that had been an option for me.
  12. =Enigma= replied to Mat Big Hat's post in a topic in Interior
    No way to answer that without some pics. Do the spokes have holes in them just depressions? BTW, all 240Zs came with walnut steering wheels stock, perhaps even the 260-280Zs. Dunno the latter.
  13. Simply put that sweet sound is music to the ears. I can only wish that my car sounds half that healthy one day.
  14. =Enigma= replied to RB30-ZED's post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    Wow, that's just bizarre! Steve was a very entertaining and informative individual. He will definitely be missed. Not just for his performances, but also for contribution to the furtherment of wildlife preservation and advocacy.
  15. =Enigma= replied to Ed's post in a topic in Suspension & Steering
    True. Thanks for validating exactly what I said.
  16. =Enigma= replied to mbrady's post in a topic in Introductions
    Welcome to the board Mike. I just found 260Z in my local JY. Let me know if you need any odds and ends. I may be going back there this coming week.
  17. =Enigma= replied to Ed's post in a topic in Suspension & Steering
    A better measurement for comparisons would be the center of each wheel hub to the top of the wheel arches. This would eliminate differences in wheel and tire sizes and provide an accurate measurement of difference between one spring set and another. Of course that's a bit different thatn ride hight which is what you were really loking for anyway wasn't it?
  18. =Enigma= replied to cremmenga's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    You really need to utilize the search feature more... http://zhome.com/ZCMnL/tech/GearRatios.html http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Garage/6212/diffswap/diffswap.htm http://www.geocities.com/z_design_studio/transmission.html http://www.geocities.com/zgarage2001/z.html
  19. The worst thing about this site is that I can't stay away from it and waste countless hours reading posts when I should have spent them working on my car instead. Seriously though, the search feature sucks big time. I now use google to search the forums when I'm having trouble finding what I'm looking for.
  20. =Enigma= replied to mikemeade's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    There may be some people interested in it for it's historical value, however I don't believe you will find many interested in buying them for use on their vehicles. (1) They are ugly, (2) you must cut a hole in your hood, (3) They were a patch fix(bandaid) for a problem that Datsun/Nissan was desperately trying to fix. Note that this is based one one person's opinion and the the community as a whole. I'll let the opthers speak for themselves.
  21. You are correct SavannahZ. The rest of the world got the 260 for a number of years. As you seem to be aware, it was only availaalbe here for a single year. Do a search, there are several threads that mention this. It's a big world out there.
  22. =Enigma= replied to MarcTheNarc's post in a topic in Introductions
    Isn't cold air dry air? Could this have something to do with it?
  23. =Enigma= replied to zack_280's post in a topic in Electrical
    Ok, that's scary. Somebody help this guys out.
  24. =Enigma= replied to MarcTheNarc's post in a topic in Introductions
    Nice find and nice handle. Does that reflect your profession or did you choose it because it rhymes and it's all you could come up with?

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